Chapter 4
Doctor's POV
The minute Emma found me, she slapped me really hard in the face.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I cried.
"You complete idiot, why would you run off?" Emma snapped. Behind us, Amy was talking to Rory. Emma turned to face them. "Oh, please, you two act like you haven't seen each over in months. Really?"
Amy and I shared a glance.
"It has been, Emma," I explained. "Seven, to be exact. What took you so long?"
She bit her lip. "I showed Rory the Child, and then we followed you..." she faced her TARDIS. "I've got a stupid, slow, old TARDIS. Ugh!"
"Don't blame the TARDIS," I reasoned.
"Then who? Not me," Emma demanded.
"Um, uh, Rory. It's Rory's fault," I said. Rory said, "Yeah, yeah, thanks, blame me for something I didn't do and both of you know that,"
"Okay, so I guess it's the TARDIS," I shrugged.
"Thank you! Now, where were we?" Emma scrunched up her face. "Oh yeah! I was beating you up for ditching us!" and then she punched in the face.
"What is it with you and beating people up? Your defense system, now this... seriously?"
"For your information the defense system will not shut off- Amy, what are you doing?" Emma asked. Amy was trying to open the door of Emma's TARDIS. She pulled open the door with ease and stepped in.
"I locked the door. The defense system has to had kicked in. Amy, what the hell are you doing?" Emma demanded.
Amy didn't answer. Emma sighed and followed.
Emma's POV
What has gotten into Amy? She walked into my TARDIS without setting off the defense system, and now she's heading towards the library, but she doesn't know how to get there. It's like...something was controling her!
"Amy, wait up!" I called. I raced after her. She didn't pay attention to me. "Amy, what are you doing? Where are you going? Amy? AMY!" I shouted. I followed her, but too much distance got between us, and she walked through a door and it locked. I pounded on the door. "Amy, open this door!" I screamed. I walked over to the lock and typed in the combination. 8, 4,7,6,9. Then I tugged on the door. Locked. I pounded on it harder.
The Doctor and Rory caught up with me. "Emma, what's wrong? Where's Amy?" asked Rory. I sighed and shook my head. "She-I don't know. The door won't open, even though I've typed in-the-key-to-un-lock-it!" With every word, I pounded on the door. "Why won't you open?" I was shaking. The Doctor walked over to the lock and used his sonic screwdriver. "It won't open. What's the combination?"
I told him, and he punched it in. Then he tried opening the door.
"Something is controling your TARDIS, something that doesn't want us to know..." the Doctor's voice trailed off. "...Something that only wants Amy," he finished. Then he slapped his hand against his forehead. "Something is controling Amy! Of course!" he turned to Rory. "Sorry, Rory,"
Rory swallowed. "Can you do anything to help?"
Nobody answered.
"Great. Just-great," muttered Rory.
Child's POV
For many years, I have looking for someone to free me. And now I have! Amy Pond, the girl with low brain power, has finally come to save me!
Well, I had to possess someone to do it. Then, I had to possess that wretched TARDIS.
Amy placed her hand on the first showcase. It shrank into the ground. She did the same for the other showcases. Now all she had to do was free me from my prison, and I can kill my rotten sister, Emma, and the Doctor! *evil laugh*
Amy placed her hand on the bottom of the scythe and looked up. I could feel the prison slowly melting off of me.
I was free! MWA-HA-HA!!!!
Amy's POV
I found myself on the floor of the library, unsure of what had just happen.
Then I saw her. Face covered by a hood, holding a scythe. The Child.
"Oh My God," I whispered. I got up and ran as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was going, but I heard fists on metal, and followed that.
I found the door. It was shut and locked. Someone-Emma-was yelling my name.
"I'm here!" I said. the pounding stopped. Emma sighed with relief. "Amy, what where you doing?" Rory's voice demanded.
"I don't know, but I have bad news. But first, open the door!"
"Ok, hang on," there was a series of beeping noises, and the door flew open. I ducked in and slammed it shut. "Lock it," I instructed. Emma raised her eyebrows. "Why?"
"Because, I don't know how, but the Child got free. So lock it!" and Emma did.
"How did the Child get out?" asked the Doctor.
"I don't know, I just found myself on the floor of the library and she was standing over me. And the showcases where gone," I admitted. Emma's face paled. "There is a reason I don't take companions," she said. "The showcase only opens to human touch. Amy, did you touch it?" her voice was stern.
