Chapter 6
Doctor's POV
I couldn't believe it! My TARDIS, my Sexy, poisoned!
But I had no choice but believe it as I followed Emma down the hallway, heading- where? She said that we were going to find what kind of poison it was, but what if what-it-was didn't know what kind of poison it was? Then what?
She opened the door to another room in her TARDIS. Inside was this scanning-thingy. She put the poison on the table leading into it. "This way, I can scan and check what poison it is without hurting my TARDIS," she explained.
"What if the glass breaks, though? And what if it doesn't recognized the poison? If so, then what?" I asked.
"Full of questions, are we? The glass will not break, and if it doesn't recognized the poison, then we discovered something new-well, we didn't discover it, but we'd get the credit..." Emma's voice trailed off and she turned pink. I decided not to pressure her harder.
The scanner ran over it with a blue light. Emma watched over the screen. "It says..." she squinted harder, then hit the screen, "you stupid TARDIS, quit messing with the screen, that it's... posion? Do I really travel in something as stupid as my TARDIS?" she sighed. "I figured that, but what type?"
I looked at the screen. It did say poison, but it said something else. The screen was so bright, I had to squint like Emma. I read it out loud. "Zeher?" I questioned out loud.
In a flash, Emma was by my side. "What?"
I pointed at the screen. Emma looked, and in the light of the screen, which had started flickering, her face had paled. "Oh, god... it can't be... but that isn't poison!" she whispered in disbelief.
I had no idea what this "zeher" was, but clearly Emma did. She grabbed the bottle of Baskliit, spun on her heel, and left the room, me on her heels. "Emma, what is this Zeher? How is it poisonous if it isn't poisoned? Emma? Emma! Answer me! Emma!" but she disappeared into another room. I sighed and followed her in.
The room was full of steam. It had a bunch of stuff, counters, pots, the like... but it wasn't a kitchen. It was an alchemy room. Of course. Emma was an alchemist. She flung open a cabinet and pulled a book out. She dumped it on the table and flipped to it's table of contents. "No, no... not what I need...come on, where is Zeher?! Why is this stinkin' book so long?!!" she muttered to herself as she skimmed through the table of contents. "Ah hah! Zeher!" she flipped to the page and began reading out loud:
"Zeher, found in blah blah blah, is a metalic plant blah blah blah, that can be used to make weapons that could kill you in a instant, blah blah blah. How they do this we shall not explain... that's five minutes of my life I'll never get back..." Emma snapped as she slammed the book shut. "Really? When it could save a life, we shall not explain... what the hell was the point of mentioning it, then?" she continued, stuffing the book back in the cabinet. She slammed that shut and pulled another book off the shelf, this one bigger, older, and clearly more heavier than the last (which I didn't know was possible at the moment). She searched through that book and finally found the page with the Zeher on it.
"Okay, this is better, I'll just skip to the more important stuff, alright-" she cleared her throat- "Zeher can be made as a weapon by simply mixing it mercury and letting it ferment for eight years... so that means whoever change the Child into this... form, you could call it, had it planned out since she was born... and pouring it into a mold made of steel and jade... where to find this stuff you must travel to distant Earth... this was mad on Galifrey," she explained to me, "but that doesn't matter... although it will kill humans, were-animals, Time Lords, and the like in an instant, TARDISes, plants, and other inanimate living creatures-"(at these words, her TARDIS shuddered in anger)- "it takes two days to kill, in which this time a cure can be made (see instructions, pg. 4221)-" and she flipped to the page listed. "Okay... dah dah dah, have, have, might possibly have... have... have..."
Amy's POV
God, what were they doing? I thought I was going to die of impatience before they came back!
I kept myself from going insane from boredom by checking all the little do-dads Emma had on her TARDIS (which, apart from the VCR, wasn't much). "Rory, how much longer do you think they'll be?" I complained.
"Probably soon," he reassured me. Sure enough, as soon as those words left his mouth, a door flew open and Emma and the Doctor came in. "I need your help," Emma anounced. Rory groaned. Emma glared at him. "I heard that,"
Rory feigned ignorance. "Heard what?"
"Can we not argue, for once?" asked the Doctor. I nodded. Emma ignored all of this and said, "I've found a cure. It's gonna take a while, and I- we- don't have much time. Please?"
Rory said, "Sure, are we taste-testers? I don't want to be used as a guinea pig,"
"No, it would kill you. It's an antidote, and it doesn't work on humans- or plastic brained Romans," Emma explained.
