(War) Escape
Hey guys, just wanted u to know that I changed my diary book name to 'Me Diary'. Just telling you, so anyways enjoy~ Oh and MANY MANY apologies for my late updates, sorry. :3
(Third person's view)
In a dark cave, which laid in the middle of the thick trees, where a beast once lived, there was a young women with dark black hair and honey eyes, chained(or roped) on a chair. Her mouth was covered with a piece of cloth and her hands were tied behind her.
She was helpless, nothing she could do. Except, to believe in her village and prey for them. That was the only thing she could do at the moment.
'This is ridiculous.' She thought. 'I should be fighting along side my comrades, not sitting here waiting for them to win'
She tugged at the ropes but they didn't budge. Ziyui's men had gone a good job tightening them.
Her wrists were becoming sore by the ropes rubbing against her skin. (Don't get dirty thoughts xD)
She didn't expect anyone to come rescue her seeing as the war is more important. But even then, she wanted someone to come and save her. 'Ziyui is smarter than he looks. No wonder he has high hopes for taking over the world.'
She definitely didn't expect Ziyui twisting his deal. 'Not bad bastard, not bad at all. But it doesn't mean it's good either'
A smile creeped up her face as she thought of how Ross must be taking over her village for her. 'I owe him one.'
She sighed deeply and continued staring at the moss covered cave walls.
Ross's pov
My legs were starting to ache at how long I was running. They wouldn't stop anyhow. Damm these woods, how deep is it even? It felt like they were on fire. But the thought of seeing Xenia's face again pushed me on.
The wind lashed against my face as I ran, my face becoming sticky and cold with sweat. The trees seem to get closer each time until there was only a small amount of path to run.
My legs stopped at a large clearing. It was already getting dark which made everything coated with dark shadows. A pitch black opening of aged stones and rocks loomed over me. Just looking at it sent shivers crawling through my spine.
Could Xenia be in there? It's looks terrifying, no don't, you have to stay brave Ross. Demotry needs Xenia, you need Xenia.
Taking a shaky deep breath, I entered the cave with my sword at the ready. Whatever lied at the end, I need to move forward.
Xenia's pov
I was trying to think of a plan to escape but all that was left was a useless empty brain. What do I do now? Wait? That's not so hard to do right?
I heaved a sigh but stopped suddenly at a noise of footsteps. Yes footsteps, can it be? No it can't possibly, maybe it's just one of Ziyui's guards coming to check on me.
But still, a raging fire of hope was lit inside my heart and I eagerly looked at the direction of the sound. The footsteps were becoming louder and I could make out a shadow by the dim candle light. The person was carrying a sword.
Fear rose, and the fact that I was unarmed made it worse.
The figure came into full view and my eyes widened, my breath hitching.
What the hell is he doing here? Did he possibly leave the others just to come find me!? I mean, the village people needs him!
His eyes seem to widen too and his mouth opened but no sound came out. We stared at each other for a while, until I broke out into happy tears. He blinked as if startled to reality and ran towards me, immediately cutting the ropes with his sword and ripping off the cloth from my mouth.
He wrapped his arms around me tightly, as I sobbed with joy into his shoulder. I didn't want him go ditch his duties to come and find me but deep inside I has overjoyed that he cared enough to take the risk. I'm so happy right now that I could just scream.
"Y-you came," I choked out while gripping at his shoulders.
"Course I did." He said and rubbed my back comfortingly. Gawd I missed his voice so much.
He gently pushed me back so that I was facing him. His green eyes bored into mine as we leaned in until our noses were particularly touching.
Before he could make any other moves, a low growl emitted and we turned our heads to the sound in alarm. There, just a few meters from us, was a crouching wolf or should I say shadow wolf with pearly white fur, huge matching wings that were folded neatly at each side and bloodshot eyes that seemed to glimmer with thirst and rage. Mostly rage.
Wait, white fur....
"Tina...?" I trailed off as I stared at her. She didn't stir, but instead let out a louder growl as if annoyed. This wasn't the Tina I knew back in the neather.
"Wait Tina? That's Tina?" Ross said looking horrified. I nodded and swallowed hard. Whatever Ziyui did to her, it was not good.
"We meet again, wench."She said, her voice deep and echong, every word dripping with venom.
"You can talk!" Ross exclaimed and I could nearly feel Tina rolling her eyes inside her head.
Ross suddenly stepped in front of me, his sword held.
"What do you think you're doing? You'll end up dead if you fight her right now you know?" I hissed at him.
"I know." He responded leaving me confused.
Tina growled again and started to walk towards us slowly making us stumble backwards, until we were pressed against the wall behind us. Trapped like her prey. And she was waiting, waiting for the right moment to pounce and attack.
Ross gripped the hilt of his sword and threw it with all his might. It whizzed by just centimeters above from her head and planted itself into the wall. Tina turned her head around, and Ross took the chance to heave up a fairly big rock and flung it at her head. Tina turned her head around again just in time for the rock to connect with her face and crack into two.
She stood still at first, while Ross and I held our breaths. Slowly her furry body collapsed on the hard ground with a thud. I sighed in relief.
"Is she....?" I asked, peeking at her face.
"No, a simple rock won't kill her but it'll give us time to escape. Speaking of which, let's go before she wakes up!" Grabbing each other's hand, we side stepped Tina's unconscious body. Ross pulled at his sword with all his might and it came free, with a few crumbling rocks following.
We took one last look at the cave before sprinting off at the direction our village, hand in hand.
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