Risty's pov
It has been nearly a week and Sam still isn't back yet. Like I expected. My cage is the only one left in this now dark quiet cell. Of course I have Xenia with me but I try hard not to make conversations with her as much as possible even though she still hasn't gave up on talking to me. That is so like Xenia, she won't stop until she gets what she's looking for. Typical women. When it comes to going to the Talon, well since everyone is gone, it's just Xenia and me. The room starts to look extremely empty and darker without wolves chatting here and there.
Whenever we go there I would always go off to one of the trees and sit there staring beside me at the spot Sam used to sit with me half expecting him to reappear there. Xenia would walk around the room never leaving her gaze from me. Alpo hasn't been visiting much too. He only comes to fill my bowls these days. In fact, he looked much older, more tired, sometimes I would see his face pale and his hands shaking. He doesn't wear his armor anymore too, he just carries his sword around. He went plump to skinny. His cheekbones show and he'd lean to the front slightly like an old man. I often wonder what has been going on. Once, I caught him staring at me while I ate and I dared ask him.
"Alpo? What's up? You ok? Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Oh nothing, and yeah I'm fine. Just a bit.......tired after getting eight wolves out of here. You won't believe how strong they are" he said with a sigh.
"I do believe, trust me I'm a wolf myself aren't I? I'm serious Alpo, tell me the truth"
There a long silence. Alpo avoided my gaze as he stared at the floor then he deeply sighed.
"I feel guilty Tina, that's your name right? It's what Sir Ziyui calls you"
"Yes.....it is" I had to force my anger back inside when I heard his name. Ok, Tina is NOT my name but hey some people just have to lie to get the truth out right? And I'm about hear some serious business here anyways so it's worth it.
"Why do you feel guilty? Tell me more Alpo, you can trust me"
"I can't tell you everything Tina but I can share a few of my problems with you. I don't like this job but this is the only thing I can do to earn money. I have a family Tina. I have a wife, children. I'm from the over world too. I'm sure you know that by now. I'm a prisoner here, like you. I have to stay here even when I want to go back. But now, I feel guilty about it. I left my family who meant everything to me to come here and get money."
"People always makes foolish mistakes in their life. They sometimes don't know that every choice they make will effect their future"
"Exactly, I knew I wouldn't be able to go back once I came but yet I still came. It hunts me to this day. It still does. But there's worse Tina. Ziyui has gone mad. Really mad"
"Oh yes, I would quite expect that from him. He always has been and always will be" I said rolling my eyes.
"He's gone mad with power. Ever since he became the ruler of Finite, he's been always wanting to conquer every village, town, city, country. Even the world, if that's possible"
"And there's something he's been desperately trying to find. The Alisyu Sword"
My body seemed to heat up when I heard that. But I don't know what the Alisyu sword is even!
"Tell me more"
"The Alisyu sword is a legend and no one knows where it is. I've often read it in books. It is said that the sword magically appears in the chosen one's hand at the right time."
"What can it do?"
Alpo looked around, came nearer to the cage and began whispering.
"It can do lots of things Tina, good and bad. It depends on the person who uses it. But if Ziyui gets it, it'll be destroyed for sure"
"He doesn't know where it is does he?"
"No, he's still searching for it"
"What does he need it for even?"
"That is something I'm about to tell you Tina, I shouldn't be doing this but your the only one who can stop him. He is your brother after all. Same blood"
"How did you know?"
"Oh I have my ways, now back to business. The Alisyu sword can kill shadow wolves. If Demotry has the sword then Ziyui will no longer win. Your wondering where all the other wolves are right? And you want to know where, what and why"
I nodded my head.
"Ok listen carefully, this is valuable information. Ziyui collects wolves for a reason. He only needed eight but when he found you, well he couldn't resist such a powerful wolf so he brought you here"
So that's the case.
"Luckily there was a spare cage, the one your in now. Ziyui is going to a war with the second most powerful village in the world, Demotry"
I knew he was. But the thought never really bothered me. Until now. I had a bad feeling about it.
"He's going to use you Tina, along with all the rest of the wolves. He turned the other eight wolves into unstoppable creatures. When they were here, they were normal controlled shadow wolves. Their blood thirsty beasts now"
E-even Sam? That's impossible! Nothing can change him!
"You'll join them soon Tina, he's studying a much powerful spell to control you because your not like the others. I can tell you that. You have a very special gift. I don't know what it is but I'm sure you have it in you"
I'll become a bloodthirsty creature..........
"You have to stop the war Tina, you'll be the leader, you'll be the one to lead all the other wolves. If you stop, then they stop too. The war starts on the day of the white moon. Remember everything I've told you ok Tina? And one last thing, never forget me" he smiled, looked over at Xenia, put a thumbs up to me and slowly left.
Well that was quite a long conversation. I learned a lot today. But somehow I felt happy, happy that there's something that can stop us when he are no longer controlled. Soon......I'll see Sam again.
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