Alone And Free
This is an alternate universe short story featuring Elsa of Disney's Frozen written by me, I hope you enjoy it and please vote and comment!
"Elsa, wake up! Wake up!"
My eyes burst open. Anna is hovering over me, her brown hair tickling at my face. "Come on! Let's go play!" she exclaims in a loud whisper.
"Anna, go to sleep." I reply sleepily as my eyes close once more.
I suddenly feel a weight on my body. It's my sister, lazily flopped over me. "But I can't." she explains. "The sky's awake so I'm awake. So we have to go play!" I roll my eyes as I carefully push her off the bed. I hear her sigh; I'm convinced she has given up. Then, I feel her crawl up the bed and pull my eyes open. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"
My lips curve involuntarily at the thought. I sit up and shake my head with a giggle as Anna waits for an answer. "Fine," I say. She grins widely and jumps off the bed, racing out the bedroom, her feet skipping lightly with excitement as I follow her lead into the yard. She turns toward me and takes my hand, jumping as she cheers.
"Do the magic, do the magic!"
After a moment of hesitation, I nod. My hands gracefully turn to my palms, as a glistening snowflake materializes. Anna gazes upon the magical sight, her eyes widening with wonder and awe. I raise my hands toward the sky. The snowflake bursts into a mass of shimmering snow, falling gently upon us. I felt a flow of jubilation and bliss rise up within me. I stomp my right foot onto the grass, and the ground below me transforms into a glimmering sheet of ice. I raise my arms as towers of snow emerge from the ground. Anna jumps from one to the other as each of the pillars arise. She is leaping faster. Soon I find that I can't keep up. I panic. Each column of snow comes up less sturdy. Anna continues, though. In one split second, she jumps, and I cannot seem to create the mound quickly enough. With anxiety I attempt to cast another hill to catch her. But I couldn't. It strikes her.
A desperate cry pulls itself out of me. "Anna!" She lies upon the floor, cold. Not moving. "Anna, no... No!" I felt a frigid tear trickle down my cheeks as I am consumed by regret. With whatever strength I had left I cried out for help. "Mama! Papa!"
My father and mother sprinted outside. With just a glance they were able to put together the situation. Their eyes stared into me with disappointment and anger. "This has gone too far, Elsa." Papa said. He shoved me aside as he carefully picked up Anna. They bolt inside. I follow. Her and Papa hurry outside and hop in the car. They drive off. I am left at home.
I walk back outside and observe the yard. The sparkling floor, the sprinkle of snowfall, the towers of snow all are still there. I didn't know what to think. Was it my fault? I could have just said no. But Anna was so persistent. What if I hurt her? What if she's dead? Mama and Papa will be so mad at me. The ice upon the floor cracks as I collapse. The mounds crumble. The flurries dissolve.
It felt as if I lay on that cold sheet of ice for an eternity. It must have been at least a couple of hours before I heard the car pull into the driveway, followed by the closing of the doors and some mumbled conversation between Mama and Papa. I stand when they come toward me.
"She is okay, Elsa. It appeared that you had struck her head with a blast of your ice. It left her unconscious, but not dead. They were able to remove the incantation from her system." My father explained that the icy spell that I accidentally cast upon Anna was not all that "they" took away. Along with the removal of the enchantment, Anna's memories were robbed. Her remembrances consistent of my arctic wizardry were taken away from her, but the recollection of our friendship was left alone. I supposed that this meant, while I could not use my powers around her, I could still be friends with Anna. We could still play, still hang out. I didn't mind too much having to tone my powers down a little bit. "Although she is fine, that does not mean you are not in trouble."
"I-I know. I was just overwhelmed..." I reply, my eyes avoiding contact with Papa's. "I promise not to do it again."
It seemed that the four words that Papa spoke next marked the end of my childhood. "I know you won't."
It has been nine years since the incident. So much has changed. Anna and I are no longer close, my father made sure that that would be so. I have not had contact with any other people besides my parents; for Mama and Papa feared that any interaction that I would make would turn into another disaster. Papa has taught me that I should be ashamed of my powers, so I do not use them freely anymore, either. It seems that since then, my life has been dictated by his words. "Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show." But I suppose I shouldn't complain. I know that everything was done in Anna's best interests. I know that this must be hard for her, too. I mean, she grew up her whole life just as I did without a sibling for her to rely on. I know that. So I don't hold anything against her, or them. Besides, today is a new day.
Today is the day. Prom. I will get to see other kids my age for the first time. I will see Anna for the first time since the incident. The one day that Papa will allow me to live has arrived. The conversation between him and I this morning hovers over me. I remember him placing the gloves on my hands, trapping the frigid sorcery beneath. I remember his stern eyes looking into mine and his reluctant voice. "It's only for today, Elsa." He said. "You cannot mess up, you cannot let anyone know. We have worked too hard to keep this under control, okay? Don't let me down."
And now only moments remain until I can go in. I sit in the passenger's seat of my father's car. "I won't let you down, Papa."
"I know you won't."
"Is Anna already inside?" I ask.
