Chapter 18
Bucky walked Gwen up to her room that afternoon with plenty of time for them both to shower and get ready for the gala. He kissed her outside of her bedroom and went into his own to shower and get dressed. Gwen took a long time to get ready for the gala. It was her first time getting so dressed up and Lady Loki actually came by to help her with her hair and makeup, for which she was forever grateful.
During Bucky's shower, he still thought of her, his useless stupid brain not being able to get her off of his mind. Which led to him cumming from images and memories of the morning prior.
He was looking forward to this gala, to seeing her in a lovely dress. Which had never happened to him since Hydra. He usually hated Tony's parties.
Steve came to bother Bucky, opening his door without bothering to knock. He never bothered, just assuming he was always welcome, and he was generally right, though Bucky would have to warn him to be careful if things continued with Gwen. "Buck, you're coming to Tony's gala, right? Nat said you were..." that didn't mean Bucky hadn't changed his mind since. Steve hoped he was coming. He grinned when he saw that Bucky had shaved and was now fighting with his bow tie. Steve chuckled. "That answers my question. Need a hand?"
Bucky looked at Steve with a desperate pleading in his eyes.. "Yes, please! My first official date with Gwen and I'm so nervous," he admitted because it was Steve and Steve knew him better than anyone. Back in the day, Bucky wouldn't have been nervous for a date, but a lot had changed thanks to Hydra.
Steve chuckled and tied Bucky's tie for him. He'd had to learn to get good at tying ties since he came out of the ice. Besides from the military of course. "Don't be nervous, she loves you already. The reason I came to talk to you is that there will be press there and we're not telling her to hide what she is," Steve warned. Bucky was completely comfortable with her uniqueness and didn't mind her ears or tail, though he wondered how the public would take it. Probably just think she was a mutant, as they did Wanda. He would hope for positive thoughts, and hoped they wouldn't scare her or be rude. They would probably think her a mutant, but the team wanted the public to know she was there and part of the team.
"Stick close to her side in case anyone tries anything," Steve told him, leaving the werewolf to Bucky's care.
Bucky scoffed, "I usually do. Tonight my attention is on her. That's why I did this." Pointing at his face and indicating his stupid dressy outfit.
Steve nodded. "I figured, but I thought you could use the warning that the press will be there and we are announcing her as part of the team," Bucky was ecstatic about the dance and could care less about the press. He couldn't wait to see this mysterious dress she was wearing... and maybe those red lace panties.
Steve chuckled. "You've got it bad, Buck" he teased his friend when he realized that Bucky really didn't care about anything he was saying.
Bucky had been daydreaming about his werewolf and gave Steve a sheepish look. "Yeah, I do. I told her this morning, before the mission, that I'm in love with her." Bucky was ecstatic, but a bit afraid that Steve wouldn't understand or wouldn't approve.
Steve gave him a warm smile, instead. "I'm glad for you"
"Maybe you and Sharon?"
Steve shrugged. "Maybe someday." He wasn't in a rush to get into a relationship. He just wasn't in that space yet.
"You're a great man, no matter who who choose, I'm happy for you. I want to see you happy too."
Steve smiled at his friend. "I'm glad you found someone Buck, you deserve the happiness and I've seen how happy you've been with her," Bucky blushed. "I'm that obvious... thanks for not teasing me about it."
Steve laughed. "You're that obvious" he teased. He had long since finished with Bucky's tie. "I should finish getting ready. Just came by to warn you about the press," Bucky nodded. "Thanks for that. I'm just hoping she's not scared off by them." He didn't care about them himself, he was worried about Gwen.
Steve laughed. "I doubt she'll have eyes for anything but you," he reassured Bucky before he left to finish getting ready himself.
Bucky waited until he was sure he had given Gwen plenty of time to get ready before he walked out to the hall. He went across the hall and knocked on her door, hoping his nerves wouldn't show.
The door opened and Gwen stood there in a gorgeous floor length red dress. It was elegant, but still clung to her curves. Her hair was done in an updo, leaving her neck exposed. And her makeup was done subtly, but beautifully. She broke into a bright smile at his appearance. "You look so handsome" she told him, meaning every word as men in formalwear were gorgeous.
A light blush overcame his cheeks. "You're stunning. Did you choose that color because of me?"
It was her turn to blush a little. "Nat said you'd like the dress," she said a bit shyly. She'd hoped he liked it.
He didn't like it.
He loved it.
Red was his favorite color. And the low neckline, he could see most of her, just high enough to hide her rosy nipples. Clearly she wasn't wearing a bra. She was small enough that she usually didn't. Her ears were perked and adorable and the dress had been altered to accommodate her lovely tail.
She was adorable, gorgeous, and sexy all at the same time and was busy admiring how handsome he was in the tux Nat had chosen for him. "Your goddess friend was useful for once," she added with a smirk. Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Lady Loki kindly did my hair," she explained.
Bucky nodded and made a mental note to thank Loki and try not to be jealous of him. Hopefully Loki hadn't seen more of his Gwen than was appropriate. He didn't want to have to kill the god. Loki was one of his few friends. Even if he was a little shit most of the time.
"Shall we?" Gwen asked, taking a step closer to Bucky, a step out of her room.
He offered his metal arm, which was sleeved. "My lady." He had some manners after all.
