Of what could have been
But what if The Doctor's mind wipe on clara WORKED?
The diner was hot and crowded but it was better than the scorcher of a day they were having. The air con was having a slow death so he discretely pointed his sonic at it to give it a boost.
"Sorry, is this seat taken?"
He looked up and it was Clara. Awkwardly holding the chair opposite him. He stuttered. There were so, so many things that he needed to say, they were caught in his throat and were starting to choke him. He muttered out a feeble 'of course' and followed her with his eyes.
He wondered how many years it had been for her, how long it had been since his frantic attempts to never let her die had stopped. She laughed, a laugh that he had never heard from her before. One of his hearts began to splinter in two.
Clara looked up and it was him. Awkwardly making his exit through the small crowd. She stuttered. There were so, so many things that she needed to say, but they caught in her throat and threatened to choke her. She managed to force out a feeble 'sorry, just need to check on something' and followed the man who kept popping up to save her life, always vanishing, and never telling her his name.
Don't know what's going on? Watch doctor who. Chop chop, only 38 seasons to catch up on :)
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