Thank You!
Dear Fine Lovers,
I guess it's that time! The time to say my last thank you's to you guys and close this book.
It was only a month ago when I posted the very first chapter of this book - or should I say letter?
This book was definitely a waking experience for me, a trip through myself and my relationship with others. As I said in my opening credits, I wrote this story a couple years ago. The plot line was pretty plain back then, if I'm being honest. It was too plain.
So when I stumbled across it in my drafts a few months ago and re-read it I saw that with a little bit of editing this book maybe had the potential to ... touch some souls out there.
It was also my first English-writing experience that I was finally determined to publish, so the pressure was high. But I was so sure that I could do it. And I did it.
It was the last days of August of 2019, just a few days after Lover was released. I used that week to re-write the whole book, which back then didn't even had a name,while listening to that amazing album. When I finished it I took a deep breath and sent it to my best friends chris_25_luna (who is my editor as well) and teen_wolf_mania (my daily tay/ray of sunshine). They are always the first judges of whatever thing I decide to do, creativity wise. And they liked it. At least that's what they told me.
A few months later the book was still in my drafts. In the meantime, I had met and joined more actively the most amazing fandom out there. Oh wait, no fandom. Family. My girls! My haylories. I love you all so much and appreciate you even more. And I want you to know that I don't ever take you for granted. On the contrary, I cherish your devotion and enthusiasm in my manips, my video edits, my lyric videos and now my book. The said book that now had a name.
"All Too Well"
Is it cliché enough to use a song title as the title of a book? Maybe. But I didn't care. It just felt right at the time. It still does.
You chose Taylor's letters to keep you company through this past month, a difficult month for humanity and the world in general. And I don't think I can stretch this enough but...
Thank you!
Thank you for supporting me when I thought no one would.
Thank you for reading the very first letter and you kept asking for more.
Thank you!
I would also like to thank my best friends, the girls who were physically and emotionally by my side during all this, even if you didn't know it at some points. You gave me the courage and the belief that I could really do this whirlwind of feelings.
Chris, Mary, Penny the biggest thank you goes to you. Honestly, I would have driven myself crazy if I didn't have Chris's craziness, Mary's gentleness and Penny's boldness in my life. I love you with all my heart and I think you know it all too well!!!
I won't bother you for much longer with the sentiments. I'm quite eager at this point to finish this trip of Taylor's and Harry's because another one is waiting to be written.
Oh, didn't I mention it?
The fun with me writing Haylor books has only began...
Expect the unexpected
I still love you! ;)
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