Chapter 5
Bucky could feel her body heat as she moved closer to him. She was standing so close and he realized that she trusted him. Above anyone here, she trusted him. They had a shared background after all. He was already warmer than a regular person, but hated the cold from being in snow so much as the Asset. She wasn't as warm as he was, but she seemed to run warmer than the others. Especially warmer than Loki, but then everyone was warmer than Loki.
He shook those thoughts away and put on his best tour-guide voice. "Welcome to the Avenger's Tower," he said warmly as he started to lead her around. "The top floor is off limits unless invited by Tony Stark, the man in red and gold armor, or his lovely wife, Pepper." He held doors open for her as they walked and explained the layout of the tower to her. She couldn't help smiling warmly at his courtesy.
And he claimed he was tough and ugly.
She thought he was chivalrous and kind.
She relaxed once she had the layout of their home, enjoying the tour and time spent with the soldier. She smirked at him when they were outside of her room. "I know you're supposed to be babysitting. But surely I'm allowed to get a hot shower on my own," her tone was teasing, but she wrinkled her nose. Wolves had sensitive noses, sensitive senses in general and she didn't like what she was smelling. Bucky thought it was adorable, as was everything about her. "I still smell like Hydra..." She whined.
Bucky supposed it was alright. She couldn't get into too much trouble in the time it took to get a shower. He finally nodded and handed over her key. "Here's the key to your room," she looked so amazed that she had a key; she wasn't locked in or caged. She had her own space and it was hers. "The clothes might run big, sorry. They're from the emergency stores of clothes," she nodded her understanding. She wasn't picky as long as she was covered and clean. "I'll be in my room," he gestured to the door across the hall. "Knock when you're out and dressed, so I know you're not passed out from the concussion." His tone was light and teasing, but he meant his words. He did worry about her and she was under his medical watch.
"Don't worry so much, wolves heal fast," she reassured him. Before he could grumble, she added "but I'll come find you when I'm clean and dressed," she promised and gave him a bright smile before she ducked into her room. He wanted nothing more than to see more of that smile.
And kiss her.
That would make her smile more. Right?
Shit, where had that thought come from?
Gwen took forever in the hot shower. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had one. Showers were for nothing more than getting clean in Hydra, with luke warm water at best. So she enjoyed every single moment of her too hot showers.
She dressed in the clothes that had been left out for her. They were from the emergency supplies, but "emergency clothes" had a slightly different meaning with the god of mischief was about and helping his friend. Instead of the traditional sweats, she had a pair of perfectly tailored skintight jeans, a soft black shirt that was equally perfectly tailored and showed off what curves she had. And a zippered hoodie. Which had been stolen by Loki from Bucky's closet. It was way too big on her and beyond adorable. She made her way across the hall on bare feet and knocked softly on Bucky's door
Bucky hurried over to the door to let her in. He took in her appearance, immediately recognizing the hoodie. He also noticed how perfectly tailored the clothes were and knew they hadn't come from the emergency supplies. He instantly suspected Loki. It was a safe assumption when strange things happened around the tower. "I don't remember donating that, but oh well..." he commented absently, his eyes on his hoodie which she was wearing. "How are you feeling?" he asked her gently.
She looked surprised, also noting that one of the sleeves of his t-shirt was missing. It looked like he had showered and had just gotten dressed when she knocked. "Oh, it's yours?" She asked and started to shrug it off to give it back to him.
That just drew attention to her tight, perfectly tailored clothes. They hugged her form, her tiny waist, her hips, the curve of her breasts.
She was going to be the death of him.
And his libido.
None of the other rescues had affected him like this.
He gulped, then stopped her. "No, it's fine. I donate clothes every season," he reassured her with a bright smile.
She nodded and snuggled back into the oversized hoodie. "And apparently rip the arm off your shirts?" She teased with a raised eyebrow. Somehow one of the sleeves of his shirt had been ripped off. It didn't look like it was on purpose.
Bucky sighed and rolled his eyes. "That was an accident. The shirt sleeve was too tight and it caught on the metal of my arm. But it's not the first time..." he grumbled. It happened more often than he liked to admit.
She giggled. God, she was so adorable. "If whoever bought your shirts didn't get them the absolute smallest possible size to show off all your muscles..." she teased, appreciating whoever had made that decision. That was an excellent decision on their part.
He sighed. He and Steve were about the same size and build, so Steve bought some shirts for him, knowing Bucky wasn't fond of clothes shopping. "Steve, he must've bought this one. I told him add another size or two. He doesn't listen." He whined.
