Chapter 24 - Part 1
Once I managed to make my decision, I felt a calmness settle over me. I still needed to work out how I was going to get away without Cade or anyone else noticing. That part of my plan might prove to be the most difficult. I took a deep breath and expelled it. I had to go downstairs and pretend everything was fine.
Cade and Blake were in the formal lounge with Gary, talking to one another when I found them.
"Are you okay?" Cade asked with concern as he noticed me in the doorway. I hesitated for a moment before I smiled at him. I needed to put my acting skills to the test.
"I'm fine," I assured him calmly. I felt bad for deceiving him.
I walked to him and he scanned my features as if he didn't quite believe me while I sat down in the empty seat beside him. I tried to look relaxed.
Gary watched me closely, but I refused to meet his eyes. He obviously knew there was something very wrong, but I couldn't tell him anything. He would try to stop me.
Jake appeared in the doorway. He looked nervously at Cade.
"I'll be back in a moment," Cade murmured as he left the room to see what Jake wanted.
"I need to go and do some stuff," Gary announced moments later as he stood up.
He bent down to give me a brief kiss on the cheek before he left me alone with Blake.
"Today must have been a shocker for you," Blake said. It was still sometimes hard to believe that Blake was an alpha like Cade. Where Cade was a force to be reckoned with, Blake seemed like a warm teddy bear. But I had no doubt that if he needed to be he could be as ruthless as Cade was.
"Yeah, it was," I replied. It was hard to believe that I'd shifted for the first time today. I'd discovered I wasn't alone in the world and I had two family members. I found out the truth about what happened to my parents. To say it had been a hectic day would be an understatement.
I'd never had the opportunity to talk to Blake alone, so I took full advantage of it.
"I know this is none of my business," I began. I don't know what possessed me to broach the subject with him but I just couldn't stop myself. Maybe it was curiosity. Perhaps it was the fact that I knew a long life wasn't guaranteed for any of us that made me want to ask him about this specific subject.
"Like that would stop you," he shot back with a grin. He knew me well and I couldn't help but smile back at him.
"True," I confirmed with a slight nod.
"What do you want to ask me?" he asked, looking a little curious.
"What's up with you and Keri?" I asked, watching his features. Initially he looked surprised—he must not have been expecting me to ask him about her—and then he masked his features. I knew my friend had a thing for him.
He watched me silently for a few moments as he contemplated my question.
"It can't be anything," was the only response I got. I felt a weird burning feeling in my chest, I felt hurt. It was weird.
"I know that," I replied, remembering what Cade had told me. The weird feeling in my chest eased. "It's just I've seen the way the two of you look at each other. You'd have to be blind not to be able to see there is something between the two of you."
He sighed.
"If I get involved with her and then I find my mate, all I'll end up doing is hurting her. I can't do that."
I felt sad for him but I understood. I wouldn't be able to fight how I felt about Cade and when Blake found his mate he wouldn't be able to either. Keri would get hurt.
"It is what it is."
Another silence settled over us as I began to think about getting away. I made sure I kept my thoughts blocked off from Cade.
"You look like you've got a lot on your mind," commented Blake.
"I'm okay. It was just a lot to take in today," I lied.
Cade would go crazy when he discovered I was gone and I didn't want him doing something stupid. Blake would need to make sure he didn't do anything to put himself at risk.
"Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll keep your friend safe," I said to Blake. "Cade won't allow me to fight with him so I need to know that when I'm not there you will keep him safe for me."
I added the last part so he wouldn't suspect what I was up to. Blake frowned at me for a moment.
"Of course I will. I'd do the same for you."
His words made my eyes sting with tears. I smiled to try and cover up the emotion I was feeling.
"Thanks," I replied, unsure of what to say to something like that.
At that moment Cade returned. He strode into the lounge to the seat beside me, and he shared a brief look with Blake before he looked to me. He smiled at me but the smile never reached his eyes. There was definitely something going on.
"Is everything okay?" I asked. I knew there was something going on and that he was trying to hide it from me.
Was he keeping it from me so that I wouldn't worry?
"Everything is fine," he assured me.
"I'd better get back," Blake said as he stood up.
I stood up and walked with Cade to see him out.
After we said goodbye to Blake, Cade and I walked silently to our room.
"Is everything okay?" I tried asking.
"Everything is fine, Scar," he said as he gave me a brief kiss to the mouth.
I didn't believe a word he said. I knew he was lying to me. There was something going on and he wasn't going to tell me.
There was an unexpected knock at our bedroom door while I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I couldn't hear anything because Cade was probably using the mind-link to communicate with whoever it was that had knocked.
By the time I finished, Cade was lying in the bed, his chest naked while he wore a pair of sweats. Even with everything going on around us I couldn't stop my hormones from kicking in at the half-naked sight of him.
"Who was that?" I asked as I climbed into the bed. He pulled me into his arms as he covered me with the blanket.
"It was Jake. I needed him to do some stuff for me and he was just reporting back," he replied as I settled into his arms. I closed my eyes for a moment and enjoyed the feel of his arms around me. I couldn't think about everything I was going to lose; I had to enjoy every second of what I still had until I could put my plan into action.
"I love you," Cade whispered as he pressed a kiss against my forehead. Shock filled me as I looked up to Cade. He'd never said those three little words to me before.
"I love you too." I did, there was no disputing it. I was going to sacrifice my life to keep him safe.
"You are everything I ever wanted," he murmured as he hugged me to his chest. I closed my eyes and reveled in the moment. Even if it was all I had, it was worth it.
I felt a painful prick in my back. My eyes flew open at the sudden pain.
"I'm sorry," was all he whispered. I tried to move but my limbs felt so heavy and my eyelids began to flutter closed.
I was still confused and shocked as I drifted into the darkness.
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