Chapter 12: Hapu and the Sky
"Alola?" I ask.
"Yep. That's how you say hi and goodbye out here in Alola!" Riley smirks.
"Well then Alola!" I smile confidently.
"So you ready for Brooklet Hill?" Lillie asked.
"Yeah I guess. I don't really have a chance. I heard the trail just got upgraded. I only have Pichu and Rowlet who are strong to Water Types. So its gonna be hard." I say.
"Grub!" A Grubbin appears.
"Cool a Grubbin!" Riley yells.
"Ew! Gross! Bug!" Lillie nearly faints.
"I'll capture it then!" Riley smirks.
"Alright. Go Riley!" I yell.
"I choose you! Mudsdale!" A trainer yells.
Then a Mudsdale blocks the Flareon.
"Hey what's the big..."
"Don't you see that this belongs to someone?" The young child yells.
"It has a collar." Lillie pointed.
We went to go look at it and it had a collar attached to it. The name on it was Happy.
"Y'all got to pay more attention to it before you go do something okay?" She gestured.
"Alright..." Riley walks away.
"Metapod!" A Metapod yells.
"Its a Metapod!" I yell.
"Then go Flareon!" Riley shouts.
"Well I'll be gone. I live in Poni Island if you need me. Au Revior." She walks away.
"Wait what's your name?" I ask.
"Hapu." She says.
Connor's Team: Rowlet Pichu Rockruff Cosmog Egg Charmander
Riley's Team: Rockruff Steenee Torracat Magnemite Flareon Geodude
Lillie's Team: Vulpix Pikachu (Belle) Popplio
"Alright now you got so carried away that Metapod left...and went into my Pokeball...BUG!!!" Lillie cries.
"Metapod." Metapod evolved after it went into Lillie's Pokeball and came out.
"Beeeeefreeeeee!" Butterfree cries.
"A Butterfree!" Lillie exclaims with joy.
"First sadness and disgust and then happiness and joy." I murmur.
"Alright Butterfree get ready! We have a trail to do in a few!" Lillie smirks.
"Well in that case we could go to Paniola Ranch and it's right after the town so we should be good." Riley suggests.
"Mm....sure why not?" I ask.
Because we were already in Route 4 we decided to go straight to the town and heal our pokémon. But when we got there something in the sky almost scared me half to death.
"An Ultra Wormhole! Run for your lives!" A lady yells.
"Brr...brr...brr!" The strange creature yells.
"It might be cold...or is that its language?" Lillie asks.
"I dunno...its attacking us!" I yell.
The creature started flying towards us.
"Alright go...wait is it a poison and water type?" I ask.
"Maybe. In that case go Steenee!" He yells.
"It might be a water type but is it a poison type? If it is then that would be pointless." I state.
"Now Pikachu Belle I choose you!" She yells.
"Alright now go Pichu!" I shout.
"Pika pi!" Pikachu Belle states.
"Chu!" Pichu yells.
"Now go use Iron Tail!" Lillie and I yell.
"Alright return Steenee and Magnemite use Thunderbolt!" Riley yells.
"Magnemite! Mag..."
"Piiich!" Pichu yells.
"Pika...chu!" Pikachu yells.
"Brr!" It started to use Venoshock.
"Alright now Mudsdale giddy up and use our Z-Move!" She starts to dance.
"Is that what I think it is?" One man yelled.
"Its the move of her grandfather! Tectonic Rage!" Another shouts.
"Gooo!" She yells.
Mudsdale hits the opponent and somehow manages to just destroy the creature. The creature so damaged it went back into the crack in the sky. Then Pichu and Pikachu fell and Magnemite accidentally knocked some person out.
"You okay?" She asks.
"Yeah. How are you?" I ask.
"Good. Mudsdale here is just a little tired from what just happened. That's all." She smiles.
"You look really well. So does Mudsdale." She said.
"Well get these." She handed us something weird.
"Ride Pagers! They already have a Tauros too!" Riley yells.
"I guess I'll add the Stoutland then." A girl with 2 long green ponytails said.
"Cool!" I shout.
"Well in that case Tauros can run into rocks and Stoutland can find items underground. Very useful ones if possible." Hapu says.
"Thank you." Lillie smiles.
"My name is Mallow. What's yours?" She asks.
"Hapu. These children are trail goers. Any suggestions?" Hapu asks.
"Actually yeah! Why don't you come on over to my friend. Lana's Trail. I'm sure that it would be a great one. Because we are kind of having issues. A local group of wild Growlithe are just stampeding everywhere. They gain your help by beating them." Mallow smiles.
"Nice!" Riley smiles.
"Hey how did you know we were trail goers?" I ask.
"Your Z-Ring tells it all." She smiles.
"Come visit the ranch!" Mallow smiles.
"Okay!" I yell.
"Its just across the town! You can't miss it." She yells.
"Alright we won't!" I smile.
"So... do you want to go heal our pokémon?" Hapu asks.
"Sure." I say.
We go to the pokemon center and we heal our pokémon. Then we get to the ranch.
"Hey I almost forgot! You need Moomoo Milk!" She smiles.
"Um...thank you?" I ask.
"No problem." She smiles.
"Now we can look st the pokémon." Hapu says.
We decide to look at the pokemon.
"Zrrt! Look at all the Tauros and Miltank zrrt! Then look at the Mudbray!" Rotom starts taking pictures of them.
"Hey. The trail is at Brooklet Hill. That's past Route 5. Then you really need the trail amulets. Your lucky that they gave you the authority to enter. Luckily I can give you one." Mallow says and hands all of us amulets.
"So what are you waiting for let's get this show on the road!" I yell.
"After you complete the trail go show the Sudowoodo to stop being bad. They might fight you but they got beat by Lana and her Z-Power so maybe they won't. But anyways I'll stay here and help on the ranch." Mallow says.
"So will I." Hapu tells.
"Alright. What do we do now?" I ask.
Then the Pokémon Nursery Lady asks us," Do you have any pokémon you want us to take care of?" Then Riley gave them his Torracat and Geodude saying,"They need a break." Then we took off to the next trail.
How was this chapter? Pretty good right? Sorry I didn't update sooner. I lost my phone and I just found it in my mom's basement under the sofa. (No lie. I'm a middle school student.) But I'm sick so I might be posting a lot today. Until then toodles! Also doesn't Mallow smile a lot. I mean I wrote it but she smiles WAY too much. Anyways toodles!
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