Untitled Part 1
it had started two days ago, Lightning was released from the hospital. he and Doc had started off to Thomasville. Doc hadn't dropped the subject, since Lightning was curled up in the backseat, coughing and wheezing.
"you're sure you're okay?" Doc ask.
"yes! I'm fine Hud. the hospital says I'm okay." Lightning responds.
"how the hell did you even get a hold of a peanut?" Doc asks.
"I didn't. I shook the hand of a fan and he had peanut grease on him." Lightning mumbles. Doc frowns and looks back at him in the mirror.
"you got lucky I heard that stupid alarm." Doc frowns. the 'alarm' Doc was referencing, was a rape alarm key chain. Sally had bought it for him and Doc had trained himself to specifically hear that sound no matter what was going on. Lightning was to pull it anytime he had an allergic reaction to peanuts. Doc kept an epipen in his jacket, never left their house without it, but couldn't always just know when Lightning needed it. so Sally had given him the key chain and Doc trained himself to hear it and immediately react. Doc had known Lightning was allergic to peanuts ever since he'd become the youngers doctor. immediately anything with peanuts in the house was gone, like it disappeared over night. it had basically disappeared from the whole town over night and about three days later, Lightning had found a magnet on the fridge, my boyfriends allergic to peanuts, thats why he's with me. it had a giant peanut on it with a big red line through it. Doc said Sally had bought it and put it there. Mack, Doc, Red, and Mater all carried Epipens, just in case.
"I really did." Lightning said, rubbing his leg. he could still remember Doc jabbing the needle in his thigh and the sudden rush of air he got. he coughed slightly and looked at him.
"and you're sure you're okay?" Doc ask.
"yes. I'm fine. I'm okay, promise." Lightning mumbles. "are we there yet?" he asks.
"five minutes away." Doc says. Lightning nods and climbs up into the front seat grinning. "I wish you wouldn't do that in my baby." Doc frowns.
"no shoe's Hud. I left them in the floorboard and pushed them under the seat." Lightning assures, showing him his feet.
"I still don't like them in my seat." Doc frowns.
"I'll clean it up." Lightning murmured, leaning against him gently. he almost immediately sits back up when he wheezes and starts coughing. he slips his shoes on as Doc parts.
"ready?" Doc ask.
"not entirely ready to meet your friends in person and I'm kinda tired." Lightning frowns.
"its okay." Doc assures. "they'll like you." Doc smiles, getting out of the Hornet. Lightning gets out with him and cuddles to his side.
"its okay if I...?" Lightning ask cuddling to his side.
"yeah. you know they know about us." Doc assures, taking the youngers hand. "I'm putting you inside the booth, so just be prepared to sit beside Smokey." Doc said.
"I like him on the voice call." Lightning smiled.
"and no drinking. you haven't been released to drink yet." Doc says.
"I know. I can't have alcohol for at least a week after being released." Lightning mumbles as they walked in.
"Hud!" Louise immediately squealed, getting up form the table and walking over quickly. Lightning lets go of Docs hand, smiling. he heads for the table while Louise hugs Doc. "oh no you're not getting away that easy kid." Louise grinned, hugging him tightly from behind.
"heh... hi Louise." Lightning mumbles. she lets him go and sits back down. Lightning chuckles slightly and scoots in beside Smokey.
"hey kid. nice to finally meet you in person." Smokey smiles.
"hey." Lightning smiles.
"he's not allowed to drink. he just got out of the hospital." Doc says, sitting beside Lightning.
"thats cool kid. you can drink what I'm drinking." Smokey smiles, waving at a waitress. she smiles and nods. Lightning smiles and nods. drinks are sat in front of him and Doc, as he leans against the older man, coughing.
"hey okay?" Junior ask.
"yeah kid just got out of the hospital. he's okay, had an allergic reaction." Doc murmured. Lightning looks around Cotter Pin smiling. Doc feels his blood run cold when he catches a glance at Smokeys drink. "you ordered him the same thing you're drinking right?" Doc ask.
"yeah." Smokey said. Lightning reached for his drink.
"don't touch that!" Doc hissed grabbing Lightnings arm. the younger looks over confused.
"Hud what the hell?" Smokey ask, watching Doc pull Lightning from the booth.
"go wash your hand now. quickly." Doc ordered. Lightning nods, though confused and heads for the bathroom.
"what the hell is wrong with you." River snorts.
"he is deathly allergic to peanuts. thats what he just got out of the hospital from." Doc said, motioning to Smokeys drink. "peanuts in your coke." Doc added. Smokey straightened.
"shit. River swap seats with me. lets put some distance between me and the kid." Smokey said. Lightning came back quietly. looking confused.
"come on sit down." Doc muttered, scooting himself over to sit beside Junior. Lightning sits beside him.
"what just happened?" Lightning ask hesitantly.
"Smokey tried to kill you." Louise said.
"huh?" Lightning ask.
