//Third Person//
Luci was chasing after the boy with glasses. "Alex! Get back here!"
Kat was tackling Alyssa in a hug, "Lyssa!"
Blair was talking to Chilea. She didn't do all this 'happiness'.
That was a normal morning at ChatBook, a writing company these friends had started.
"Hey, have you seen Zahrah?" asked Ginny, the resident Turkish girl. Chilea shook her head.
"Nope. But I have seen Angie." Chilea's thumb pointed at the breakfast place, where Angie and Abby were sitting with Zahrah.
"Thanks." Ginny ran off to talk to her friend. At that moment, everything seemed normal, following the events of the last month.
Venatrix was still in her office, trying to find fanart of ships for her book. John was out in town with Ninami, probably shopping or having random conversations in a pizza parlor.
Jenna was helping out fangirls and fanboys on the phone with Ellis.
It seemed as if the last month had disappeared, it was gone.
Here's what happened:
- Enemies met
- People got taken
- ChatBook fell apart
- Fights
- Fights
- Did I mention fights?
This is the story of how ChatBook almost went out of business.
-one month before-
// Kat //
Kat didn't expect this.
As usual, she walked out of her house, plugged her earbuds into her phone, and started to walk down the road, humming along to her music. She was lucky ChatBook was just a couple blocks away. Her phone clock read:
96% Battery
Wednesday, August 13
By the time she arrived at ChatBook, she had gone through the whole album of Cry Baby she had bought and started on Newsies.
"Morning Kat," said Jenna from the desk.
"Hey J." Kat replied, smiling as she signed in and went to grab a soda from the fridge.
"NINI?! DID YOU TAKE THE LAST ROOT BEER?" She yelled, and the black-haired girl called Ninami Ekans poked her head in. "Nope. Maybe Blair did."
Kat shook her head and went to check the sign-in sheet to see who else she could talk to.
Kat K. 9:21
Ninami E. 8:57
Luci B. 8:30
Alex Z. 8:30
Kat tossed her ponytail behind her. Alex and Luci always walked to work together. She sighed and hoped she wouldn't walk in on them kissing this time. Her rotten luck usually landed her in places like that: John and Ninami kissing or Alex and Luci kissing. Ugh.
This time, she knocked on Alex's door. No response.
"Wirt's outside waiting for ya, Alexy-poo." She smirked. Still no response. Maybe he was getting breakfast, she thought. But he couldn't, as she just walked by the breakfast place.
Next, she tried Luci's door. The door opened to show a disheveled Luci with her shirt on backwards.
"Hey Luc, ya seen Alex?" Kat asked, "I need to ask him about Another One Bites The Dust."
"Sorry, I haven't." Luci replied, frowning at the little girl in front of her. They hadn't grown much since meeting, luci's hair was still curly, Kat still had her braces. It had only been 2 years.
"Your shirt's on backwards." Kat pointed out. "And those aren't your glasses." She showed the black framed glasses that were known to be Alex's. Luci blushed.
"Alex was over last night. Simple. He left his glasses and I was tired." She replied casually. That didn't stop Kat from making-or at least trying to make- a Lenny face. Luci rolled her eyes and shooed her out so she could fix her shirt.
Kat stopped in her own office to write a note about Tippy Toes, the fiction book she was writing. Then, she set off to find Ellie.
"Morning Kat." Ellie smiled genuinely. "Morning El!" Kat replied, "Ya seen Alex?"
"Actually, yeah. He was on his way to Ninami's office. About The Broken Boy and Hollow Girl or something of that sort." Ellis called, walking by. That caused Kat to bang her head against the wall. "Thanks you two."
Kat spent the rest of the morning at the breakfast table, with her laptop. Her phone blasted Melanie Martinez into her ears as she was revising something for Venatrix.
"KAT." John pulled her earbuds out of her ears. She squealed and paused her music. "What?" She asked. "Lunch," replied Zahrah, "Come on!"
Walking downtown, you wouldn't have thought they all were friends. Little groups were all together.
John, Ninami, Luci, and Alex all walked towards the pizza parlor on the south side.
Ginny, Zahrah, Venatrix, Kat, and Jenna were going to the other side to go to the ice cream place.
Blair, Chilea, Ellis, Angie, and Abby were in the larger part of town, at wherever. No one really knew where the others went; they all just met up at the fountain with their food.
"Hey, so, anything weird happen while I was at home?" Ginny asked, licking her chocolate chip ice cream cone. "Um...I lost part of the Ship Book chapters." Venatrix replied, eating the cherry off of Zahrah's sundae. Zahrah glared. "I got my laptop and phone taken away."
"I came back from camp. I pranked the head. It was fun." Kat giggled, sipping her raspberry lime rickey. Jenna laughed, wiping the chocolate sauce off her face.
"Yeah, Kat. That was fun. Remember Jade's face when she saw a spider?" The two girls cracked up, leaving the 3 other girls utterly confused.
Back at ChatBook, something was happening.
Something bad. Something that would mess up everything.
That night, she was playing Sims on the XBOX with her best friend, Amelia. Amelia was yelling at her sim for peeing herself, while Kat was laughing loudly at the text Jenna had sent out.
Jenna Caps Lock Twin
Guys you won't believe it: I actually listened to Melanie!
Nini (Not) Dover
Alex Wirt Weiss
O.o I'm just going to back away.
Ginny (Not) Weasley
Guys it's early over here what are you doing
Guys it's 12:00 and I have school let me sleep.
Blair The Evil One
Can you please not? I'm watching Glee.
O.o I bet Luc's just stalking.
Luci Diaz
Ok ya caught me
XD Luci text me
Kat have you changed my contact name?
Pfft. Sureeee.
How's the company?
Chil Senpai
It's going good, Mia. HR's finally getting updated. So is RS, PP, TT, TLOC, TLLOA, etc.
That's good. I'll be back in a few weeks.
Mia was the person who took care of the money and things. She collected the royalties and sorted them into each person's bank account. At first, they were all sceptical, but they agreed that Mia was trusted enough.
It was 5am. Kat was sleeping peacefully, that is, until her phone went off with:
"I'm nuts, baby I'm mad.."
She rolled over and looked at the caller ID
"Snow? It's 5am..."
"Get to ChatBook. Something's gone wrong."
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