"Yes, your mother dropped her off earlier. We felt it was best we limited how much time you two had to interact. We wouldn't want to overwhelm you. We know how you get when you're overwhelmed."
"Okay, bye, Papa." I walk out of the vehicle and toward the school. My hand floats over the knob of the door, but after just a second of hesitance I open the door and walk inside. A sequence of charming melodies fills the room as vivid lights shine upon the crowds of gracefully swaying bodies in their elegant dresses and suits.
Through the swarm of people I see Anna. I feel compelled to go and speak to her. Just to be in her presence again and feel like a euphoric child with the peaceful absence of worries and pressure. I make my way toward her. "Hi."
"Hi me?" she asks, surprised.
"Yes." I reply. "You look beautiful, Anna."
Anna's lips curved into a genuine, goofy smile. "Thank you. You look beautifuller. Not fuller, you don't look fuller, just more... just more beautiful."
"I-I've missed you... H- How has it been?"
"I've missed you so much, too, Elsa. It's been so lonely, you know? Sometimes I want to go into your room and just ask you to build a snowman like we used to. That's all I seem to remember about us. I just remember us playing when it snowed and- Good. It's good, actually." Anna explains. She pours on about her life. I wished I had something to tell her in return, but with a lack of a life I just laughed and commented on the things she had to say.
"I wish it could be like this all the time." Anna says, smiling.
"Me, too." I wanted so badly for that to be possible. I can talk, I can laugh, I can be happy. But I remember what Papa said. It's only for today, Elsa. My smile fades. "But it can't."
"Why not-"
"It just can't." My voice cracks as I cut her off. I feel my hands tremble softly. "I'm sorry, Anna." My eyes cast down as silence slowly fills the space between us. She looks so hurt. I turn apprehensively away from her.
"What did I ever do to you?" Anna's voice is suddenly a demanding shout.
"Anna, I'm sorry." I felt a storm of anxiety rage inside me as I sputter the response. I couldn't break again, today was my only chance to prove I have control.
No. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed, again, Elsa.
I examine the room. A crowd of judging eyes rest upon Anna and I. I look back at her. Her eyes stare directly into mine, daring me to explain. Don't let them in. I continue to walk away from her. "Goodbye, Anna,"
"No!" She pulls my hand and my glove comes off. "Why, Elsa? Why does it have to be like this? Why do you shut me out, why do you shut the world out?"
I try to hold my composure. I cross my arms so that my hands are hidden, and hope that the ice forming on top of them is not visible. Conceal, don't feel. She just doesn't understand that you can hurt her. "Please, Anna, you just don't understand that I am trying to protect you."
"From what? What are you so afraid of?"
This isn't happening. You shouldn't have talked to her. She just can't understand the sacrifices you've made. I felt something different. Not anxiousness, I was... mad. Why was Anna being like this? Don't let them know. "Enough, Anna."
"No, Elsa-"
"I said enough!" My hands shot outward as I form a fence of razor-edge ice spears out of the ground. Gasps escape the throats of those around me, accompanied by stares of disbelief. I couldn't believe what I had done. Without a second thought I flee toward the door and place my frigid hands on the knob. After a struggle with the thing it bursts open, and I race out.
"Elsa!" I see Papa's vehicle in the corner of my eye and hear his deadened shouts toward me, but continue to run. And run. Before I knew it I had sprinted my way out of the small community I lived in and made my way into a wooded area. I seat myself on a tree stump and process what had happened.
How could I have let this happen? They all knew, now. Papa would be so disappointed. And Anna- Tears began to stream from my eyes, only to freeze onto my cheeks.
I clenched my fists in frustration as a burst of sleet beamed out from them. Heaven knows how hard I have tried so hard to keep this hidden- and for what? For the promise of mine and Anna's friendship? As long as a shard of ice lied in my hands, we would never be friends. It all seemed so futile to me now. I could have never contained this, not forever, I would have eventually screwed up. It just happened sooner than I had thought.
I tear off my remaining glove. Beautiful, intricate tracings of ice rest on my finger tips. How can something so enchanting be so disastrous? Suddenly the thought sunk in and it dawned upon me that it was not the least bit harmful, nor was it something I should be ashamed of. It was... breathtaking, and I could not let Papa's misunderstanding of it dictate my life any longer.
I stand up and skip further into the woods, until I was positive that I was by myself. The distance and solitude alone brought a bit of relief. With my fears and worries slowly leaving me, I close my eyes and allow whatever imagination I kept inside crystallize around me. As I free my sight I feel taken aback by the beauty of the glistening snow upon the treetops and the fractals of ice spiraling around tree trunks I had created.
I did that.
I was capable of bringing such beauty into existence.
It was then that I saw that this is where I'm meant to be, exploring the depths of my abilities, and it was then when I decided I was never going back. All those years kept in a cage are behind me now. Papa, Mama, and even Anna- they're behind me, too.
It was clear that this blizzard I was blessed with will always frighten them, it will always confuse them, but it doesn't bother me. I will stay here for eternity if it means I can be myself.
Alone. But free.
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