Part 1
Characters: Bucky, reader, Steve.
Summary: After a traumatic injury and honorable discharge from the military, Bucky Barnes finds himself wanting to travel and get lost in some of the most iconic cities of the world. One night he stumbles upon a girl who sparks something inside him and he finds himself following in her footsteps. How far will he go to find her and what will he discover about himself along the way?
Warnings: Some strong language, mentions of injury. Occasional drinking.
Song Inspiration: "She Lit a Fire" by Lord Huron
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Hello, my darlings!! I'm so excited to finally be sharing this story with you!! This fic is different from anything I've written and I kinda love the challenge. I hope you love it too!! Please let me know your thoughts, I've missed hearing from you! Love you all!! <3
March 13, 2014
Dear Steve,
Hey, punk. Checking in from Rome, Italy! I've pretty much just been eating my weight in pasta and gelato while wandering the streets and seeing the sights. Went to the Vatican and saw the pope along with thousands of other people. Threw a few coins into the Trevi fountain. Saw more "piazza's" than I can remember. It's a really beautiful city. And it's easy to get lost, but in a good way.
Oh, man! I have to tell you about yesterday. I went to see that famous sight, the Mouth of Truth? You remember that part in that Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn movie where she's a princess? Yeah, well, I did that thing like he did where you stick your hand in the mouth and if you're not telling the truth you lose your hand except I did it with my left and scared the hell out of some tourists. ha! I stuck ol' lefty in there and then screamed, pretending that the Mouth had taken everything from the elbow below. One of them almost fainted, I swear.
Relax, punk, I know you're giving me the Eyebrows of Disappointment at that, but don't worry, I've picked up enough Italian to explain and apologize. I guess the word soldier translates over pretty well, anyway.
How are things back at base? Hope you're keeping those new recruits in line. I know you are. Look, I know you wanted me to head back home after I healed up some from my arm, but I couldn't go home just yet. My head still ain't right and I can't stand the thought of seeing all the pity in their eyes, knowing I'll never just be the old me again.
Out here it's easier somehow. No one expects anything from me and they barely give my arm a second glance. I'm adapting better, too, ya know? Figuring out how to do it all one-handed? It's not so bad. Being on-the-go helps, too. A few days in one city and then I pull out a map and pick a destination. There's a freedom in having no set plans.
If you get any leave, maybe we could meet up somewhere. You're only a few hours flight from anywhere in Europe. And then in 4 months, we'll both be home.
Tell the guys I said hi and don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. My train is boarding, I gotta go. I'll write again soon.
See ya, punk.
March 19, 2014
Dear Steve,
I think Greece might just be heaven. If you believe in that sort of thing. I ended up on a tiny island called Santorini and I think I might be dreaming. The water here is crazy blue-ish green and with the white stucco buildings nestled right up against the hillside, it's pretty as a postcard. I'll tuck one in the envelope, in fact. You should really see this place, Stevie. I even went swimming, you believe that? Shirtless. I haven't done that since...well, you know. More of a workout for Righty now, but I was able to paddle around for a while.
Have you heard of this thing called phyllo? It's like this flakey crust that just melts in your mouth and I tried this stuff called spannikopita (I'm probably spelling that wrong) that had spinach and cheese in it? Wow. And for dessert there was baklava which I could definitely eat every day of my life. These flakey triangles with syrup and nuts and honey and yeah I'm drooling, I'm gonna go eat some more after I finish this.
This transient lifestyle is pretty popular, actually. I've been staying in hostels where there are a lot of other backpackers in groups or sometimes alone, like me. It's this whole culture. Some have been traveling for months or even over a year and people will make friends for a day or two and move on or keep in touch, later meeting in a different city. There were a couple Australians the past few days and a guy from Kentucky just left this morning.
Don't worry, I've requested a single room everywhere I've stayed. I've been sleeping okay lately, but you know...just in case. And you can tell Sam that, yes, I've been writing in the journal he gave me every day and meditating. Still boring so far, but I guess it's kinda helpful. Don't tell him that last part.
Any news from home? I have that old phone of mine, but it costs an arm and a leg per minute and I can't spare my good arm. (Get it? ha.) I sent a postcard to home from Rome, but I still don't know what to say to Ma. Just a few lines about my travels and told her I'm doing okay. If you talk to her, tell her not to worry too much. Impossible, I know, but I can't explain why I'm out here without it sounding like "I don't wanna see you right now after a year away". I already told her I miss her and love her but maybe just tell her again?