"it was an accident." Smokey huffed.
"Smokey gets them to put peanuts in his coke, they put them in your coke too." Doc explained.
"oh." Lightning said, keeping his hands in his lap. Doc reached over and took one of his hands gently, but held it firm. he rubbed his thumb gently over the back of the youngers hand.
"sorry kid." Smokey said. Lightning shakes his head.
"its cool. an accident." Lightning assures. "good thing I didn't shake your hand." he chuckles.
"oh my god. that explains it." Louise said.
"hmm? explains what?" Doc ask.
"the magnet." Louise snort. Doc sighs and rolls his eyes.
"the peanut allergy magnet on the fridge that Sally bought?" Doc ask, unamused and frowning. Lightning bursts into laughter.
"that magnet is the best." Lightning grinned.
"you and Sally are the only two who think that. I don't make jokes about an allergy that could kill you." Doc frowned.
"oh come on its a gay joke that just happens to be about my allergy." Lightning snorted. Doc shakes his head and looks at his watch.
"hmm, we should get to the Inn." Doc says.
"Rusty's?" Smokey ask. Doc nodded.
"yup." Doc said.
"have fun." Louise smiled.
"well, we'll see you guys tomorrow." Doc smiled. "c'mon kid." Doc murmurs. Lightning scoots out of the booth and Doc follows him. he doesn't bother waving at his friends, they'd be back tomorrow. together the two climb into the Hornet and drove off.
they next night when they came back, it was like the whole bar had been cleaned and sanitized, much to their surprise.
"Hud, whats going on here?" Lightning ask softly. Doc shrugged at him.
"dunno. I haven't seen Cotter Pin this clean since it was built in the '40s." Doc mumbles. he leads the way to the table Docs friends were sitting at. "whats going on in here?" Doc ask, sitting beside Smokey. Lightning sat on his other side.
"well, you guys are going to be here all week, the waitress over heard last night. the whole bar got cleaned and all the peanuts are put away until you and your boy go home." Smokey smiled.
"from the peanuts on the table to the peanut oil they cook their foods in." Junior said.
"all because I have an allergy?" Lightning ask.
"because you are Huds boy." River said, grinning. Doc rolled his eyes a little, smiling.
"well at least I don't have to worry about you in Cotter Pin." Doc chuckles.
"I appreciate that, but they didn't have to do that." Lightning says smiling slightly.
"well they did. get used to it. anytime they hear you're in Thomasville they're going to do that." Smokey chuckled. Lightning smiles at them.
"so Mr.Hot-Shot, 7 Piston Cups isn't enough, now you've gotta find other ways to get attention?" River ask. Lightning snorts.
"I'd trade those empty cups for an allergy cure anyday." Lightning assures.
"hey kid, try these." Louise says, pushing her plate of fries over towards Lightning.
"I'm okay." he assures. it wasn't that he didn't trust them, he knew they wouldn't lie to him about something as serious as his allergy, it was the bar he didn't trust.
"they won't hurt you." River snorts.
"yeah maybe not, but I'm still gonna say no." Lightning chuckles slightly. "thats anyway, but I'm gonna play it safe." Lightning adds, pushing the plate away.
"I can understand that." Louise smiles. Lightning didn't always trust places that generally used peanut oil, as if their equipment wasn't cleaned properly, there'd still be peanut oil traces everywhere. he leaned against Docs side with a smile, taking the older mans hand gently. Doc let him, not paying any attention as he was having a conversation with Smokey about the Hornet. Louise smiled watching him. the younger looked up at Doc, watching him, head resting on the others shoulder. Doc didn't say anything to him, still talking to Smokey, but he did reach over and ruffle the youngers hair without missing a beat, making the younger grin. he pauses and sits up, shifting in his seat.
"you okay?" River ask. he nods slightly, giving an awkward smile.
"yeah, I think so." Lightning mumbles rubbing his arm. he scratches it before he realizes whats happening. "Hud." Lightning said, coughing. Doc looks over at him.
"kid?" Doc ask. Lightning coughs hard, scratching his arm.
"whats happening?" Louise ask.
"his face is turning red." Smokey said. Doc shoves the younger out of the booth and onto the ground. the younger is wheezing and coughing.
"Hud whats happening?" Junior ask, watching. Doc knees beside him, pulling the epipen from his jacket and jams it hard into the youngers leg.
"peanut oil in the fries. call an ambulance." Doc says calmly. Smokey pulls his phone out and calling for an ambulance. Lightning breathes, wheezing, and grabs onto Docs arm hard. "easy Monty. its okay kid. just take a deep breath and relax. I got you." Doc murmurs.
"hey! I thought you said you traded out the peanut oil!" Smokey snapped. Lightning wants to stay something but he can't, taking in every precious breath he can. chest heaving hard. "Hud, the ambulance isn't gonna make here very quickly." Smokey said. Doc grunts and scoops Lightning up.