She smirked and decided to try a bit more teasing, a hint of flirting, just to see how he'd take it. "Remind me to thank him," she said appreciatively. Really, it was a nice view. A very nice view.
He was flustered and blushed red. "Umm, sure..." he hesitated, unsure what to do with this amazing woman flirting with him. "So you're free to do anything that is inside the compound except swimming. At least for 48 hours. What would you like to do?" he asked, trying to change the subject.
She giggled at his being flustered and pondered answering 'you' for an instant, but decided that was too mean. "Well, I can't swim anyway, so that's not going to be a problem," she shrugged. "What's fun to do around here?" Fun was a foreign concept. She hadn't had fun since she was a puppy.
He thought a moment. "We can watch movies, oh I forgot about the game room! It's also in the basement, it's on the same level as the pool. So if we're loud, it's muffled." He meant about cheering and gaming. Belatedly, he realized how it could have sounded and blushed.
She grinned and wished she'd answered 'you' after all. He was adorable when he was flustered. "Let's check out the game room. We can always watch a movie after," and then he'd learn the horrible terrible secret that the wolves were incorrigible cuddlers.
Hopefully he wouldn't mind.
He nodded and lead the way to the elevator. "There's air hockey, bowling, the pool table, and some other things." He told her as they headed down to the game room. Upon their arrival, he let her walk ahead of him. He was trying to not stare at her slim figure. His hoodie almost went to her knees, but he would still make out all of her curves. And her tail swished, drawing his attention to her ass.
He was so screwed.
He wanted to pet her tail. It looked so soft and he wanted to know if it was as soft as it looked. He kept having to remind himself that that would be improper.
They spent a couple hours playing games in the game room. It was fun to just laugh and play and relax. However, Gwen was still recovering from Hydra and it became clear after a couple hours that she needed a quieter activity than chucking bowling balls down the lane. And a movie would trick her into resting. So Bucky led her up to Tony's floor. There was a private theater room there and Tony allowed them access, especially to spoil the rescues.
She went with him easily, trusting him enough not to be concerned about where he was taking her. Though she did not what floor he pushed in the elevator. "Didn't you say we aren't allowed on Tony's floor?" her voice was concerned.
He smirked. "Not a rule breaker?" he teased. He was intending on joking with her.
"Breaking rules has not gone historically well," she replied in a soft haunted voice. Hydra had had her since she was a child. Rule breaking was swiftly and painfully dealt with. Bucky couldn't believe he was stupid enough to tease her about something that would haunt her so.
"I'm sorry, just joking with you. Tony lets us in one room," he explained quickly. She nodded and perked up, looking interested in what room Tony would allow people into.
Bucky led her to the private theater and watched her amazement at it with a fond smile. She was so innocent in her enjoyment and the movie hadn't even started. "What kind of films do you like?"
He sat on the couch. She shrugged and curled up on the couch next to him, not quite touching him. Not quite. "I haven't seen a movie since I was a puppy," she admitted
"I like cartoons, so would something like that be alright?" he asked, figuring cartoon movies were a safe bet for a rescue-y.
She nodded. "Sounds good" she agreed easily. She curled her tail into her lap to cuddle and the fluffy tip brushed his hand. It was softer than it even looked and he wanted to pet it.
"Are you cold?" he asked before he got too distracted by her tail. He pulled a blanket from the drawer underneath their seats.
She nodded and took the blanket from him with a smile. "Thanks!" she told him brightly as she draped it over both of their legs. Though not what he intended her to do with the blanket. The omega had a protective streak too, just in a different way. He would learn about it soon enough.
"If we shift positions a little, you can use me for extra warmth." He suggested, moving so he could cuddle her in his arms. She was surprised he would suggest it, but agreed readily. She trusted him already and gladly snuggled into his arms when he switched position, laying her head on his chest with a contented relaxed sigh. And her relaxation and peace spread over him as well
He pulled the blanket tightly and tucked her in as he played an older Disney movie.
She smiled at how caring he was, feeling safe in his arms. And happy for the first time she could remember. She made it through the first movie and a half before exhaustion and healing caught up with her. Her weight settled more firmly onto her heated Bucky-shaped pillow as she dozed off safe in his arms
He felt her breathing change. He looked down to see her asleep. He had expected her to be tired since she didn't sleep long in the medical bay. He let her rest undisturbed.
He just wanted to protect her and keep her safe and happy.
And she was adorable and safely cuddled in his arms.
It was a perfect moment and he couldn't remember feeling that happy in a long, long time.
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