Characters: Bucky, reader, Steve, Sam.
Summary: After finding each other in Amsterdam, you and Bucky build a life together in your shared home city of New York City. What has happened since that fateful day and how do plans look for the future?
Warnings: Some strong language.
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: This is it! The end. I've loved this story of travel and destiny and love and self discovery. I hope you have too. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thank you to all who have supported me in this journey. I love you.
NYC, Spring 2016
"You're going to have to trust me, Brandt. Hopping in a taxi and 'hoping for the best' is not a good practice in Turkey," you explained patiently while pacing in your home office.
Another excuse from a young, uninformed traveler. Hearing his reply, you rolled your eyes but did your best to sound pleasant through the phone.
"I understand that you and your friends want to throw caution to the wind and 'do as the locals do', but caution is actually there to keep you safe and make sure you return home in one piece.Your parents hired me to offer advice and guidance in situations such as this one and I..."
He interrupted so you let him talk, only half listening.
Allowing the young Brandt to share his thoughts about the "totally awesome idea his bros had last night" (possibly while intoxicated), you took the opportunity to take a sip of your coffee, only finding the last dregs at the bottom. Letting out a sigh, you walked down the hall to the kitchen and put on a fresh pot of coffee before voicing what needed to be said to the teenager on the phone.
"Brandt. I appreciate the fact that you took my advice and purchased a new SIM card with a local number. That was very smart of you and yes, I know Google Maps is a thing. However, it's unwise to rely entirely on your cell phone when service can be spotty at times and what if your phone dies or worse? Please, just...do me a favor. Find a cafe with WiFi, get some coffee or lunch. What time is it in Istanbul?" you asked yourself mostly, well aware that Brandt wouldn't know. A quick math calculation and you answered your own question. "It's 1pm so have some lunch, use your phone to look up the sights you want to see, and write down any directions you need on an actual piece of paper. Okay? Did you get some cash like I mentioned?"
Another eye roll.
"Find an ATM, don't worry about the currency conversion or fees. Some establishments take only cash. And keep it in your front pocket, not back. Be aware of your surroundings," you said, hoping that he was still paying attention at this point. Doubtful. "Look, Brandt. I know you want to be spontaneous and have adventures and I want you to have that. You just need to be smart about it. I'm here as a resource whenever you need it and just...use your head okay?"
A few more muttered, distracted thanks came through in your headphones just as a tall, handsome, dark-haired man shuffled into the kitchen while squinting at the light filtering through the windows. Running his fingers through adorable bedhead, Bucky spotted you on the phone and leaned in for a short kiss.
"Good morning," he said quietly, heading for the coffee maker.
You replied with a smile and returned your attention to the phone call. "Okay, Brandt. Have a great day and remember to immerse yourself in the beauty all around you. Travel isn't solely for the 'Gram, okay? Put your phone down and see it with your own two eyes. The world deserves your attention," you said, catching Bucky's eye with a smile. "You're welcome, Brandt. Okay. We'll talk later."
Hanging up the phone, you plucked the headphones from your ears and wrapped your arms around your hunky boyfriend.
"Good morning," you finally replied, offering a much more satisfying kiss that lingered and tasted of coffee and Bucky.
"Which one is Brandt?" Bucky asked, brushing a hand across your cheek.
"Another trust fund kid getting some 'life experience' before college," you replied, using air quotes. "As long as he comes home in one piece and hopefully without an STD, then I'll consider his trip a success."
Bucky laughed at that, giving you a tight one-armed squeeze before turning back to his coffee and stirring in some creamer. "One can only hope. How long have you been awake? I didn't even hear you get up."
"Mm," you squinted in thought, "since 4am? I got a call from Reagan in Germany, freaking out about missing her train. I had to talk her down so I thought I'd get an early start on the day. At least she apologized for calling so early and seemed to take my advice," you said with a shrug. "How did you sleep, handsome?"
"Pretty well," he replied, taking the first sip of his coffee with an appreciative groan. "I hate to say that Sam was right, but avoiding electronics for an hour before bedtime has helped. What does your day look like?"
You let out a long sigh, searching your mental schedule. "I have a few more hours of phone calls and emails but I can do that from home this morning. In the afternoon I'm meeting a few prospective clients, so I'll head to the office before then."
"Do you want to meet Steve, Sam, and me for lunch?"
"Sure," you agreed with a smile. "It's been too long since I've seen the fellas."
"Then it's a date," Bucky replied, pulling you into his side for another lingering kiss. "I'll start some breakfast if you want to hop in the shower. I have a little while before I'm headed to the VA."
"Sounds great," you yawned, heading for the bathroom with coffee in hand.
It turned out that Amsterdam was only the beginning for you and Bucky. The letters helped you find each other, but after finally meeting, you honestly couldn't get enough of one another. Amsterdam led to Vienna and then onto Frankfurt. Unfortunately, it was time for you to head home after that. Bucky half suggested that he could cut his trip short, but you would have none of that. Seeing the world was a privilege and you intended for him to take full advantage. Also, it was a little too early for one of you to be changing plans for the other.