"I-I don't know, I only- I just- I don't know!" I said, face hot.
"Amy, did you?" asked Emma again. I noticed the Doctor was quiet. Not a good sign. He got up and walked over to Emma. "I think," he said slowly, "that maybe Amy did-don't interrupt until I finish-but she wasn't in her right mind."
"Doctor, what do you mean by this?" demanded Emma.
"I mean, maybe someone- the Child-possessed her," the Doctor explained. Rory walked over to me. "Are you alright?" he asked anxiously.
"Well, I've still got all my limbs, so yes, I guess I am," I said. He sighed with relief and hugged me. A big bang on the door jolted us back to reality.
"The Child. She's trying to get to us. The Doctor and I especially. She always had a hate for Time Lords," Emma said gravely. "We have to abandon ship!" she declared, and we ran.
Doctor's POV
Not good. Not good at all.
We burst out onto the streets of Manhatten, gasping for breath. Passerby walked past without so much as a glance.
Sometimes humans are so blind.
"Well, we made it," said Amy. Then she looked around. "Rory?" she said. I realized it too.
Rory wasn't with us. Which meant he was stuck in side the TARDIS with the she-demon.
"I'm going to go find him. Amy, stay calm. Emma, stay with Amy," I said. Then I ran into the TARDIS. Fortunately the the door was unlocked.
I ran though the halls, trying to find him. I was so worried about him getting caught by the Child that I didn't see Rory until I-literally-ran into him.
"Sorry, Rory, we need to go," I said. He looked at me. "Right. Right! Is Amy alright?" he asked anxiously. I nodded and asked, "You coming? It's not safe, you know,"
He nodded and we made our way back out.
Amy and Emma was waiting. "Rory! I thought the Child got to you!" exclaimed Amy, but he shoved her away and continued walking down the streets. I raced to catch up. "Rory?" I asked nervousl. What was wrong with him?
He faced me. "I'm not Rory. I am the Child!" and with that, he changed into the figure of the Child, black robes, face covered, scythe in one hand. I understood then. I had been tricked!
I ran back to Amy and Emma. "Slight problem. We've been tricked," I explained. Emma furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean, tricked?" she asked.
"I mean, it was the Child in disguise," I explained. Amy realized quickly. "So we've just released the Child on the streets of Manhatten?" she exclaimed. I nodded. Emma's eyes widened. "Oh, crap! Now what?" she unlocked her TARDIS door and stepped in. "Rory's still in there!" she explained, and then disappeared.
Rory's POV
I woke up in a padded room. Strange. There were no doors. I got up and looked around more closely to see if I was mistakened. I wasn't. So how did I get in there?
I thought about pounding on the walls, but pounding on padded walls was like punching a stuffed animal. No point.
Still, worth a shot.
I slammed my fists into the wall. Surprisingly, my fists sunk through. That's how. I grinned to myself and tried stepping out. I found myself in a hallway, not unlike the one I had been in before I had been knocked out. I stepped forward and broke into a sprint. I had to get out of there!
I opened a door at random and continued running. I was so focused on getting out of there that I ran into Emma. "Rory?" she asked. I nodded. She grabbed my hand. "Run as fast as you can. The Child has been released. The Doctor called it a 'slight' problem, though in what way it's slight, I have no clue. Run, you fool, what are slowing down for?"
"Right!" I said, and she guided me out.
We burst into the control room. She yanked me outside. The Doctor and Amy weren't there. "They went into the other TARDIS," she explained. She opened the door of the police box and found the Doctor and Amy waiting. "See? You thought I was lying," Emma said smugly. I ignored her and and ran up to Amy. She seemed a bit wary. "How do I know you are not the Child and you are Rory? Because I just saw that the Child could transform," she said.
"The Child cannot enter the TARDIS. She's protected," the Doctor explained.
"And, Amy, I found him in my TARDIS. We know the Child has been released," Emma added. Amy relaxed a bit. Emma turned to the Doctor. "We need to send a message. Fox News, NASA, the like. And quickly!" Emma said. He nodded and switched on the little screen. "Why Fox News, anyways?" he asked.
"So the people of Manhatten can know to stay indoors," Emma explained. She faced the Doctor. "The Child can kill anyone with her scythe. We need to stop her. This is war,"
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