Chapter 11: Rhaspody
Clay pov
I had fallen.
Into the most serene rest I'd ever experienced, sedated by the warmth of the body curled into mine; I had fallen.
Even with the thunder crashing into the silence and the lightning disrupting the peace, I was calmed by the tickle of hair on my jaw and slackened hold of the boy I protected.
I knew that the storm couldn't hurt us, we were safe.
He was safe with me.
But he was also frightened of something I couldn't control. The storm couldn't hurt us, but for as long as he was scared, I would be there to bring him comfort.
It was only after I was sure he was okay that I allowed my eyelids to droop closed, and then it was as if my body had fallen deeper than possible into innescapeable subspace.
Even in space, I was disoriented; floating between colors that moved too quickly to comprehend.
I was calm, flying around, but as still as if I was floating in one place. I felt scared, but was overridden with curiosity in this colorful euphoria.
I didnt even know if I had a body to call my own, and yet I was a vessel of emotion. I could feel everything - calm and extatic, out of place and yet at home, happy but apprehensive.
Everything was foreign, but familiar.
Maybe I had been like this before.
I wanted nothing more than to hold onto this forever.
I didnt want this to end, this... what was this?
As the question reverberated around the endless space, as the doubt seeped into the clouds that held me, something broke.
The buzz that made me so weightless began so sink, to fizz out.
My time was running out. If I had hands, I knew they were grasping at the emptiness around me that moments prior had felt so full. I needed to hold onto this for as long as I could.
My eyes snapped open as a crash rang through the school, my arms instinctively moving to close around the boy that should have been sleeping in my hold.
But he wasnt there.
Panic filled my brain, and I disorientedly jumped to my feet.
Somehow, it was strange being in my body again after sleeping so soundly; i felt too heavy.
He was gone... George was missing.
My mind struggles to catch up with the situation, but my senses were hyperaware of everything.
George was gone... there was a loud crash... something got broken... where was George...?... the storm was worse...
Everything was registering in my mind, but my brain was having trouble processing thoughts as they rushed around, fighting for my attention.
Sounds faded into white noise as my fear screamed at me. How did I not wake up, why did I not stay awake.
What was the crash?
Was he hurt? Was he alive? Was my friend okay?
A small ping broke through the chaos, my face being illuminated by a warmer light than the annoyingly consistent lightning as my phone was turned on.
There, on the small beacon of hope, illuminating my face in relief, was a text from George.
Come save me. I need you
He was okay. I wasnt sure if he was hurt or not, but he was alive.
I could breathe again, a laugh leaving my chest in a rush of near repose.
I was back on my feet again - when had I sat down? - and I was rushing out of the teachers lounge.
I had no idea what direction I should have been going, but my shoes couldnt stop moving at their fast pace. My mind seemed to be united in the idea that I needed to find the brunette, even if my methods were aimless.
My heart was beating so fast, it felt unnatural and it felt heavy, like a responsibility.
I began running faster.
The storm was still raging outside. For the past few days, I had almost tuned out the noise, being so impervious to the ruckus that I hadnt even bothered to notice the circumstance that had brought me to George.
Empathy had torn open my senses, my mind repeating over and over at each rumble of thunder how scared my brunette must be.
I was sprinting down hallways and into classrooms, only allowing a few seconds in each place to search for George before I left to check another place.
I was listening out for anything, all sounds that would lead me back to my friend.
I ran faster.
Glass shone in the silver lining of electricity. Colors blurred together on the wall that was filled with windows.
And then I saw him, curled into a pile of grey sweats, his eyes wide and pleading.
In an instant, I was on the ground, pulling him towards me, pushing his head into my chest, blocking the trepidations of the sky from him.
I pressed my face to dark brown hair, screwing my eyes shut.
He was safe again.
We were safe again.
I run by hands through his hair, massaging his scalp in an almost therapeutic stupor.
I can feel my lips press into a covetous kiss, my longing and relief mixing together into a sick mixture, forcing me to act on impulses I know I'll question and regret later.
But I couldnt feel bad about what later times would hold right now. Not now. Not when George was holding onto me as though he needed me as much as I needed to hold again.
Not when I had George and he was my friend.
My friend.
Im back!
I know u guys like this story - surprise!!
A lot of u guys thought I had abandoned it, but nope! I literally just needed a hiatus of, like, 8 months, give or take.
On another note, I am really sorry I just sorta dissapeared, there's no excuse good enough for my unplanned disappearance and there's no reason i could give to you all right now. I am really sorry tho.
Im back to writing again, but updates may be slow. Bear with me, pls.
I missed you all so much, tho. Im happy to be back.
Much luvs to you all. Youre all so amazing.
Have a good day/night/evening/morning/afternoon/midmorning/evening/ whatever time it is for you! I just hope ur enjoying ur lives!
1045 words
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