Chapter 17
I couldn't believe we were at the end of the season already. I'm not sure where the time went. It flew by so fast. It seemed like just yesterday that I was arriving in Daytona for speed week, and now here we are in Phoenix, ready to decide a new champion. Crazy how much my life has changed since then.
Ryan had been clutch throughout the playoffs. Racking up stage points, staying consistent and reeling in top fives and top tens. Keeping himself well above the cut line. An accident at Kansas, not of his making, nearly derailed his run for making the final four, leaving him below the cut line. But a win at Martinsville punched his ticket to the final four.
My nerves were now really catching up with me. The stress of coming this far, with only one race standing between Ryan and a championship, had me feeling sick to my stomach and run down for the last few days. We had been so busy this weekend. Penske had two drivers, Ryan and Joey in the final four, so work had me running around like crazy trying to keep up with the publicity and media releases. Barely time to eat and sleep. Luckily, Ryan was in a drivers meeting for the next couple of hours, so I could use that time to rest up and hopefully get my second wind.
"Ugh." I groaned, hearing a knock on the door of the bus after I practically collapsed onto the couch. I had just gotten comfortable too. I'm now starting to think I picked up a bug or something, unless it was those nerves of championship weekend getting to me. I really just wanted to lay down and sleep off this icky feeling I was experiencing, not deal with company.
I slowly made my way to the door and groaned again, seeing my sister's smiling face.
"You look like shit." She grinned, stepping into the bus. Lucky for her she was already through the doorway, otherwise, I would have slammed the door in her face after that snarky comment. I loved my sister dearly, but I just wasn't up to a chit chat session right now.
"Gee thanks sis." I mumbled sarcastically.
"So what's wrong with you?" Alyssa asked, walking into the room and taking a seat where I had been laying just moments ago. "You're not contagious or anything or you?" She looked around nervously before looking back at me.
"No clue. I think I picked up a bug, or I'm probably just nervous about this weekend. You know, championship race." I replied, choking back the wave of nausea in my throat.
"Or you're pregnant." She smirked.
I snorted. "I am not pregnant." I protested.
"Are you sure? You look as if you are about to hurl." She smirked at me again.
"It's just a bug. I am not pregnant." I stated again, more adamantly.
"Whatever you say." She said nonchalantly, the subject seemingly dropped. "Anyway, I really hope Ryan wins tomorrow. I'm pulling for him." She continued.
"You're pulling for him over Chase and Kyle? Alex's own teammates? You, being a Hendrick Motorsports employee?" I laughed.
"Well of course I'm pulling for Ryan. He's practically my brother in law."
"Yeah, well I wouldn't hold my breath on that." I muttered, mainly to myself. Her comment admittedly stung a bit, much to my own surprise.
"Why not?" She asked, and I realized she had heard my muttered comment.
"I don't think Ryan is ready to get married. I don't know. We joked about it when we first started dating, but he's never mentioned it since. I'm not even sure I'm ready for that to be honest." I replied, knowing I was lying to myself.
"Yeah right. You are so fooling yourself Laynie, you would marry that boy in a heartbeat if he asked you to."
Before I could think of a comeback, the nausea that I had been holding back hit me with full force, sending me running to the bathroom and emptying the contents of my stomach. Ugh. This was just like the flu bug I had last year, but without the fever. Just the totally drained, sick to my stomach feeling.
When I returned from the bathroom, Alyssa was now sitting at the table with a box containing a home pregnancy test in front of her.
I rolled my eyes. So much for the subject being dropped. "Have you started carrying pregnancy tests around with you everywhere Lyss?"
"I had a gut feeling you might need it. Just take it, Laynie, and then we'll know for sure."
"Who died and made you the expert on pregnancy anyway?" I rolled my eyes again.
She shrugged. "Like I said, a gut feeling. Call it "Twintuition.'"
"Oh my God. You're pregnant aren't you?" I gasped, my own 'twintuition' kicking in.
"I am. I found out earlier this morning." She squealed.
"Does Alex know yet?" I asked, excitedly, hugging her.
"Yes, and he's thrilled." She squealed again, nearly splitting my ears.