She smiled and placed her hand on his arm. She looked so excited and adorable. Bucky leaned down to kiss her forehead, then her lips. She returned his soft, gentle kiss before they began walking. She walked beside him gladly, chatting about the characters in the show the pair had been watching and what she thought was going to happen next. It was a nice easy conversation to soothe both of their nerves.
The gala was in a building on the property, but not attached to the tower. He led her across a walkway and paused at the amount of press. She stopped and stared at the wall of press, shocked and scared by how many there were. Steve had mentioned there'd be a few, but this was way more than a few. Bucky tugged her gently, taking her to a side door that was protected from all of the press. She gladly let Bucky lead her to the side door, grateful the press hadn't found it, or been able to get to it, sensitive to her unease. "Loki cloaks these side doors, so only we can see and find them," he explained to her as he led her inside.
She nodded, accepting the explanation with gratitude. "He's useful to have around, even if he can be a bit of an asshole," granted, Loki was usually nice to her, but he'd defenestrated Tony again just that morning.
Bucky winced, between shock of her cussing and her attitude toward his friend. "Never heard you cuss, little one."
She laughed. "It does happen on occasion. Though not around Steve he gets grumpy."
"Which honestly, Steve is a hypocrite. I love my brother in arms, but he used to cuss too. A lot. Until he was made a military mascot."
She giggled. "I figured. By the end of World War Two, the word 'fuck' in the army simply meant 'hey guys a noun is coming' people seem to forget random useless history facts like that," she replied. Bucky laughed, he liked her using cuss words. It made her seem more attainable. Not as perfect, and yet even more amazing. "And you have to admit, useful as Loki is, he can be a little shit when he feels like it. Though he's nice to me" she added before Loki got killed by her comments
Bucky bit back another laugh. "He gets thrilled by the attention. Even bad attention. Poor guy had it rough before us,"
Gwen nodded, understanding that sentiment. "That makes sense,"
They entered the venue and Gwen stopped in shock and awe of the beautiful place with all of its lights and decorations. The lights and her rapt attention made her even more beautiful than she already was and her excitement was a nearly tangible thing in the hair that wasn't good for Bucky's libido. He was tempted to sneak her into a bathroom and take her, but he knew she'd probably never approve of such an idea. He was surprised at the idea too.
Poor Bucky getting such inappropriate thoughts. It didn't help that the way the dress was designed there was no way she was hiding a bra under it, so all she had on underneath were those tantalizing red panties. At least, he imagined she was wearing those tantalizing red panties. How he wanted to get behind her, press his body to her. Lift that dress, slide those panties over, and slide into home. He wanted to pull and pet her sensitive tail while rutting in her until she came. Then cum inside of her.
He shook his head, thinking those kinds of thoughts was dangerous.
He had to behave.
Thinking that was very dangerous, especially when he considered that she was a werewolf. She sniffed the air delicately when something seemed to have changed about him. She smirked at him. "Interesting thoughts?" She teased, not offended. She was used to alpha types being... interested... in her.
"Maybe." He whispered to her ear, "I want to do naughty things to you in that dress, and out of it too." He kissed her furry ear.
A shiver went down her spine at the whispered words and his kiss to her furry ear. "Do you now?" Her voice was soft, but he could hear the huskiness of desire in her words.
Bucky let his metal arm wrap around her waist, moving slowly down her hip. "Fuck yes, my little wolf."
She purred softly, leaning back into him as he pulled her closer
"Dangerous to give in to me. It might hurt you. And I don't have any condoms with me."
She looked up at him confused "Hurt me?" She didn't think Bucky was even capable of that. "And I'm on the pill. The doctor found one that will work on me," she added. It hadn't come up yet or she would've told him sooner.
He groaned. God, she was tempting. Temptation on legs. Short but sexy legs.
"I'm not forgetting how sore you were last time."
"Oh" she had been forgetting that little detail. And didn't have any words to reassure him on that point.
Bucky noted that she was wearing heels and his mind traveled to how much closer she was to ease into, just with those heels. Bucky wanted to press her against a wall or over a counter. Fuck, she was going to be the death of him, especially when the image came into his mind of bending her over a counter, pulling her panties off, and not giving them back after he'd brought them both.
Bucky hoped an hour was enough mingling, though they were on a date. It was her first date, so he had to make sure it was a good one. "Let's say hello to the team?" he asked, they would be safe for her to be around.
She nodded. "Sounds like a plan" she agreed and the pair made their way into the main ballroom.
Steve made a quick announcement about the new team member and the press had a field day taking pictures of the werewolf. Bucky remembers how the bright lights bothered her eyes. "Everyone, the room is lit enough. No flash on photos."
Gwen gave Bucky a bright appreciative smile.
That look towards the Winter Soldier was definitely making the tabloids, especially with her on his arm. After about fifteen minutes of the press, and explaining that she wasn't able to turn anyone, without adding that she could in her full wolf form (they didn't want to scare the mortals after all), they were finally free to mingle and find food. They spent a few hours at the party and Bucky even started to teach her how to dance. She was lit up in joy and had such a fun evening. Bucky also made sure to stay close to her, keeping her safe from the press. None would approach him. He looked too scary.
Finally, the evening came to an end and Bucky led her back to the side door so they could have more fun back at the tower. He was dying to have her and it had been so difficult to wait all evening to see if she really was wearing those enticing red panties.
He was finally going to find out.
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