04. The Dinner Party
❝ And you were tossing me the car keys, "fuck the patriarchy" keychain on the ground, we were always skipping town... ❞
"I'm so nervous."
"Don't be," Tom slid his jacket over his shoulders and slid his arms through with ease. I envied how calm and cool he was constantly. "Oh shit," he sighed, taking his phone out of his back pocket and looking at the screen. "Harrison is calling. Here, you can drive," he half-mindedly threw me the car keys.
"What?" I asked, thinking I didn't hear him right, as he was already walking outside and I was still on the front porch. The keys to his car hit the wooden staircase with a clank, and I stared down at them. "Nice keychain."
Tom got off the phone with Harrison when we were almost to the dinner party where most of his friends would be, including Harrison, so I didn't understand why he needed to be on the phone with Tom for most of the drive. But that was the kind of guy Harrison was.
I was also nervous because as far as I knew, Tom told all his friends that he and I weren't dating, but it was still the first time I would be going out with him in a somewhat public setting. All of our dates so far had been very lowkey, or just going back and forth between our houses. But surely Harrison or Jacob had to be catching on by now? Were all men just blockheads?
Halfway through said dinner party, I realized someone there had found us out; Tom's brother Harry. Harry was young, but he wasn't stupid, and he was actually really fun to talk to. I found myself on the recliner in Harrison's living room petting his dog while Harry sat on the couch near me, telling me about some idea he had for a film.
Everyone who surrounded Tom was indulged in a life of the arts, followed by a life of luxury because, well, they could afford it. Which was alright, it was just very obvious that I wasn't a direct match for their group.
Harrison's house was huge. It was decorated heavily, the color schemes too wooden and dark and murky for my taste, but he was just that kind of guy.
"Don't worry, I won't say anything," Harry had promised me. I held onto that like it was the only thing keeping me afloat after being thrown overboard.
However, the car ride home wasn't as pleasant as that moment was. "You hardly said anything," Tom stated after a long drive of silence.
"At dinner. You were really quiet."
"Not much I can contribute," I said because it was true. Like I said previously about feeling out of place. "I talked to a lot of your friends though, even Harry!" Tom didn't have much to say in return to that, instead just nodding and humming to himself. I couldn't tell for sure, but it felt like he was upset with me. "Are you mad?"
"No," Tom replied, his eyes glued to the road with hands relaxed on the wheel. Finally, he tore one hand away and put it on the console between us, palm side up for me to slide my fingers in between his. And I did. I held onto him like he was the only thing keeping me afloat.
can't make it exactly like what happened bc
then i could never forgive myself for villainizing
tom🤞 that's my shawty
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