"then call the sheriffs department and let them know I'm heading for the hospital and I ain't stopping until I get there." Doc said, carrying him outside quickly. Smokey follows him out immediately.
"hold the kid I'll drive." Smokey said.
"I drive faster." Doc says, passing Lightning over. Smokey takes Lightning and climbs into the passenger seat. Lightning moaned quietly, dropping his head against Smokey as Doc threw the Hornet into gear and sped out of the parking lot.
Lightning groaned quietly, opening his eyes. he looked around, Doc was sleeping in the chair beside him, Louise on a pull out bed across the room, Smokey, Junior, and River were all sleeping on the couch.
"uuhhhggg.. uhh.." Lightning groans. "not again." he mumbles. Doc shifted beside him, his hand tightening around the youngers.
"hey baby." Doc murmurs softly.
"again?" Lightning mumbled.
"unfortunately, yeah baby." Doc murmurs. Lightning blinks and lifts his head from the pillow.
"what're they doin' here?" Lightning ask.
"they care about you kid." Doc murmurs softly. "they're guilty. they didn't realize all it would take was you touching a plate wit peanut oil traces on it." Doc adds.
"m'chest hurts." Lightning whimpers.
"I know. it'll be okay kid. promise." Doc murmurs. Smokey sits up mid snore and mumbles.
"hmm? kids awake?" Smokey ask, shifting some, managing to get himself up from the couch without waking the other two on it.
"yeah." Doc said, watching Smokey stretch.
"hey kiddo. you okay?" Smokey ask. Lightning nodded a little.
"yeah m'good. Hud always makes sure I am. always make it t' the hospital 'for the epipen wears off." Lightning smiled slightly, blinking.
"happen a lot?" Smokey ask.
"a couple times. maybe 4 times in the last 7 years. we try to be careful, but fans like to grab him." Doc mutters.
"kid we didn't mean for this to happen. they cleaned up the whole Pin to prevent this." Smokey said, looking at him.
"deep fryers." Lightning mumbled. Smokey looked confused.
"sometimes he says things that don't make sense." Doc says.
"no. they never clean the deep fryers properly. always leave peanut oil if they don't." Lightning mumbles quietly. "s'happened 'fore at Flos." Lightning added.
"oh yeah, when Flo switched from peanut oil to veggie oil. damn." Doc muttered, feeling like an idiot. "she didn't clean the deep fryer properly when she swapped over and he ate like three fries before anaphylactic kicked in." Doc frowned, squeezing the youngers hand gently.
"spent a little over a week in the hospital because of that... they had to pump my stomach and then pump all kinds a medicine in me." Lightning mumbles. Smokey looked at Doc a moment.
"hey kid, go on and get you some coffee, okay?" Smokey ask, patting Doc on the shoulder.
"no I'm-" Doc started.
"go. that chair kills your back." Lightning mumbled, letting go of Docs hand. he coughs, covering his mouth the best he can.
"you sure kid?" Doc ask.
"yeah. m'sure Hud. y'always panic t'much when m'in the hospital." Lightning smiled, blinking tiredly.
"okay. I'll be back in a few minutes Monty." Doc sighs, getting up. Lightning smiles weakly at him, watching him walk out of the room. Smokey plops himself into Docs seat, smiling at him.
"how are you kid?" Smokey ask.
"m'okay, or least I will be, inna few days. hospital'll keep an eye on me, can y'keep an eye on Hud?" Lightning ask. Smokey chuckles and smiles, patting his hand.
"sure can kid. I'll do my best. Huds stubborn, never seen him cave like that before. you got a lot more power to get him to take care of himself than I do." Smokey chuckles softly.
"he'll have t'listen t'you. breathin' is hard." he mumbles, his eyes fluttered shut and he droped his head backwards into the pillow.
"he's not dead is he?" Louise ask.
"n'yet." Lightning snorted. he raises his head to look at Louise. "but thanks f'askin'." Lightning mumbled, coughing and wincing.
"you okay kid?" Louise ask. he nodded weakly.
"yeah. 'cept m'lungs ache. s'bad." Lightning mumbles, coughing again. he whines lowly and closes his eyes again, dropping his head into the pillow again.
"wheres Hud?" Louise ask.
"kid convinced him to go and get some coffee." Smokey said. Louise looks at Lightning again. the monitor shows he's asleep again.
"damn, everyone awake?" Doc asks, walking in with two cups of coffee. he hands one to Smokey.
"just us." Louise said.
"would've brought you one if I knew you were awake." Doc said.
"I'm good." she assures. Doc nods slightly, sipping his coffee.
"kid asleep?" Doc ask. Smokey nodded.
"tried to keep himself awake, but he couldn't." Smokey said, looking down at Lightning. Lightning mumbles in his sleep, wincing. Smokey gets up from Docs chair and lets the other man sit down. Doc does so and looks over his sleeping lover, before taking a sip of his coffee. he wanted to be awake the next time the younger woke up.
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