Chapter 5
Doctor's POV
"We are not going into war," I snarled. Emma sighed. "I know. But we need to find her and capture her. But it's going to be hard. Very hard," the little screen lit up. It showed the people of Fox News and NASA and some others. I said, "Hello, we've got a problem. A she-demon-she looks like a Grim Reaper- has been released in Manhattan. And it's bad, because the she-demon wants to kill me, and basically everyone on Earth. She is dangerous. Warn the people of Manhattan to stay indoors. Don't go outside, don't hide in cars, if you are outside get indoors now. Got that?" I looked around. "Good? Good,"
The person of Area 51 spoke up. "How dangerous is this she-demon?"
Emma answered. "Dangerous. She carries a scythe that is made of a poison that kills you once it gets into your bloodstream. Alien, human, it doesn't matter- it will kill you instantly. Got that?" they nodded. "We'll send reinforcements immediately," said the person for the US Army.
"That would be great," Emma said. "But no guns or weapons. I like Manhatten, and I don't want it to turn into rubble because of one carelessly thrown grenade," I added. Emma nodded.
"Can we capture it?" asked the person for Area 51.
"Yes! But be careful-many people were killed capturing it in the first place," Emma advised.
The screen blinked off. Emma looked at me. "You know, when I came here, I crashed landed in Nevada. Near Area 51. Spent 2 years there,"
"I spent three months. Guess I'm luckier than most," I admitted. She grinned. Amy looked at us. "Will you quit with the mushy stuff?" she asked.
"Hypocrite," Emma laughed.
Rory came back from the bathroom. Emma called out to him, "Hey, Rory, you missed the fun,"
He ignored it. "Emma, how did you get to Earth, anyways?"
"I crash-landed in front of Walmart," she said. I frowned. "You said you crash-landed in Nevada. By Area 51,"
"There's Walmarts in Nevada, by Area 51," she argued. She grabbed her bow and arrow and headed out. "Let's go and kick some she-demon butt," she declared. I sighed and followed her. Amy and Rory did the same thing.
Emma's POV
I scanned the skies looking for her. I faced the Doctor, Amy, and Rory. "We'll split up. Doctor, go, Amy, and, uh, Rory, you're with me. Got it?"
"Why can't Amy come with me?" demanded Rory.
"Because. Just, well- okay, this is rather akward- we should just have one Time Lord with the groups," I explained. Rory was not convinced. "I am-was- a Roman, and I can fight really well. And I'd like my wife-"
"Good. Glad I have a warrior in my group," I said. He glared at me. I was having a hard time controlling my laughter.
"You find this funny, don't you?" Rory accused. I decided to tell the truth. "Yes."
"I don't want to go with her," Rory declared.
"You're so picky. Fine, go with your wife. Like I care," I said.
"Umm... what if I don't wanna go with you?" asked the Doctor.
"Too bad. You're coming with me, whether you want to or not."
"Greaat," muttered the Doctor. I slapped him on the back of his head. "Yeah, it is great! No need to be sarcastic!" I snapped.
Amy's POV
I did not like splitting up.
Apparently, neither did the Doctor.
"I really don't want to go with her," he muttered to me. I patted him on the arm. "You'd be fine," I reassured him. He stood up a little straighter. 'Right!" he agreed, then ran after Emma. She was halfway down the street. She said something to him. I faced Rory. "Come on," I said. He nodded. "Where do you think she'd be?" he asked. I shrugged.
Doctor's POV
"Here comes the slowpoke," Emma said when I caught up. I ignored this. "She went this way."
"Ignoring me, Doctor? I can do that just as easily."
"Hilarious. You deserve to have your own comedy show."
"I'd be laughed off stage before I say one joke. H-h-hel-l-lo, my-my n-n-n-na-a-a-me i-is E-e-e-e-m-m-ma-a-a. A-and, uh, um-"
"Okay, I get it. You're shy. Dunno why," I said. She nodded. "Can't help it. I just- what the bloody hell is that in the sky?" I looked in the direction she was pointing and felt both of my hearts drop- in the sky there was this large, swirling black cloud. Emma grimaced. "Looks like we found her."