I haven't sent that first letter but I'll send both once I figure out the postage. Hope you're doing okay in the sandbox. Carter still busting your chops? She might out rank you, but you know she has a thing for you, pal. You just gotta find the balls to ask her out. She won't wait around forever.
Almost chow time so I gotta go. It's kind of a group thing, dinner at the hostel. After eating, it becomes this traveling party where they all go out to bars and sometimes end up having a bonfire at the beach. I haven't joined them so far, but tonight I just might. Wish me luck.
March 20, 2014
Dear Steve,
Do you believe in angels? No, I'm not contemplating the literal existence of heaven again or whether or not I belong there. We all know the answer to that. I'm not having an existential crisis, I just you think there are people who come into your life for a specific reason, only if for a short time? Well, I think I saw my angel last night.
So, I ended up going to that bonfire at the beach, right? Got a beer in my hand and just enjoying myself from the outskirts of the group while some guy plays a guitar that came out of nowhere. Why is it that there's always the guitar guy at a bonfire? Is there some kind of rule?
Anyway, I was minding my own business when suddenly through the flames I spotted...her. Most beautiful woman I've ever seen just dancing all by her lonesome. She didn't look lonely, though, or too out of it. There were definitely some type of substances floating around, but she didn't mess with that stuff, that I saw. In fact she looked completely lost to the world and yet perfectly in the present at the same time. She seemed...carefree.
I don't know, I just had this feeling that I wanted to know her. I wanted to find the peaceful wholeness that filled her up. I haven't felt that strong pull...that intense desire to talk to someone for the longest time. In fact, I've hardly spoken at all the past few weeks unless necessary. Probably not healthy, I know, but Sam can yell at me about it later. This woman...she sparked something in me. Something new.
But even with that desire to know her, I still kept my ass planted in the sand and just watched her dance. I didn't want to break the spell, I guess. Or spoil her lightness with my baggage. Then some guy made the mistake of trying to converse with me, at which I failed. Not his fault. But when I looked across the flames again, she was gone. It's just as well. That was probably more than I deserved, just a glimpse of an angel. That was my chance and I blew it. Serves me right. I might—
Sorry, I got interrupted by the dinner bell and then I decided to roll the dice and try the bonfire again. She wasn't there. Like I said, missed my chance. It's getting late. I might hop on a ferry tomorrow and head into the mainland of Greece. Catch you later, pal, and I swear I'll mail these letters soon. The post office only sends and receives postage every few days on the island and I missed pick up day. Hope all is well.
March 21, 2014
Dear Steve,
Funny story, so I was all ready to catch that ferry in the late morning, but when I came downstairs for breakfast, there was someone standing at the front desk and I wasn't sure, but then she turned around. It was her. For a split second she smiled and caught my eye and I think I stopped breathing. I just stood there like an idiot at the bottom of the stairs, in fact someone had to ask me to move, and then she tacked something to the bulletin board, picked up her bag and walked out the door.
What. the. Hell.
By the time my stupid brain recovered and I stepped outside the door, she was lost in a sea of people. Out of pure hope, I walked up to the front desk and the guy was on the phone, luckily, cause I didn't even know what to say. He gave me a wave and I just nodded and looked down...right at the list of checkouts. Holy shit. It's probably not supposed to be public information, but I took a sly glance at the last entry and there it was.
Her name is Y/N. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Sometimes people will leave information about where they're headed or leave a forwarding address, but all I caught was an address in Barcelona before the front desk guy yanked it away. I acted like I wasn't looking but surprise! He wasn't fooled. Oh well. There's a bulletin board by the front door where people can leave messages, flyers, or art work, whatever, some of it buried by newer stuff. Right on top of everything was a sticker that said "Not all those who wander are lost." A beauty and a bookworm. I think I'm in love?
Long story short, I booked a flight to Barcelona instead of a ferry, I'm now in Spain, and I am officially a crazy stalker. Can I just blame it on fate? Destiny? Kismet? Previous head injury?
Anyway, wish me luck. My Spanish is rusty and I didn't plan for this at all.
AAAHHHH!!!! Are you guys excited?!? I sure am!! Holy crap, this story has been on my mind for over a year as I slowly worked on it and I am SO STOKED that you can finally read it!! What do you think of the letters format? It was pretty fun to write from Bucky's perspective and not have to worry about dialogue. ha! Plus the travel research was so fun. Some of the places he visits I have seen myself but otherwise, it's a future trip, I hope. ;) If I've described something incorrectly, forgive me. I'll let you know when I get there myself to correct it. :D Please PLEASE let me know your thoughts! I've missed hearing from you all! Thank you for reading! <3
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