Full name: Wilhelmina Elizabeth Greene
Preferred name: Billie
Nicknames: Bill, Willy, Billmina, Bills, Willa, B, Baby Mama, Blue, Colorful, Billie Jean
Faceclaim: Halsey
Age & Birthdate: 23 & September 8th
Gender & Pronouns: Female & she/her
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual (female lean)
Where they live: Santa Cruz, California
Occupation: Musician and model
Love interest: Taken by Cecelia Goodwin ( -shortfused )
Personality: Billie's a bit chaotic but fun, loves to party and have a good time. She's very kind, caring, loyal, and understanding, more now since she has her daughter. She can also be very flirtatious when she meets new people. She's pretty ambitious too, she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go for it.
Likes & hobbies: Her daughter, singing, playing guitar, playing piano, performing, modeling, coffee, alcohol, tattoos, dying her hair, wigs, her fans, her curls, pumpkin pie, Halloween
Dislikes & fears: Homophobia, sexism, racism, hate comments, bullying, confined spaces, being pushed around or told what to do, tea
Instagram username: BillieGreeneNotJean
Amount of posts on Instagram: 215
Followers on Instagram: 4.9M
Following on Instagram: 302
Instagram bio: 🌈 Musician, model, and songwriter. And more importantly, a mother to a beautiful little girl 🥺
Types of photos on the Instagram account: Her daughter, selfies, her concerts, photoshoots
Other social media accounts they use and their usernames: Twitter~BillieGreene; Tik Tok: CurlyBillie; Snapchat: BillieG
Habits: Running a hand through her curls, tapping her nail against her tooth, cracking her knuckles
Backstory: Ever since Billie was young, she loved singing. She started playing the guitar and piano since she was a kid, entertaining her parents and two younger brothers. But she was also a party girl, she was very outgoing during her teenage years by getting tattoos and dying her hair different colors. Eventually, she got a record deal and starting making her albums along with worldwide tours. But when she got pregnant, she stopped everything. She wanted to be a mother more than anything and put her full attention. Billie now has a two-year old daughter named Beverly and loves her more than anything.
Contact name: Billie Queen 👑
Quote: "I just wrote another song, like, five minutes ago. Wanna hear it?"
Other: Used to dye her hair a lot but due to her hair getting damaged, she started wearing wigs; Quit smoking after she had her daughter; Can come up with songs and poems on a whim; Has made three albums and goes on tour for them, except for the last one since she had her daughter and only did a few concerts in California; Smokes weed but not as much as she used to; The father of her daughter has never been in the picture.
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