// Chilea //
Seriously, the world couldn't take a break for one day?!
Chilea's eyes opened to show a dark room. "Guys? I don't think we're in ChatBook anymore."
"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."
"Ninami! Not the time!" John laughed slightly.
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry!"
A door slammed shut, along with the mindless babbles of whoever had taken them. Chilea pushed herself up to sitting position and looked at who she could see in the dim light.
Basically everyone interesting besides Blair, Chilea thought. Nadia stirred, along with Ginny.
"Guys!" Zahrah whispered, sitting up fully. "We aren't in the building."
"Well no kidding!" Luci snapped. She faced a blue computer screen, biting her lip. "Shady, ain't it?" A voice came from behind Angie.
The woman had about shoulder length hair, black and blue (almost bruise Colored, according to Ginny), combat boots, and a...poodle skirt? She stepped into the light.
Poodle skirt, combat boots, fluffy coat, and a newsboy cap? What convention did this person come from?
"Uh...hi?" John couldn't see properly. Chilea could see that right away. First, he wasn't seven facing the right way. Second, when he turned, his eyes looked far away. She could imagine the little cartoon birdies flying around his head.
"Hello." The lady pulled a chair up next to Luci and typed in a password.
"Why Mac?" Luci questioned. "Milk and Cookies. Duh."
"Ashes, ashes, time to go down..." Ninami sang softly. "That's what I meant, Ninami Kahani." The lady laughed, clicking links on her computer faster than Chilea could process.
All of a sudden, the whole group of teenagers were standing up by the computer. They were breathing down the lady's neck.
One of the links read:
Name: Martha Jones
"Are you the lady from Doctor Who?" Luci asked. "Random question, I know."
Martha shook her head. "No. Why would you think that?"
Angie took the newsboy hat.
Ginny took her combat boots.
Nadia took the fur coat.
"Fine. I'll tell you later. But you're going to have some fun first!"
// Venatrix //
Venatrix watched all of her fellow colleagues in absolute heartache. She couldn't believe someone would do this.
"There's gotta be a lead!" Jenna yelled, almost throwing the tablet onto the tile floor beneath them. Currently, they were located in Blair's kitchen.
"The TARDIS probably took them." Kat replied. "With the perverted bed, baby carriage, and couch."
"Did anyone see the kidnapper?" Ellie asked, and Ellis nodded, along with Venatrix. They had hid under the desks as the lady took their friends from them
"She had a fur coat like Cruella De Vil's." Venatrix repeated.
"Newsboy cap like Specs." Alex replied.
"Combat boots like....mine." Ellis wiggled his feet, sending the 2 youngest into fits of giggles.
Alyssa was sketching out what she looked like.
"Like this?"
The picture was an accurate representation of the lady in the fur coat.
"I'll run a scan of the description on the security app." Alex turned around in his chair. He slid over and took a picture of the drawing. The app went through a series of glitchy techniques and arrived with a profile.
Martha Jones
Wakefield, England
"Alex. It's the girl from Doctor Who. Hands down." Kat remarked. "Should we video-call?"
Jenna simply whacked her on the head. "You're truly an idiot."
"I'm sorry for suggesting an idea!"
"It could get us killed!" Venatrix snapped, processing the thought through her head.
She could find them, kidnap them, put them in the TARDIS or whatever it was called..
// Martha //
The plan was working.
Now for the others.
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