Handsome Stalker
"What are you talking about? Dude are you a mental escapee?" I backed away from him and headed to the knife holder.
"Try to remember that day. " He's more relaxed now but that doesn't mean he's thinking straight.
Oh Goodness, is this the purgatory? Am I purge from my sins? A lunatic is with me. A stalker.
Handsome Stalker.
"We are married."
The words hung precariously still in the cold breeze of dawn.
I would've been hallucinating but the contract was vivid as daylights... And it bore my signature.
"How old are you? " I tried to remain casual but I'm internally dying from tense.
"That's bul--24"
"That can't be. I like younger ones. Always dreamed to be dominatrix. Rawr. "
I imitated the sexiest lion roar and most seductive hand clawing move.
"Did you just think of this as a joke? "
" You coming here is a big joke as is. "
"We need a divorce. " He started calling someone on the phone.
"No can do Boss. Get out. Your ways of wedding get aways are rustic as the anchor of the oldest ship. Is this some kind of stupid pranks? Socmed shits? Get out. "
"Listen I don't want this. "
"Neither do I. I hate those stupid vows and veils." I sat back down and floodgates threatened to open I had to bite my lip to prevent from crying.
" Holy Shit. Laura. " He too sat adjacent from me. His head on his hands.
"Who's that? Your whore? "
"My Fiancé. " He tugged his brows and his face distorted into an ugly frown.
" What am I going to do? She can't know about this. The paper's with legal binding. I checked it. "
"That's not true. Where'd you get that? " I had to compose myself to stop myself from quivering. Each words softly spoken, as if not wanting to be heard by him.
"Mom. "
"Tell her that's not true. Or nullify it or whatever. That's not my fault. I don't even remember signing that. Wait. Is that why you came here? Last night? " I started pacing back and forth.
"No! I just knew about this today. I came here because your brother owe me money-- the last of my penny Fucking shit."
"I don't care about anything, at all. Just get my name away from yours. " I headed to the room.
"I'm afraid not." His words didn't sink but it didn't ebb away either.
"How so? " I granted him a menacing glare.
"Because we're married. "
"Let's get Divorce or Annulment. "
"One thing. "
"Spill motherfucker. "
"My Family wants Church Wedding. "
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