~Plan B~
*Branch cleaned up her wounds and wrapped it in bandages*
Branch: Poppy i'm sorry i left you out there by yourself i shouldn't have done that
Poppy: No no it's okay branch i'm just glad you saved me that's all
*branch smiled and sat next to her cuddling her gently*
Branch: then in that case i will never ever leave you alone again, i promise
Poppy: *sighs happily* Thank you
*then branch lifted her chin up and kissed her and she kissed back*
*Meanwhile outside*
*The bounty hunters transformed into the shadows and they went back to the shady pod*
???: You failed to bring her back?
??? (2): No it was the thief the whole time he was the one who saved her from us the first time
??? (3): it's all true! and he's gonna bring her home before peppy pays the ransom!
*then the lead shadow punches a wall in pure rage and turns to the shadows*
???: Well it looks like we only have one choice now...we go to plan B
*the other shadows gasp*
??? (2): You don't mean-
???: yes...we attack the village and we take the leader out...
???: The princess would be very devastated if something ever happened to her father so under the darkness of night we infiltrate the village, attack it and i will take the leader out and we leave
??? (2): what does it have to do with capturing the princess?
???: Here's the thing i know where the thief's hideout is...in a heavily protected bunker in the middle of the forest...so when the princess is unattended...we capture her and take her back and when the thief comes to rescue her...we will give him a choice...
*Then the shadows eyes glow bright white and they laugh maniacally*
*The next night*
*Branch and poppy were in the outskirts of the village*
Branch: So...i guess this is goodbye *holds poppy's hands*
Poppy: Yeah...i- i guess it is but i just wanna let you know that i've had the best time ever with you and i hope we get to see each other again
Branch: yeah...if you wanna see me again...you know where to find me *slowly lets go of poppy's hands* i love you poppifur
Poppy: I love you too...goodbye
*branch retreats to the shadows and poppy goes back to the village when suddenly*
*poppy hears loud screams coming from the village and when she returns the village is under attack by giant shadow monsters*
*one of the monster shadows reach their hand towards her but then*
Branch: Poppy look out!
*Branch pushes her out of the way and grabs her*
Poppy: Branch w- what's happening?
Branch I don't know, but we have to get out of here NOW
*branch grabs her hand and leads her back to the outskirts as he held her close*
*Poppy looked to a large tree branch and sees her father battling the leader of the shadows*
Poppy: *gasps* Dad!
*Poppy tries to run to her father but branch held her back*
Branch: Poppy stay back!!
*At the tree branch*
King Peppy: Why are you doing this? we never did anything to you!
???: You want to know why? IT'S BECAUSE OF YOUR DAUGHTER!
???: Her mother was the one responsible for putting us to an end and we want to put that to an end by killing her!
*Suddenly the lead shadow kicked peppy and he fell to the ground but he got up and continued to fight them*
Poppy: DAD!
King Peppy: *turns to see poppy with the thief* Poppy?
*But then one of the shadows threw a knife into peppy's back and peppy fell down onto the ground as the lead shadow cackled evilly and he kicked his body to poppy and branch*
Poppy: DAD! NO! *Tears start streaming down her face*
*peppy's weak body stopped in front of her*
King Peppy (Weakly): my sweet poppy...come close, you as well branch
Poppy (choking up): Dad what does the shadow mean that i'm the cause of this?
King Peppy (weakly): the shadows...they wanted to get rid of us but your mother *chuckles weakly* your mother stopped them but...she was killed in battle and she brought this legacy of hers onto you when you got older so you could defend your mother's legacy
King Peppy (weakly): and branch...i'm sorry for judging you...what i saw before was a thief who cared about nothing but himself...but what i see now before my very eyes...is a protective, caring troll who loves my daughter dearly...take care of her for me
*then peppy died right before their eyes and poppy's eyes widened in horror as tears streamed down her face*
Poppy (choking up): No...no
*Poppy went onto her knees and she began sobbing*
*the shadows smiled evilly before retreating*
*Branch went on his knees next to her and he pulled her into his chest as she sobbed while rubbing her back*
Branch: I'm sorry poppy...let's get you to the bunker
*Branch helped her up and he held her close as he brought her to the bunker*
*at the bunker*
Poppy (Choking up): Branch i- i don't even know what to do anymore...my dad's *sighs quivered* gone...
Branch: I know poppy, but your dad will always be with you, he loves you and i know he would have done what ever to took to keep you and your mom's legacy safe
*poppy sniffled and leaned against branch for support and he hugged her tightly*
Branch: it's okay...okay...just rest my sweet baby angel
*Branch took her to his bedroom and he laid her onto his bed and tucked her in and kissed her forehead tenderly*
*Poppy fell asleep and he left the room to give her some alone time*
*But then when he left the shadows crept into the bedroom and they saw her asleep*
???: Grab her boys...
*the shadows grabbed her and she screamed loudly*
*Branch heard the scream and he ran in a panic only to find poppy gone and a note on the floor*
*branch read the note and he ran out of the bunker and towards the shady pod*
*at the shady pod*
*Branch jumped in through the window*
Branch: okay whoever you are Show yourself and hand poppy over!
*the lead shadow comes in and smiles evilly with its lackeys behind him*
Branch: okay now where is she?
???: We were hoping you would ask that...
*then the shadows moved out of the way revealing poppy strapped to a chair tightly with a gag covering her mouth as tears streamed down her face*
Branch: *gasps* poppy!
*branch ran towards her but the shadows appeared in front of him*
???: now now we'll hand her over to you but...there's a catch...turn yourself in or the princess is harmed
*one of the shadows held a knife to poppy's throat*
Branch: what?! No! I'll not let you hurt her, she needs me!
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