Part 3
Characters: Bucky, reader, Steve.
Summary: After a traumatic injury and honorable discharge from the military, Bucky Barnes finds himself wanting to travel and get lost in some of the most iconic cities of the world. One night he stumbles upon a girl who sparks something inside him and he finds himself following in her footsteps. How far will he go to find her and what will he discover about himself along the way?
Warnings: Some strong language.
Song Inspiration: "She Lit A Fire" by Lord Huron
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: You guys!!! I'm super excited about this chapter! Paris will always have my heart and I loved thinking back on my time there. I did actually experience pretty much everything in this part so yeah, a little indulgent to write about. I'm dying to hear your thoughts! Also, keep in mind that this takes place in 2014. Any and all thoughts are appreciated!! I love you all!! <3
April 7, 2014
That's all I got. I've just about given up on using my French. Lame, but everyone speaks English at the tourist-y spots. I am trying to go off the beaten path more in the past few days. Today was more of the expected sights, but it was so worth it.
You would have loved today, Steve. I know you're gonna hate me a little for this, but I spent most of the morning in possibly the best known museum in the world. Yup. The Louvre. I know you're jealous, but we'll go back sometime. Trust me, there's a lot more that I didn't get to see. I was a little nervous about the crowds but I was able to do an audio tour so focusing on just the one voice helped a lot.
It's impossible to see every painting, sculpture, statue, or fresco in one day. No joke. I overheard a couple talk about how this was their third visit in four days. It's THAT massive. I decided to grab a map and a headset to pick what I most wanted to see. After three hours, my mind was so full of artists names and artworks and my eyes kinda started glazing over. Don't worry, I caught most of the must-sees. Venus de Milo and so many of the sculptures about blew my mind with how insanely detailed everything was.
One of my favorites was actually at the top of the grand staircase, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, a marble sculpture of the Greek goddess of victory named Nike, sculpted around the 2nd century BC. The amount of history in these artworks is incredible. Can't believe I get to see it all with my own eyes.
And let's not forget the Lady herself. That's right. The Mona Lisa, painted by Da Vinci. I followed the signs and they led toward a gallery that I quickly noticed was full of people. Made me feel a little clammy and my heart race, so I found a bench in another room for a minute and did some breathing exercises. Guess they worked cause I did finally go into the gallery. I mean, shit, I couldn't be here and NOT see her. You'd've smacked me upside the head, I know it. I kept focusing on my breathing and stepped up. And...holy shit.
It's real. Right there in front of me. There was a mass of people so I walked around the edge a few minutes til one side thinned out a bit. Hello, beautiful. The painting itself is...smaller than I thought it'd be? But she has this way of holding your attention. It's amazing. No joke. And there's a rope that keeps people from stepping right up to it, but I wanted a good look. Just like the pictures, but better. She really does look like she knows something we don't. I held out as long as I could til I could hear people coming up behind me and I had to get out.
You'd be proud, Stevie. I'll show it all to you next time. Those three hours were enough, though. I hit my limit so I returned the headset and walked outside toward those glass pyramids in the courtyard. I sat on the benches nearby to catch my breath and just enjoyed the sunshine. I was starving by then so I pulled out my map of the city and looked for something nearby. A few tourists I overheard were talking about Luxembourg Gardens and I didn't want to be stuck inside anymore, so I found it on the map and started walking that direction. Stopped at a cafe for lunch on the way.
The Gardens were...kinda amazing. More than I expected, anyway. They're like the grounds of this massive mansion, including armed guards outside. They meant business. I saluted in respect and they returned it. Felt like a soldier again for a second. Anyway, on a sunny day, I guess people just gather there, around this huge pool in the center. Not like a swimming pool, just decorative. Whatever. The trees on one end of the gardens were sculpted to be square, which was cool in a weird way. I found a bench tucked away under the trees and read for a while. It was great. Score another point for eavesdropping on tourists.