"Yeah, but what is she doing?" I asked.
"Something bad?" she guessed. I nodded. "Probably, knowing the Child."
"Let's go!" Emma said, and ran in the direction of the cloud. I muttered, "Geronimo," and ran after her.
Rory's POV
I saw the cloud before Amy did. "Look at that. Seems unnatural, doesn't it?" I asked her. She nodded. "Yeah, we should go check it out."
"You are not leaving me behind, stupid head, hell no," Amy argued, and sprinted toward it. I sighed and followed. "I hope the Doctor and Emma are okay and that they didn't run into the Child," I said once I caught up with Amy.
"'Course they're okay, they're Time Lords," she said.
"Having two hearts does not mean they're okay," I argued.
"I bet they noticed the cloud," Amy said.
"Them and the rest of New York. It isn't exactly inconspicuous," I pointed out.
"So?" Amy said.
I decided not to argue. Not much point.
Amy stopped by the cloud. She looked up. "I can't go much farther, Rory," she said.
"Of course you can-" I began, walking to the cloud and finding a barrier that prevented me from going underneath it. "Or not," I finished.
"Amy! Rory! Are you alright?" came the Doctor's voice. I turned and saw he and Emma running towards us. "We've tried getting under the cloud-" Emma said.
"I tried using my sonic screwdriver, that got me electrocuted again-"
"Then we saw you too, the barrier is clear, as you can see-"
"So we ran to meet you," finished the Doctor. Emma nodded.
"What is that cloud?" asked Amy.
"The Child," Emma explained.
"What is she doing?" I asked.
"We don't know," Emma admitted.
"Great," I muttered.
The she-demon suddenly dove out of the cloud, landing on her feet gently. Her robes billowed around her.
"Okay, time to go!" Emma screamed, turned and ran. The Doctor paused, then followed suit. I did the same, grabbing Amy's hand as I went.
Emma's POV
I slammed into the Doctor's TARDIS as the others ran to catch up. The Doctor wa first. He pulled his TARDIS key out of his pocket, fumbled with getting it into the lock, and when he did, he shoved the door open. I flew inside, Amy and Rory with me. The Doctor was last. I leaned against the door, breathing heavily. "When will the stupid army come?" I asked when I had the breath.
The Doctor looked worried. "They should be here," he said.
"Greeat, we're here, risking our lives, and they're still not here. Wonderful," I mumbled. "What was that?" asked the Doctor.
"Nothing," I said.
There was this crunching noise, like someone was attacking the TARDIS with an axe. Then another noise accompanied it rather like the sound of steel against steel, only louder, more shrill. I stood up straight. "What was that?" I asked anxiously. The crunching noise came again, with the other noise.
'The Child is attacking the TARDIS, and that shrill noise is the TARDIS, reacting to the pain of the poison!" the Doctor exclaimed, pulling the TARDIS into motion. She sounded like she was in pain. The Doctor was muttering, "Come on, come on, Sexy, you can do this..."
The TARDIS gave one last shudder, fell silent, and all the lights went out, throwing us in darkness. I groped for the door handle, and yanked it open. We were inside my TARDIS. I stepped out, the others following. I headed straight towards the side of the TARDIS, and silently confirmed that everything was not okay.
The TARDIS looked like some mad axeman chopped her side. It was covered in gashes and splinters. There was this sticky white stuff coming out of the gashes. I called to the Doctor, "Doctor, can you grab me that owl bag on my chair? Be careful; it has glass in it."
He grabbed it and ran to give to me. Then he saw what happened to Sexy.
"Oh, TARDIS," he whispered, reaching out a hand as if to stroke her. I grabbed his wrist. "Don't. That poison can get into your bloodstream by the mere pores of your skin."
I opened my bag and dug through it, picking up bottles and putting them next to me. I finally found what I needed- a small, empty bottle and a pencil. I put everything back in the bag and stood up. I used the pencil to scoop some poison into the bottle and stopped it. "Doctor, come with me," I said.
"Where are we going?" he asked.
"You know how they never found out what type of poison the scythe was made of?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, we are going to go and find out what type of poison it is. And what's it cure."
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