Saving mundies and warlock besties
On the way to the graveyard clary explains her whole life story to me. Walking into the graveyard I sigh in relief. "who's grave is it?" Clary asks. "Mary Milligan, Born and died on January 10th 1802-1878" we begin separating.
"Wait what are we looking for?"
"A cache of weapons, stashed here with Mrs.Milligan." Alec says
"Why are there shadowhunter weapons in a churchyard?" She asks as I groan "what is with the questions?"
"Because all of the ancient religions recognized demons. Or atleast they used to. They forgot about the threat because we've been here to protect them... typical mundane failure of imagination" he rolls his eyes.
"You're saying now we're doing to good of a job?" Izzy says. "You just can't let up can you?"
Izzys phone begins beeping "Excellent, he's home, I'm outta here"she says beginning to walk away. "Aren't you coming with us?" Clary asks. "Oh I wouldn't miss it for the world, but I gotta find out how to get into the vampires lair" she says as I pull her aside "remember to use protection and tell meliorn I said hi" she smiles at me before walking off.
I turn back to the others "Alec why don't we check by the angel, we couldn't gear up at the institute, but we know our ancestors left a cache around here some place, we just gotta find it" I grab Alecs hand and drag him away with me.
I look at him and see that there's something bothering him. I nudge him slightly "hey...what's up?" He looks down at me "nothing" I gave him a look as if to say 'really?'
"I think you've forgotten I'm your bestfriend and can tell when shit is bothering you, so fess up"
He stops and turns to me then looks at Jace and clary...oh. "It's her isn't it, you don't like her? Or you don't like the fact that since she's been here Jace has been paying attention to her?" I say watching his face for confirmation or denial. "Since she came he's been distracted, he's questioning me and going against me! He's my parabati, my brother and she's been messing up and being reckless she doesn't care about consequences but we're... I'm the one who has to face them" he rants
I pull him into a hug and he rest his Chin above my head "feel better?" I smile at him "no... ok maybe a little" he smiles back. "Ok I get it your the oldest you take responsibility for everyone's actions, that's not fair but you're still here because you care what happens to us and if we screw up, you've got our backs and we got yours. You need to remember that clary grew up as a mundane no memory of shadowhunters or anything, she's only had few constant people in her life and ones disappeared, ones most likely dead and the other had been kidnapped by vampires, imagine how she's feeling being all alone... we have each other she has no one"
"Plus be happy Jace is interested in someone other than himself and his 'book club' members" he laughs at that.
"Now you guys talk and when I come back it better be sorted out" I say going over to clary sending Jace back to Alec.
"So... how are you...?" I ask as she looks at me confused "I mean you're in a new place with people you've never seen before and majority of people you know are missing... that sounded so inconsiderate, I'm sorry I..." I blabbered as she cuts me off chuckling "I get it and I don't know I was normal 2 days ago wondering if I'd get into art school now I'm sucked into this world and realized my whole life has been a lie"
"You're not alone you might think you are but you have us now, we're family despite anything I say or do we can't change that and those guys..." I say looking at Jace and Alec "they're my family so that makes them yours... well except Jace cause Izzy told me you got some 'thing'" I Say as she blushes a deep red "how are you good at that?" She asks curiously "the feelings thing? I'm more or less like a therapist for all of us, the angel knows how messed up we are and sometimes all you need to do is talk it out or break a few things, but considering we're in a graveyard that would be very disrespectful" She looks around and then clears her throat "is this it?" She points at a grave.
"Yeah it is, Jace Alec we've found it!" They come over. I look at Alec and he shakes his head and I sigh. Jace pulls out his Stele and says "abracadabra" i face palm and mutter "lord help me" clary asks "do you actually say that?" And I respond "no we don't that's just Jace being an idiot and extremely cliche" He traces the angelic rune and it opens up revealing swords and blades.
Clary picks up a blade only for it to be taken by Alec "don't touch that. You don't know how to use it" I zone out thinking how I missed so much in like 6 hours, seriously you miss one mission to sleep after 3 days of being awake and all of a sudden there's a new shadow hunter and someone gets kidnapped, this is why I shouldn't leave them alone... I get brought out of my thoughts by Alec nudging me "huh?" They look at me "what were you thinking?" "How I shouldn't leave you alone again, cause a lot of shit happens when I ain't there" I say bluntly he rolls his eyes "do you see what you need in here?" I peer inside the box and shake my head.
"No staff" they're back at the institute "alright we're going back to get our stuff" I say as Alec nods. "How are you guys gonna get in without getting caught?"