I walked some more after that in the direction of another sight you'll wanna visit. This one was quite a hike, but worth it. Still wasn't ready to brave the Metro again. I don't mind just wandering, though. I walked across a bridge in the afternoon and this busker was playing a song on accordion and I recognized the tune, but couldn't remember the name. I stood a few yards away to listen and after dropping a few coins in his hat, someone else said that it was "a beautiful rendition of La Vie en Rose" and that was it! Louis Armstrong, right? It kinda made me stop and really appreciate the moment. I was on a bridge. Listening to a street performer. In Paris. Fucking amazing.
Anyway, I finally made it to where I was headed, and luckily the line to get inside wasn't too long cause the clouds were getting dark. Notre Dame Cathedral is another one of those places that doesn't really seem real. It's huge and historic and old and gorgeous. I must've gotten inside just in time for 6pm mass cause there was a congregation and the priest was entering with the choir singing and it was bizarre to just witness it as a spectator. The acoustics were insane. You'd love it. I stayed as long as I could, taking in the stained glass and buttresses and I even lit a candle. Mostly for you and the boys.
When I walked outside, it was pouring rain. I just pulled on my baseball cap and turned up my collar cause I'm not practical enough to have an umbrella but as I headed for the street, the bells sounded and I froze. The noise was sudden and if I had still been inside, I might've had a bad reaction, but somehow, in the rain in the mostly empty courtyard, I just turned back toward the Cathedral and took it all in. It sure was a sight, all lit up like that. I don't know what made me do it, but I took off my hat and looked up to the sky, letting the rain fall on me, arm outstretched. I probably looked insane, but I didn't care.
Now, before you go all Mother Hen on me, don't worry, I ducked into a cafe to dry off after that. I didn't catch a cold or anything, I swear. Even caught a taxi to the hostel, which is a miracle in the rain. Must be my lucky day.
Damn. I didn't think I'd write this much, but I wanted to remember this day. It was a good one. Can't wait to tell you all about it, pal. In person, hopefully. A few more days here, I think. We'll see.
Au Revoir,
April 11, 2014
Hey, Steve.
Sorry it's been a few days since I've written. I mean, you don't even know about these letters, but still. I must've walked almost every street of this city and I loved every inch of it. Paris really is something special. The locals aren't as snobby as people say, as long as you try the language and act polite. I've actually picked a few more useful phrases and guess what?
I rode the Metro. Yeah, buddy! It was only one way after an insanely long day and my dogs were barking, but still. Progress. After ticking the boxes of most of the tourist spots, I just liked walking around the city. Took a break at a corner cafe when I wanted to, even snapped a few photos on that digital camera you gave me and I then forgot I had until now. It's been a dream, but I think I'm ready to move on. I have a few destinations in mind, but figured I'd head to the train station and see which trains are leaving soon. Leave it to fate or whatever. I'm just about packed up so I'll finish this letter once I'm on my way.
*cue elevator music*
Hey, pal. So, I'm on a train headed to...wait for it...London! Ha! Weird how things happen. I'm actually excited to hear some English and let my brain rest for a few days. I'm gonna keep practicing my Spanish and French, though, don't worry. Never hurts to pick up a few more key phrases.
So, Buck, how did you choose your destination? Well, Steven, I will tell you. If you insist. I got to the Gare du Nord Station (don't ask me to pronounce that cause I can't) and took a long look at the departure boards. Quite a few choices that sounded good. Brussels, London, Amsterdam, other French destinations that I couldn't pronounce and now can't remember.
Anyway, I had one in mind and got in line for a ticket, or at least checking to see if any were available. I was next in line when I glanced at the corkboard on the wall guessed it. "Not all those who wander are lost" sticker peeking out from underneath a flyer. I reached over and pulled it off the board, just staring at it. What are the chances? Seriously, I need to know how likely it is that we were in the same place at different times and I just happened to see what she left behind. Cause it's getting weird. She must've had some extra time to kill cause this one has a few doodles on it. Big Ben and a simple version of the British flag.
The man at the ticket counter called out for whoever was next. That turned out to be me but I had zoned out. Whoops. I finally snapped out of it and stepped up, asking for the next train ticket to London. I didn't even think about it, it just happened.
And now, here I am. Trying to distract myself from the fact that I'm on a train that for 20 minutes will be in a tunnel underneath the English Channel. UNDER. WATER. STEVE.
I'm gonna need those breathing exercises. Wish me luck. I'll try to call again soon.
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