Returning home to New York felt surreal after the freedom and constant change of your travels. It was good to be home, though. After battling jet lag, you returned to work and tried to find a sense of normalcy again, but travel always brought changes to you as a person. Meeting so many people and experiencing countless cultures and new places had broadened your horizons immensely. Arriving home, it seemed that the city was the same but you were no longer the "you" who had left two months previously. It wasn't a bad thing, but settling in did take some time.
On top of all that, you missed Bucky fiercely. You only had a few weeks of physical time together, but the uniqueness of your circumstances and then your meeting, finally followed by traveling together had deepened your bond. Bucky was able to call a few times and you also stayed in touch through email. But still, you counted the days until he would be flying home to you. Steve and Bucky caught the same flight out of London and so when you tightly embraced the handsome brunet at the airport followed by intense amounts of PDA, there was a man with a kind, knowing smile standing not far away.
Finally untangling from each other, Bucky brought you over and made introductions.
"Y/N, this is my best friend Steve, who you kind of already know. Steve, this is Y/N," Bucky said with pride in his voice.
Eyes shining, you smiled at the man who helped make this all possible. "Captain Rogers."
"Steve is just fine," he gently corrected you, then stepping forward with a warm hug. "Thank you," he whispered into your ear before pulling away.
With a tearful smile, you held Steve's gaze for a moment and offered a short nod. Picking up one of Bucky's bags, you then grasped his hand in yours as the three of you headed for the subway.
Once you were both back in the city, you and Bucky quickly became an item. You ached for the uninterrupted two weeks you'd spent in Europe with Bucky by your side, but it was time to bring your relationship into reality.
It was more of an adjustment in coming home for Bucky. He had spent so much time traveling and avoiding home, partly because he was procrastinating the inevitable. In a more drastic way than you had felt, Bucky found that Brooklyn was the same but he was no longer the same man. He returned to the apartment he shared with Steve but there were remnants of his former life everywhere.
All you could do was be supportive and care for him as you always had from the beginning. Bucky was the man whom you had chosen, just as he was, right here and right now. Every once in a while, though, he needed some reminding when his mind wouldn't allow him to accept the good things in his life. You were more than willing to assure him that you weren't going anywhere.
There was also physical therapy for him to attend as Bucky learned ways to adapt and become more independent. The biggest help for him, once he was willing to attend, was group therapy at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Meeting other veterans as well as fellow amputees helped him to not feel so alone. Bucky shared some of what he learned there when he offered the information, but you never wanted to pry. His healing and recovery process was his own and you were there to support him however he preferred.
Physically, Bucky had healed completely according to the doctor. He was impressed by Bucky's progress and had mentioned the possibility of a prosthetic arm. Bucky learned about the different types and accepted the brochures that were offered, but he wasn't there yet. He may never choose to wear a prosthetic. The decision was completely up to him.
Your time spent with Bucky in between work and other obligations was often spent walking through the park hand in hand or seeking out new restaurants that served foods from countries you visited. Every minute with Bucky had you falling for him more and more. Incredibly handsome as he was, Bucky was also smart, funny, loyal, generous, and well-read. You never ran out of things to talk about.
After a few weeks, you introduced him to your friends and he did the same, his being Steve who you had already met and also Sam, a fellow veteran. You knew a little about him from the letters and in person, he was warm and kind. He and Bucky had the most entertaining friendship you'd ever seen. Sam would try to ruffle Bucky's feathers and upon first meeting, spent most of the conversation telling embarrassing stories about your boyfriend. Bucky would grumble and disagree about every anecdote but you could tell he was happy, pulling you closer into his side and pressing a kiss to your temple.
Sam was also a counselor at the VA and both part of the reason why Bucky resisted and also how he ended up attending in the end. The handsome man with dark skin and a kind smile truly wanted what was best for his friend, even with all the teasing. He and Steve had become friends of yours as well and they were both grateful that Bucky had you.
Your own work and living situation was just the same as you had left two months previous. After finishing high school, you had moved to the city and began working at your aunt and uncle's travel agency. Mostly doing filing and answering phones at first, over time you began to help clients and book their trips. You also attended college while working there and you were grateful for the flexibility to your schedule. Intense wanderlust and love for other cultures convinced you to major in International Relations with a minor in tourism. You wanted to see the world and also help others achieve their dreams as well. Upon graduating, you struck up a deal with your aunt and uncle where you would work 10 months out of the year for them and then have the freedom to travel for the other two months during the off season. Learning from others who had traveled and also watching flight deals helped you plan your own trips.
Following years of working and traveling in this way, your job description had evolved. Now having gathered knowledge and knowhow of your own, you became something of a travel consultant. You still worked for your aunt and uncle officially but you also had independent clients who had your contact information in case they needed help or advice. It did mean some late nights or early mornings, depending on the timezone they called from, but you loved seeing the world through their eyes as they sent you pictures and emails in thanks. It also gave you the freedom to work at home and spend more time with Bucky.
Bucky went from solely a patient at the VA to becoming a counselor himself, helping others in his situation. It wasn't initially his dream to lead a group or often talk in front of others, but over time he gained confidence and knew what he had learned was valuable so he wanted to share. You were so proud of him, you could burst. Receiving the help he needed also meant that he was more willing to open up and share what he had been through, with other veterans and also with you. Your relationship became stronger through it all and you were thankful for that.