"Go in the back. Won't bother us if we're alone"
"Okay, good go. I can finish up here" Jace says I turn around and wink at clary before walking away turning back for Alec who walks up to Jace "hey... I understand what we need to do, and I trust you parabati... but don't ever doubt me not matter what I say"
"It's already forgotten" they do a handshake "I'll see you guys at dawn" we nod "at dawn"
Alec grabs my hand and we're off, we enter through the back into the institute and grab our stuff and wait while Alec runes his arrows, "I take it that you're good now?" I ask and he nods a small smile on his face.
We hear footsteps and I shove his bow and arrows behind me and I pull him to stand in between my legs "someone's coming... follow my lead" I whisper as he nods. Hodge walks in and we pull apart "oh...uh"
"We-uh-I.." Alec stutters and hodge cuts in "don't tell me I don't want to report you for inappropriate actions but I am glad to see that you are finally together" hodge says happy?
"Oh no- we...we're-not uh..." Alec once again stumbles with his words. Hodge begins to walk out but Alec stops him "hodge? Thank you"
"You remind me of me, Alec. A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one" he turns to me "and you Elizabeth you remind me of your father brave and outspoken willing to do anything for others don't let that be the cause of your downfall and... don't make the same mistakes I did, look where it got me" he says leaving.
I look at Alec sensing his conflicted emotions "hey don't listen to him, you're nobody's shadow you're , your own person and we love you for it" I say as he smiles unconvincingly.
Izzy sent us a text to meet her "Izzy we got your text, why are we here?" I ask. Izzy walks towards us in a red dress "it's and old meatpackers service entrance. If we go back there, we come into the basement of Hotel DuMort. Perfect right? We distract the vamps while clary and Jace get Simon from Raphael"
"Okay? It was hard work interrogating meliorn to get this intel"
"Yeah I'm sure it was very physical" I smirk as Alec adds sarcastically "great job Izzy, you have faerie dust on your dress. And I hate being the distraction."
We continue walking "this must be the way" she opens a door revealing a group a vampires, quickly shutting the door we lean against it as Alec tries to trace a rune onto the door
"Any day now" Izzy says "yeah, if you hold the door still, it might be a lot easier" he sighs and groans "it's not taking it" I take Alex's blade and cut of a pipe and stick it between the door handle and the floor.
"Whoever said 'the pen is mightier than the sword' was an idiot"
"When you're right, you're right"
"How long do you think we distract them for?" Alec asks "I don't know 10 minutes" I say "are you kidding? we're gonna be liquid lunch in 5"
"So let's distract them"
"So let's distract them"
We position ourselves as the door breaks in and we launch in attack and begin killing the vampires. Jumping off one and stabbing another I turn around a throw a dagger at one behind Izzy as she nods thanking me. "This is fun" Alec laughs as Izzy holds her hands out "keep it coming boys" and I say "sorry amigos a fight is a fight, hope we're still cool if you're alive after this, well... technically dead" stabbing another vampire in the heart.
Clary and Jace join us and kill the rest of the vamps. "I killed him" she begins to cry "to be fair he was already dead" I give her a small hug.
"You did great?" I say trying to cheer her up
"You should be proud" Izzy adds.
"Thanks but... this isn't about me. Let's go find Simon"
We see Raphael with Simon and he hands him over to us as I smile and give him a quick hug "thank you" I smile at him "no problem, we're still friends right?" He asks worriedly as I nod "of course" the sun starts to rise and I turn to see him gone. I walk up to Alec who's jaw is clenched "aww is someone a little jealous" I mutter In his ear as a faint blush crosses his cheeks.
"Don't worry you'll always be my number one" I say as my phone beeps as I look at the contact and squeal "ooh Maggie's calling" I say answering the call as clary asks "who's Maggie?" Izzy answers "her friend they talk all the time, they've know each other for like 5 years, she makes her happy" I smile thinking that they think Maggie's a girl
"Hey Maggie!" I say Into the phone walking slightly away from the others "hello darling,
How many times have I told you not to call me that" he says playfully back "I'm sorry magnus but I like Maggie better plus if Alec found out I had another guy friend he'd get more jealous" I say smiling slightly. "Oh is this the same Alec you have feelings for" I blush while looking away and hiding my face "maybe" I whisper as he chuckles on the other side "well when you do get together I want to know all the juicy details" he says "whoa there you're starting to sound like Izzy" he chuckles once again "Im afraid I have to cut this call short I have a party to attend to" he says sadly "oh it's alright, who am I to stop you from partying" he laughs and says "farewell darling" "bye Maggie" I say ending the call walking back to Alec and lacing our hands together and resting my head on his shoulder. "Tired?" He asks as I "hmm" in response.
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