"Oi!" I exclaimed. "Don't call my husband plastic brained!" Emma rolled her eyes. "I've got most of the ingredients gathered, but I don't have these," she handed Rory a list. He examined it. "I haven't heard most of these," he said.
"Don't worry, you'll find it all in the green house-" but she was cut off by the Doctor. "How come you have all the cool rooms when the most I have is a swimming pool?" he demanded.
"Doctor, when your TARDIS is kinda on her deathbed, I would be grateful for what I have," Emma said. The Doctor glared at her but kept his silence. Emma continued. "You'll find it all in the green house, as I was saying, and before you start thinking, oh I don't know what so-and-so is, everything has labels," she said rather forcefully. I had no idea why she seemed so...angry. Maybe she and the Doctor had an argument or something. She continued, "Um, just follow me and I'll just take you there." I noticed she had gone from forceful to rather quiet and shy-she had mumbled the last sentence. The Doctor smiled reassuringly at her. Emma gave him a dirty look. She turned and left the room, Rory and I following. "Why do you want us to find the plants?" I asked. Emma shrugged. "I need to get started on the antidote quickly, since I don't have much time, and I find it's helpful if I had four more eyes helping me look."
"What about the Doctor?" Rory said.
"I tried convincing him. He just wants to stay with his TARDIS," Emma explained. Rory nodded. "It's actually-" he began.
"Stupid that he won't help us cure his TARDIS? Yeah," Emma said sourly. "I don't get it either." She stopped in front of a doorway labled Green House. "In you go, take that list, I'll be next door, working on the potion," Emma ushered us inside, then shut the door.
Doctor's POV
I sat in the office chair, looking at my TARDIS. As I watched, a splintered bit of wood- just a grain- fell off. I muttered, "You know, peeling off the poisoned bit is not going to work," but it was clear the TARDIS was ignoring me. I sighed and put up my feet on the console. I thought about of the Child and sprung up to my feet, nearly losing my balance. The she-demon was still out there! I ran out to the hallway, yelling, "Wait, Emma!"
I ran down a hallway, turned right, not sure of where I was going, until I was sure I was lost. Great. I turned back the direction I had came in, and headed back, retracing my footsteps, but that led me nowhere. Then I spotted the library. That helped- a little. I sighed and tried to remember my way back from the library to the control room. I sighed and headed hopefully to the control room.
I had never been this lost in my life, and I was getting rather frustrated. I pulled out my sonic screwdriver, looked at it, and pushed the button. I spun in a circle until I found the right direction. I set down the hallway, still pressing the button. After a while, I realized something- I wasn't heading back to the control room! But I followed the beeping noise, until I found myself outside a door labeled, Green House. Amy and Rory were in there, so I pushed open the door-
And ran straight into Amy. She shrieked and nearly dropped the bag she was holding. "I'm so sorry, Amy," I said. Rory came running. "Amy what's wro- oh. The Doctor. Right. Sorry," he said.
"No need to apologize, Rory, just didn't know Amy was...right there," I muttered. I twirled my screwdriver between my fingers. "Right. Can any of you tell me which direction Emma went in?" I asked.
"No- she shut the door before we could see where she was going," Amy said. I raised my eyebrows. "She was going to the alchemy room," Amy added hastily.
"Fat load of good that'll do, when I don't quite know the direction to the alchemy room," I muttered. I turned on my heel and left.
Once outside the green house, I pulled out my sonic screwdriver and pressed the button, once more spinning in a circle until I found the way. I pocketed it and headed down the hall.
I found the alchemy room easily. It was the one with the smoke pouring out. I pushed open the door and peeked in. "Emma?" I asked.
She was in the midst of the steam. She looked at me. "Yes?"
"You realize the Child is still out there?" I asked. The smile slid off her face fast. She threw in the ingrediants, stirred it, and shoved her way out. "It's got to stew for two and a half hours, so that gives us enough time..." Emma muttered. In the brightly lit corridor, I could see smudges of soot on her face. Amy came running up, Rory on her heels. Emma pointed at the door. "Dump those in there, and when you're done, meet me outside the TARDIS. Quickly!" And Amy and Rory rushed to put the bags in the room. Emma turned and sprinted down the hall. I followed.
We found the control room, easy, but Emma didn't stop there. She flew across the room, yanked open the door, and stopped so abruptly I ran into her. "Emma...?"
"Oh, no," she whispered. "Oh, no!"
"What?" I asked, peering over her shoulder. My question was answered when I saw the sky.
It was covered in pure darkness. And it wasn't a thunderstorm, or night, either.
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