The Trun
Once I got home I sat a thought “Something feels different,” I said aloud and incisively my hand went to the gold chain around my neck when suddenly I felt two little holes in my neck, “what the--” I wondered, she decided to check it, i went into the bathroom and looked two little holes sitting there her face was pail I looked down and saw my rist paper wight and the blue veins where gone, I stepped back I was scared suddenly my eays turned red and my teeth became sharp, i felt the blood lust grow stronger I looked larger more intimidating “whats happening” I wondered I stepped even further back “am I going insane? is this a dream?” I wondered, so many questions not enofe answers I decided to go to bed and try to sleep this off. When I woke up I was still pail I coved it up with make up and just went to work.
when I got to work she was met with a lot of staring wich was weird because I work at one of the busiest sterbucks in the Unided States of Amrica “why is everyone staring? I asked my boss
“you’ve been gone for moths” he said “we thought you were dead”
“WHAT!?” I yelled I ran out of the store “whst’s happening” I said aloud I looked arond there was someone looking at me they were dark and gave me bad vibes, but for some reason it felt like they cold help me, I stepped closer “hello?”
“Who ARE you?”Tthey wisbered
“Um excuse me?” I was very confused
“You herd me” They where very odd
“M-my name is Elizabeth, who are y-you?” He hesitated
“That is not important” why was he being so mistyrios?
“Why not?!” I qustoened
“…” he hesitated
“Answer me!” I was getting mad
“It’s just not important OKAY” now he was getting mad
“IT’S NOT IMPORTAIN” I was redy to figh him
“What do you want!” I asked him,
“I just whant you to tell me who you are” he looked insistent
“What do you want to know?” he was not very spusifec
“... Has any wrid things happened to you?”
“Why should I tell you?” he looked taken aback,
“Who else are you going to tell?” he had a point I told him everything
“Come with me” he grabbed my arm and dragged me inside he dragged me up and down in and out “Where are you taking me? When we got there I was in a room soroned by a bunch of pail people like me
“Who is this?” the largest one who I assumed wad the letter said
“ I think I may have accidentally turned her” he said shyly
“Exsus me” I began “ What do you mean you “turned me”” I asked
“I don’t know how to say this but you might be a vampire.”
“Are you crazy?” I asked
“No” he said as he took me to an odd room he poke me touched me and tested different ability I was suppriized at how well I did on them I was fast, stong and drable and this leather guy kept making little remarks like “yes I see” and “hm ok” when the tests where over he came up to me and said “you are no doute a vampire” “ok who put you up to this?” I asked “you do not beleave me?” “of corse I do’not beleave you!” these people were clearly crazy the man’s eyes grew red he looked bigger and his teeth became sharp “neet trick” I began “But i’m still not convinced” “What can I do to convince you?” he was getting desbrt, I decided to humer him “suck someones blood” I told him, he waled outside and left me inside.
Three hours later he came back with a guy? Him am the leter were flirting the boy didn’t even seem to nodice me the leter leaned in for a kiss but mid way though he turned the boy’s head, his eyes tured red and his teeth once agine grew sharp he bit into the boy’s neake the boy pased out, once he was done he poured an odd liqid into the wound it closed and he bought the boy back outside, “convinced yet?” This was all very hard to process “I don’t kow” I told him “this is all so confusing,” well i can let you go back and think about it if you’d like” he offered I said yes and he took me home, the next day I went to strbucks like normal but I continued to think about wat he had said
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