An Old Rival, an Old Friend
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon! If I did Ash would have won a Pokémon league already.
Ash's POV.
'I have to get to the Pokémon center quick,' I thought to myself as I started running faster. 'I don't think she's doing good...'
"Braixen brai?" Translation: will she be okay?
I felt my heart sink as I responded,"I-I don't know..." I immediately saw Braixen Pancham and Sylveon began to worry more. "But Serena doesn't give up easy she's really strong!" I said nervously smiling at Serena's Pokémon. 'Why am I so worried about her? I've worried about my other friends before but not like this.' I completed my thought as I reached the Pokémon center.
"Pika pi Pikachu." Translation: Ash, we're here
"Nurse Joy!" I called running inside
"Oh my! What happened to her!?" She asked covering her mouth.
"She was attacked by a strange Pokémon, that resembled a tentacruel." I said looking down at Serena.
"Blissey!" Nurse Joy called. The Pokémon came running out with a stretcher and I gently put Serena on the stretcher "Oh, by the way I need to know your names."
"I'm Ash, and that's Serena" I said "Um... will she be okay?"
"Well... this has been seen before... and S-she may not make it." She said before rushing Serena to the E.R.
"Brai?" "Pancham?" "Sylv-sylveon?" "Pika?" Translation: What? They gasped tearing up
"She-she may not make it?" I echoed blinking away tears.
(Still Ash's POV.)
Five minutes later: "hello Nurse Joy," a boy with brown hair said "an Ultra Beast has been detected near here and it appears some one has been attacked is he or she here?"
"Yes" she told him "a young man brought a young lady in and told me a odd Pokémon attacked her and how he described it, it appeared to be U.B. 01 the boy's over there if you want to speak to him"
He thanked her and started walking towards me but I didn't look up. I was to worried. I was sitting on a bench with Pikachu and Serena's Pokémon. When he put his hand on my shoulder I looked up. "Gary?" I said shocked
"Well I didn't think you were the one who got attacked by the Ultra Beast Ashy-Boy." Gary said setting down.
"I wasn't the one who got attacked," I said sadly "it was my friend Serena, but you probably remember her as the 'Straw Hat Girl'." I smiled a bit at the last part
"The girl you wouldn't shut up about after camp? The one that you said was cute? The one that I would swear you had a crush on?" Gary asked shocked
"Yeah that's Serena" I said with a small blush. "What do you mean about a crush?"
'He didn't deny having a crush on her...' Gary thought "Ash what do you think of Serena?"
"What do you mean, 'what do I think of her?'" I asked
"I mean, what do you think of her." Gary stated 'oh man he's dense...' he mentality added
"Well... she's cute- no beautiful, one of the nicest people I've ever met, if not the nicest, and I do get odd feeling around her." I said.
'Okay, Ash isn't as dense as I thought.' Gary thought "I never thought I'd see the day Ashy-Boy you have a crush!"
"A crush?" I questioned. I looked down at Pikachu and asked him "do you think Gary's right?" My Pokémon nodded up and down as if he had been thinking what Gary said
Gary got up from the bench "Ash, think about it and if I'm right then I'll get to pester you!" He said grinning while Pokémon and I sweat-dropped.
"Um... okay." I said as Gary left
A few hours later:
I was setting by Serena's bed and holding her hand 'Do I love her?...' I wondered 'yes. I'm positive. I truly love Serena' and that was the last thing I remembered before falling in to a slumber.
The next time on 'Alola Serena!':
Gary: "So have you told her how you feel..."
Professor Pine: "Would you two come to the lab..."
Serena: 'Ash is holding my hand?'
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