"Just wait until you tell dad. He's gonna lose it." I laughed.
She groaned. "I hope you're pregnant too. Maybe that will soften the blow."
"Ah, so you're hoping I'm pregnant too, to take some of the heat off of you. He's just gonna be doubly pissed."
"Or maybe doubly blessed." She grinned at me hopefully.
"Yeah. Wishful thinking. I told you I'm not pregnant. Ryan and I have been very careful."
"Alex and I thought we were careful too. Look at you. You're a mess, and I just have that feeling. Just take the test, Laynie. Please." She held the box out to me, pleading with me.
"Fine." I grumbled, snatching it out of her hand and taking it into the bathroom.
This is going to be a complete waste of a test. I know I'm not pregnant. I'm not even late. Am I? No. I'm not. At least I don't think so. I have the flu. I've had this before and I felt pretty much the same. I'm not pregnant. Just pee on the damn stick Laynie and prove it. I said to myself.
"Ryan Blaney wins. Ryan Blaney is a NASCAR cup series champion." The announcers were screaming excitedly over each other, that I could not make out whose voice was who's. It didn't matter. I had seen it with my own two eyes from the pit box. I was jumping up and down screaming and celebrating with Todd. Ryan had won. He won the championship.
"Burn it down man. You earned it." I heard Josh say to him after he and Todd, and Mr. Penske all gave their congratulations over the radio.
"Think he's gonna do a burnout this time?" Todd asked me jokingly.
"Not a chance." I laughed. "I don't think he's giving this flag away either."
I was right. Ryan drove his winning car to the flag stand and collected his flag. He saluted the crowd, thanked everyone, then got back in the car to do a polish victory lap, waving the checkered flag out of the window.
"You were right." Todd laughed, then hugged me. I was really going to miss him, but I was so glad that he was going out as a championship winning crew chief.
We made our way to victory lane, where everyone was celebrating. There was champagne and Body Armor and confetti raining down everywhere. Ryan was just finishing his interview when he spotted me. His face broke out into an even bigger grin. I waited until he finished his interview before stepping into his waiting arms, where I was promptly doused with the aforementioned combination of Body Armor and champagne.
"Congratulations champ. I'm so proud of you." I gushed, before he crashed his lips to mine. The absolute sweetest victory celebration kiss.
"I couldn't have done this without you." He said, looking deeply into my eyes. There was so much emotion radiating from those blue eyes.
"I didn't drive the race car." I laughed.
"No, but your love and support have meant everything to me. You were there to cheer me on, to lift me up when things didn't go so great. You motivated me every day, kept me thinking positive. I love you so much Laynie." He was about to lean in and kiss me again, until someone handed him a champagne bottle. He took a big swig from the bottle, then held it out to me. I shook my head. The smell of the champagne was starting to get to me. No. Not here. Please. I begged myself.
"Are you okay baby?" He asked, a look of concern now replacing the excited smile on his face.
"I'm pregnant." I blurted out in a low voice, that hopefully, only he heard.
"Are you serious?" He asked. I could not read his expression. I nodded slowly and watched his face break out into a big grin once again, only this time, he looked even happier. "We're really having a baby?" He asked again.
"We're having a baby."
"God I love you." He held me tightly and kissed me again. I was literally melting.
To my complete and utter surprise, he then dropped to one knee and took my hand in his. My heart soared, but then immediately sank. No. This was all wrong. Not like this. I wanted him to propose because he wanted to, not because I was pregnant.
He pulled a small black velvet box out of his pocket and opened it. I could see the diamond ring shining brilliantly under the lights. Wait...he has a ring? Does this mean he was planning on proposing anyway? My heart began soaring again.
"Laynie, I can barely remember my life without you in it, and frankly, I don't ever want to. For over twenty years you have been there for me, and now I'm counting on forever. Will you be my Laynie Blaney and marry me?"
I launched myself into his arms and flung my arms around his neck. "Yes. Yes. I can't wait to be your Laynie Blaney. Forever."
A/N: This is the final chapter, but look for the epilogue to be posted hopefully later this week.
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