After close to a year of dating, you mentioned to Bucky in passing that your lease was almost up and when he didn't reply, you looked up from your sandwich at lunch and he had a curious expression on his face.
"What?" you asked, reaching for a napkin. "Is there something on my face?"
He chuckled with a shake of his head. "No. You're perfect. What would you think of moving in together?"
Pausing with napkin in hand, you searched Bucky's expression for teasing only to find sincerity. "Um. Wow. That's a big step. You think we're ready for that?"
Bucky gathered his hand in yours, leaning forward. "I'm ready if you are. I want to wake up to you every morning and make you breakfast and spend lazy Sunday mornings in bed. Maybe we can get a pet, I don't know. All I'm saying is, I want as much of you as possible, if you'll have me."
Unexpected tears gathered as you tried to blink them away with a smile. "Yes," you uttered, without a doubt. "Let's move in together. I love you, Bucky."
A wide grin split across his face as he leaned forward for a tender kiss. "I love you, too."
Six weeks later your shared group of friends helped you and Bucky move into your new two-bedroom apartment in the Village. You would have enough space for a home office and the location also allowed an easy commute for you both. Decorating on a budget added a few challenges, but building a home with the man you loved was the sweetest joy you'd ever found. Eight months later, you couldn't help but smile knowing that you were headed home to Bucky at the end of each day.
Finally showered and ready for the day wearing comfy clothes in which to work at home, you followed your nose back into the kitchen to find pancakes with berries and a fresh mug of coffee waiting for you on the table.
"Mm, it looks amazing, babe. Thank you," you said, pressing a kiss to Bucky's lips before sitting down with him to eat.
You talked about Bucky's group scheduled for that day at the VA and some of the challenges he would face. There was also discussion about a possible trip with friends to Upstate New York in a few weeks. Finishing the last of your breakfast, you both brought the dishes to the sink and tag teamed washing them. Bucky had adapted to washing with one hand so after he rinsed, you would dry the dishes and put them away. It was even in the smallest of acts and routines you had found together that made you smile.
"I'll text you about where we'll be for lunch after I talk to the guys," Bucky said as he slipped on his jacket but then he turned to you with a hair tie in hand. "Would you mind?" he asked.
Smiling tenderly, you accepted the tie. "Not at all. Take a seat."
Bucky had adapted in so many ways to be independent, including being able to put his hair in a bun or ponytail with one hand. There were YouTube videos about it and so many other challenges for amputees that after a few attempts, Bucky could do just about anything on his own. Which is why you were honored when he asked for your help. There was a vulnerability and trust that he bestowed upon you in those moments and you would never hesitate to help.
Running your fingers through his shoulder-length chestnut strands, you gathered it at the base of his neck, wrapped the tie around it, and tucked a few wayward pieces behind his ears.
"All done," you declared before he stood from the dining room chair.
"Thank you," he said sweetly, tucking a hand against your neck and pulling you close for a kiss. "I love you," he muttered against your lips.
"Love you, too," you replied. "I'll see you later, handsome."
"Bye," he grinned, heading out the door.
Rolling your neck and stretching as you walked back to your office, you spent the next few hours immersed in travel research and itinerary specifics for clients. You were so focused on your work that when a text came in, you were startled by the sound before looking at the screen. Checking the time, you were shocked to see that it was almost noon. Bucky had texted the address and time for lunch so you wrapped up your current projects, saved all your work, and then changed clothes for your client meetings after lunch.
Emerging from the subway a short time after, you met Bucky, Steve, and Sam outside the restaurant. Bucky claimed you first, holding you tight and pressing a kiss to your lips as if it had been longer than a few hours since he'd seen you. Honestly, you'd missed him, too. Steve and Sam both gave you a hug with a peck on your cheek as they caught you up on what was new in their lives.
Lunch was a lively affair filled with laughter and good food. Sam sent a few barbs Bucky's way and he was more than happy to fire back some snark. You rested a hand on Bucky's thigh through most of the meal as he ate and once he was done, he slipped his fingers between yours. You said goodbye to Steve and Sam outside the restaurant but Bucky offered to walk you to the travel agency and you couldn't help but accept.
Wrapping both hands around his right arm, you rested your head on his shoulder for a moment as you walked. It wasn't Paris or Amsterdam or Rome, but it was still right where you wanted to be, walking through the city you called home with the man you loved. Nowhere could be better than here. For now.
Lifting your head, you caught Bucky's eye. "What do you think about Argentina in the Fall?"
Offering that bright, handsome smile full of adventure that you couldn't get enough of, he nodded.
"Let's go."
The End
And it's over!! Wow. I'll still be imagining their travels together, not gonna lie. Argentina sounds amazing. So does a life with Bucky in New York City. Swoon. How did you like her background and job? Sounds like the dream! Literally. Traveling 2 months out of the year. And Bucky continuing to heal and grow with her by his side. I hope enjoyed this story. I would love to hear what you thought about it. Any feedback is adored and appreciated. Thank you for going on this journey with me. <3
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