Walking through the streets we find the redhead outside an studio of some sort. I could say we tracked her down with our amazing tracking skills but the truth is we stepped outside and just looked for bright red hair, her phone ringing helped us locate her.
Alec bristly walks up to her grabbing a hold of her arm "what's the point of an invisibility rune if you don't silence your phone?" He rolls his eyes at the girl as she pulls her phone out ignoring him "hey simon..." she begins to talk.
I smirk up at Alec who watches the oblivious bystanders "look at them running around like ants" I pat his arm "Alec the only thing mundanes care about are taxes, getting a job, living in a house, with a family....." I trail off thinking how my life as a mundane could be. I could be married to Alec, we could have a couple kids, live in a nice house with a dog or a cat, we'd have jobs but still have time to spend time with the kids....
"We're going to meet Simon" clary snaps me out of my little fantasy. Sighing I walk ahead of them as clary begins to talk to Alec.
Alecs pov
"I don't get why you don't tell her?" The little girl questions "tell who what?" I reply as she sighs dramatically "oh I don't know your cat that she's ran out of food, who do you think I'm talking about? Lizzie! Why don't you tell her you like her?" I look away "you don't know what your talking about" I look up at the blonde beauty that's walking infront of us.
"Uh please, I saw the way you were glaring at that guy who was hitting on her, you were jealous, I mean she feels the same way anyone can tell that" I turn to her and scoff.
"Face it Alec your in love with her"
"Your in love with Jace!"
"Seriously the middle school comeback, nice"
"Left here" she yells towards Lizzie as we turn into an alleyway.
Lizzies pov
Walking further we are met with a pale looking Simon. "You ok there?" I ask him as he nods quickly "yeh fine just a cold or something" he waves off as he leads us up a ladder then practically jumps over a wall. Alec and I sent each other looks, a human can't possibly do that.
Clary goes to follow With me behind her and Alec coming up after me. "Climbing fire escapes excites mundanes" he says sarcastically as I nudge him with my elbow "play nice"
We reach a wall covered in runes "I've never noticed them before" examining the runes "some of these have been here for years"
Simon and clary look at the heart with their initials in them "that's from when we were engaged"
"You were engaged? I'm certain I don't wanna hear that story" as I nudge him again with my elbow "remember when we were engaged? Well more like you proposed when we were 7 but we ended up eating the lollipop rings" a small smile graces his face.
Walking into the apartment "there's one flaw in your plan" clary motions to the locked door, Simon steps forward "let me try" and with one tug the door opens as if it wasn't heavily locked or anything. There's something off about him,
I just don't know what...
"After you" he smiles at clary who walks in and then he gestures to me as I walk in after her and before Alec could walk he sticks out his arm "after me" Alec rolls his eyes and finally walks in.
Walking inside all of clary's stuff is burnt, Simon points out a creaky floorboard and goes to open it but Alec pushes him aside "let me"
Pulling out a box he hands it to clary "look familiar?" He questions as she pulls out baby clothes.
"Let's check the perimeter, there's probably surveillance on the building in case she came back" nodding Alec decided to go while I stayed to protect clary and Simon.
Suddenly a guy comes out of nowhere and I launch to attack punching him before stabbing his with my seraph blade. "Go!" I turn to clary and Simon who run out the door. Turning back just to have a foot coming my way and pushing me back into the wall claws scratch at me before I'm knocked out cold.
Waking up besides Simon I look at him holding a phone. Groaning I sit up holding my head "what the fuck happened?" I ask as I hear someone from the phone
"Is that Lizzie?" Alecs voice rings out "yeah she just woke up, they knocked her out pretty hard" Simon responds as I motion him to hand me the phone "hey guys" I hear Alecs voice boom "that's all you have to say you got knocked out and kidnapped and all you say is hey?!" He freaks out "al chill some wolfies took us" "how do you know?" Jace questions "oh you know the three large claw marks on my body suggest so" I reply sarcastically.
"Where are you? Izzy can't track you so you must be near water" Jace says into the phone.
I look at Simon "we're at a Chinese restaurant the jade wolf on the pier they have very inexpensive cocktails" He answers looking at a menu.
"Stall them until we get there and watch over Lizzie" Jace demands "all I have are clothes and a lighter" Simon retorts "start a fire" Jace says hanging up.
"Great..." I mutter before the ringing in my head gets too much and I pass out again.
Third person pov
"Oh no... that's not good" Simon mutters trying to shake the out cold shadowhunter. "Lizzie wake up!" He sighs shaking her and tapping her face.
Noises could be heard as Izzys head pops out of the wall "I'm getting really tired of saving you" she smirks as Simon relieved cheers "I am not!"
Lifting an unconscious Lizzie he sets her on to the ground gently as Alec and Jace kneel beside her while Izzy holds her head in her lap "what happened to her?" Izzy asks concerned for her parabatai "they attacked us at the loft, she told us to run and she fought them off she was winning but then they got all these claws out and scratched her she's lost a lot of blood, she passed out just after the call ended" Simon stuttered under the hard gazes of Alec and Jace.
"This is all my fault" Alec muttersas he picks her up bridle style and begin to go find where clary was held.
Lizzie groans waking up holding her head before Alec quickly pushes her down again. "Hey hey you need to rest" looking around she realizes she's in her room in Magnus' apartment.
Huffing and lying down again she looks at the contemplated look on her best friends face "hey what wrong?" She says grabbing a hold of his hand and sending him a small smile "it's my fault you got hurt I left you alone" he sighs looking away. Tugging his arm slightly to get him to look at her she shakes her head "of course you'd take the blame, it wasn't your fault Alec, it's mine for not being able to fight them" as Alec then shakes his head "you were outnumbered and you lasted longer than most of us would" he sighs "if anything it's clary's fault for making us go there" as she shakes her head at her best friend as she pulls him down to hug him.
Just as they break apart magnus and Izzy walk in "hello kitten, how are you feeling?" He says taking a seat on the chair besides the bed whilst Izzy opted to lie on the bed besides her parabatai.
"I'm fine a bit sore but overall fine"magnus laughed at her "I wouldn't be to sure about that kitten you have a concussion" Lizzie shakes her head "I don't have a concussion" she sits up "see completely fine" she goes to stand up walking a few steps before collapsing into Alecs awaiting arms. "Yeah no I think you do" Izzy responds as Alec sets her back on the bed.
"I don't wanna stay on the bed, you know I can't and won't" Lizzie tries as Izzy laughs "take a nap you love those" Lizzie huffs "you told me to take a nap which makes me not want to do it" she pouts "Maggie, Al.... please"
Sighing Alec picks her up and puts her on his back "let's go" he sighs as Lizzie cheers.
"Why don't you rest your head on Alec shoulder, it must be feeling heavy" Izzy smirks before sending a wink at her brother and bestfriend as they blushed a light pink.
Walking into the living room they see clary sat besides a man "hey nice to see you awake" she smiles at the girl.
"Yeh... nice to see you not kidnapped..." she mutters back her voice muffled out by Alec shoulder.
Lifting her head she looks at the man "who's that?" She questions "oh right Lizzie meet Luke then new alpha of the wolves and Luke meet Lizzie" she Introduces "why don't I get a nice intro?" She mumbles again acting a bit loopy from her throbbing head.
"I should be introduced as Lizzie the shadowhunter or charming friend or hairstylist or unicorn" she sighs before dozing off.
"Is she asleep?" Alec ask as Izzy nods "unicorns huh?"
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