Chapter 10
Emma's POV
I had Athena, my owl backpack, slung over my shoulder and the Doctor running to catch up. We had received another message from the Child:
Come, if you dare. I will be waiting. You will know where I am. You always know.
In a way, it was taunting. But it felt like a challenge, and I had accepted it.
It was easy finding her. Just follow the Daleks. They were circling the Empire State Building. Surprisingly, they let us in. I walked across the lobby and hit the up button for the elevator. The door opened after a few minutes. I climbed in, then the Doctor. One of the buttons was glowing bright. I pressed it, and we were on our way.
Doctor's POV
It was nerve-racking, riding the slow elevator ride to the floor that Emma pressed. I leaned against the lift wall. I wondered why Emma called it an elevator. It was the same thing, but it sounded wrong. When I asked Emma this, she said, "It's because you spend too much time with British people. Duh."
I wished I hadn't asked. Emma sure knew how to press my buttons.
The door opened with a pleasant ding. Emma grumbled something about how annoying that "stupid ping was." I ignored it and stepped out, Emma following. The she-demon was waiting at the end of the hall. Emma unslung her backpack. She rummaged through it and finally pulled out a small glass bottle filled with purple liquidy vapor, if that was possible.
You came. I did not think of you as... brave. You've always were running.
Emma growled, "At least I know when to run. When it saves lives, you imbecile."
The robes of the Child curled around like fingers waiting to grab our necks and throttle us. Do not insult me. You could very well be making the worse mistake of your life. And you've made many, I'm sure.
"And I don't hide behind two armies just because I'm too cowardly to go after people I want to kill. You just wait for them to walk to their deathtrap, don't you? Then you kill! Talk about cowardly!" At this point, I knew Emma had pushed too hard. Tendrils of her robes streched and crept down the corridor. You go too far!
Emma threw the potion, then screamed, "Doctor, run! For heaven's sake, just get out of here!"
I obeyed, covering my mouth with my jacket. I saw Emma do the same. I knew what she had thrown. It was the plague I had encountered with Amy and Rory once. If I breathed it in, I was dead in one day. I sprinted towards the lift. Emma followed. I held the door open. She ducked under my arm, and I let the door clang shut. She hit the first button, and we escaped.
Amy's POV
I looked at Rory. "I can't believe they left. Without telling us. What idiot does that?"
"Emma?" suggested Rory.
"What have you got against Emma? Honestly?" I asked.
"I really don't know. She just gets on my nerves. It's difficult," he shrugged.
"Maybe we should go after them?" I said.
"One, they could have gone into a deathtrap, two, we don't know where they are. We might run into the Child. Or worse!"
"Oh stop being so dramatic," I laughed. "I'm pretty sure they won't get us killed. Rory, relax. We're safe."
But even as I said it, I wasn't so sure.
Emma's POV
We burst out onto the street, gasping in the cold, February air. I looked at the Doctor. "Wrong idea? I'm regretting it."
"Emma," the Doctor began.
"The Child, when you died- okay, that sounded wrong- said that you were her sister. Is it true?"
I sighed and looked down. "Yeah. I was the one who found her, Doctor, and now I've practically killed her with the plague!" a single tear slid down my face and plopped on the sidewalk below. The Doctor put his arm around me. "I'm sorry. Really, I am."
I shrugged his arm off. "It doesn't matter. She's not herself anymore."
The Doctor opened his mouth to say something, but before he did, I said angrily, "Don't say anything. Just drop it. I don't want to talk about anymore, okay? So just... just drop it!" and I began crying for real, tears sliding off my face onto the sidewalk below. It had began to rain. I wiped my eyes and nose on my sleeves and took a couple of breaths. "I just want to be alone right now, please?"
I must of looked pathetic because the Doctor murmured an apology and left me. I sat down on the curb. I looked up. The rain was falling thick and hard now. I thought about what had happened in just twelve hours. The Child was released. The Doctor's TARDIS was poisoned. I drowned. And I now killed my sister. I hoped I could save her. I lost my whole family already. I didn't want to lose her too. I wiped my face on my sleeve again and thought about the people in the Empire State Building. Then I heard the scream. It sounded like a woman. I sprang to my feet. The people in it! I had completly forgotten about them! I ran into the building, ignoring the plague.
I found the lady quickly. She had curly dirty blonde hair and was wearing a dress. She had lines drawn all on her arms. She was facing the Child, who was advancing slowly on her. Behind her, the wall was gone. She faced the Child. She looked so calm, so relaxed. I shouted, "Avoid the scythe! Just run!!"
She ducked under the arm of the Child and followed me. I scrutinized her carefully. "Are you alright?"
She nodded. "Wasn't expecting that. Who was that?"
"A she-demon called the Child," I explained quickly. "What's your name?" I added.
"River Song. And your's?"
"Emma Lair. It's not safe here. You should leave."
"Nonsense. I've been through more life-threatening things than she-demon children."
"She's called the Child. Proper noun," I stressed.
"Leave River Song! I'm telling you! It's not safe!"
She looked at me. "Why? I've done more dangerous things."
I thought for a moment. "I've got a friend- he's called the Doctor-"
Her face turned angry. "The Doctor? Time Lord?"
"Um, uh, yeah," I was surprised she knew him.
"Great. Take me. I need to talk to him, anyways."
River's POV
Why was I mad that the Doctor was friends with this Emma Lair person? I shouldn't be. He had rights for friends, I knew that.
So why was I upset?
We approached the safe. "In case you're wondering, um, this isn't the Doctor's TARDIS. It's, uh, mine. His is ki-kinda poisoned, so we're using mine. Yeah," Emma explained. She unlocked the door and I stepped in.
Inside, the TARDIS was there, with wood grains piled on one side. The Doctor was lounging on an office chair, throwing his sonic screwdriver in the air over and over again. He looked up when we enter and sprang to his feet, nearly toppling over. "Emma! And, uh River!" He hastily straightened his bowtie and walked over to us. I said, "Hello, sweetie."
He embraced me. Emma leaned on the wall. After a while, she said, "What's with the mushy stuff?"
The Doctor quickly pulled away from me. "Um, long story?"
I nodded. "Very long."
"Or you're hiding something from me. What is it?"
The Doctor looked at me. "I'm going to go find Amy and Rory. Why don't you tell her?"
"Tell her what?"
He bent down so his lips were by my ear. "That we're married."
"Why don't you do it and I find Mum and Dad?" I suggested. Emma raised an eyebrows but said nothing. The Doctor left the room. I looked at Emma. "Emma, the Doctor and I are married."
"We just thought you needed to know."
"Don't treat me like I'm little. I saved you. I'm older than you, than the Doctor- and treating me like I'm little, well, that almost never ends well. Just a heads up. Who's Mum and Dad?"
"Amy and Rory."
"Ah," said Emma. "So they're your-"
The Doctor came in, bouncing down the stairs with Amy and Rory behind them. "My mother and father-in-law, yes."
Emma looked away. "Okay, so I just basically walked in on a family reunion. I've got to do something. Bye bye," and she left the TARDIS, leaving us alone. Mum hugged me. Then Dad. "Emma didn't notice that you look rather young for me to be your daughter."
"That's Emma. Ignoring the obvious," said Dad angrily.
"Rory and Emma sorta... don't like, hate, whichever you please, each other," explained the Doctor. I nodded. "Why am I not surprised?"
"Emma, well... let's just say she's good at making enemies," said the Doctor.
"I think we'll get along just fine."
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! Assuming you're reading this on Valentine's day. I've got a poem.
Fezzes are red
The TARDIS is blue
Custard is lovely
And so are you!!! <3
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