Chapter 2 - Part 2
I didn't have a lot of experience with guys. My straight black hair reached my shoulders and my eyes were a silver-gray color that darkened when I was angry. With all the working out I did, I was slender, and I wasn't really tall or short.
I'd had plenty of guys try asking me out, but my life had been too busy with training and taking over my responsibilities of my inheritance to do the usual teenage dating thing.
I wanted to have the type of love my parents had shared. I remembered the way my parents used to look at each other. One day I wanted to find someone to look at me that way.
In the meantime, I was going to finish school and then decide what I was going to do with the rest of my life.
I closed my locker and opened my schedule to see what and where my first class was.
As I tried to hunt down my first class for the day, I noticed the unusual looks I was getting from the other students as I walked down the hallway.
Being the new girl, I expected some curious looks, but the students who glanced in my direction looked at me with a watchfulness I'd never encountered before.
It was almost like they were wary of me. I shook my head. Perhaps I was imagining it. It didn't make sense—why would they be wary of me?
I ignored their watchful gazes and held my head high. I walked confidently into my first class of the day, taking a seat nearest to the window.
Students began filtering into the class as I flipped through my textbook. When my eyes drifted to the doorway of the classroom, I saw two male students watching me closely just a couple of feet from the door.
I didn't know what it was about this school, but most of the guys were gorgeous and well-built. Maybe there was something in the water.
The one with short blond hair crossed his arms over his chest as he watched me with open hostility. I was not one to be intimidated, so I glared back at him.
My response must have been unexpected because instantly the hostility vanished and he smiled at me. The guy next to him with the dark auburn hair let his eyes glance between the two of us before his eyes settled back on me. There wasn't any animosity in his eyes; he acted more curious than anything else.
My attention was pulled away from them when the teacher walked into the classroom and began the lesson. Thankfully the teacher wasn't interested in making me stand up and make a little speech about myself to the class. I was relieved.
I ignored the eyes that I could feel watching me and paid attention to the teacher. I was here to learn and pass my senior year. I wasn't here to worry about why most of the school population was watching me like I was going to try and attack them at any moment.
In my next class, Blake walked in to the room and when he spotted me he smiled and shook his head.
I narrowed my eyes at him as he walked over to the empty desk beside me and dropped down into the seat.
Was there no escaping this guy? He seemed to be everywhere and it was starting to annoy me.
"Miss me?" he asked with a smirk.
"I can't miss you if you won't go away," I retorted and he laughed.
"Cade is going to love you," he murmured to himself with a grin and I rolled my eyes at him. I had no idea who he was talking about and I didn't care.
"What pack did you belong to?" he asked under his breath.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied, slowly but surely losing my patience with him.
He studied me for a moment, looking a little shocked as he leaned forward in his seat.
"You really have no idea, do you?" he asked softly.
"Did you forget to take your medication today?" I asked, studying him with faked concern and he laughed.
"I can't wait for Cade to meet you," he murmured to himself, clearly enjoying his private joke. He made absolutely no sense to me.
I made a point of turning slightly away from him, signaling to him I was done with the conversation.
For the rest of the lesson, Blake watched me quietly but didn't talk to me again. Even after the lesson ended and I stuffed my books into my bag and walked out of the class, he remained seated, watching me with a grin.
I had to force myself to leave before I turned around and wiped that grin from his face with my fist. He was so annoying and the majority of what he'd said didn't make a lot of sense.
At my locker, I leaned my head against the cool surface and took a deep breath to get my temper under control.
Between the strange looks, weird smells and Blake's odd conversation, I was so confused. There wasn't much that was making sense at the moment.
I took another deep breath before I straightened up as I felt my anger begin to subside. I opened my locker and took a book out before I closed it with a bang.
After another pep talk with myself, I made my way to my next class. I could do this.
By lunchtime I still had no answers to all the strange things I was noticing. I got myself some lunch and made my way to an open table in the middle of the cafeteria.
The strange smells that I'd smelled from the time I'd walked through the school entrance this morning hit me full force as I sat down at the table.
The distinct forest, woodsy smell came from the group that Blake sat with and the fresh-rain smell came from another group sitting on the other side of me. How was that possible that all the people in the specific group all smelled the same?
That was odd.
As my eyes connected with Blake, he smiled and waved at me. I ignored him and began to eat my sandwich.
I wondered how long it would take to get a restraining order against Blake? All it would take would be a phone call to one of my lawyers. I was really tempted.
"Can I join you?" a soft-spoken voice asked. I looked up to see a pretty girl with long blond hair that nearly reached her waist and wide, expressive blue eyes flashing me a friendly smile. She was dressed in a denim miniskirt and a white button-up shirt.
"Sure," I said and she sat down opposite me, sliding her tray onto the table.
"My name's Keri," she told me before beginning to eat.
"I'm Scarlett," I replied, and then took a sip of my diet soda.
Surprisingly, I liked Keri. There was something about her that just clicked with me.
"It sucks being the new girl, doesn't it?" she said as she opened her soda.
"Yeah, it does."
"I was in your shoes not so long ago," she told me. "I started a couple of months before last year ended."
We had something in common to bond over and I liked her even more.
"This school is a little strange. Most of the students seem to be divided up into two groups. Blake Stevens is head of the one group and Cade Presley seems to be in charge of the other group," she said as she inclined her head to the two different groups on either side of us. "They don't really mix and they're not really friendly to students outside their groups."
She'd just summed up the strange things I'd noticed so far.
"I met Blake," I revealed, to which she raised her eyebrows at me.
"He spoke to you?" she asked, sounding surprised.
"Yes, he showed me where my locker was this morning," I answered with a shrug. I didn't know what the big deal was.
"Wow, he never speaks to anyone outside of his group."
"You're not missing anything. He's just annoying and he really didn't make much sense." I was still toying with the idea of getting a restraining order.
By the end of lunch, I decided I liked Keri. She was very direct and straight to the point—no beating around the bush. It was like whatever popped up in her mind came straight out her mouth. Most people would be offended by it, but I thought it was charming.
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