I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
-A thousand years, Christina Perri
I have a sister. A real blood sister. The only thing I had to worry about is that Bella was lying, and I don't have a sister. We just stood in the middle of the woods in complete, and utter shock. "We should get back to the house, and tell them what happened." Edward says quietly.
I nod, and he puts his arm around my waist, and leads me in the direction of the house. I fallowed numbly. What are we going to do? "Don't worry, we'll figure this out," Edward tells me.
Soon enough were back, and everyone is outside waiting for me. "How did it go..." Mom says cutting off her own sentence, when she see's my troubled face. She rushes forward, and hugs me. "What happened? Was it a human, oh honey it happens to everyone sometimes, and since your so new..." "No mom it wasn't that," I cut her off.
"Then what happened then?"
"Bella payed us a visit,"
"What when?"
"In the woods not 5 minutes ago."
"She said we fight, or surrender, and if we don't show up she'll kill my sister," I say sadly, and un-surely. "You have a sister?" they all asked at once. "I don't know," I shurgged. They all looked confused.
"She said that if we didn't show up they would kill her, but I don't even know if I really have a sister," I tell them softly. Suddenly mom, and Aunt Alice, were hugging me tightly.
"It's okay, we'll fix everything," mom tells me. I just nod sadly. I turn my head to see Moms car pull up. Katie gets out, and gasps at the sight of my eyes. "it's okay I won't hurt you," I sooth her.
She relaxes slightly. She tentatively walks forward. I hesitantly breath in. Surprisingly she doesn't smell like food. She smells like warm brown suger. I turn to my family. "she doesn't smell like food!" I tell them excitedly.
"Am I supposed to take that as offense?" she asks. Emmett starts to laugh really hard. "You are... offended... that she... doesn't want... to eat... you?" he says gasping through unneeded breaths.
I smiled at Katie's embarrassed face. Everything soon turned serious. "Alice do you know when Bella will be at the battle field?" I ask her. Her eyes cloud over for a second before she answers.
"We have until next Saturday, so a week. I say we leave now. We are going to have to get help from the wolves," she says in disgust. My eyes widden slightly. "Real werewolves?" I ask.
"No, there shapeshifters. They turn into wolves whenever they want." Edward explains. I nod, and dash off to my room to pack. I started to pack, but I stopped, and sat down on my bed.
Edward lightly tapped on my open bedroom door. "You okay?" he asks softly. I smile slightly at him. "Yea, i'm just a little confused." I tell him quietly. He walks over to me, and put his arms around me.
"It will be okay, don't worry," he says reassuringly. I nod. "I have to finish packing now," I tell him getting up, and moving towards my half packed suitcase. At lightening speed everything is packed.
I turn around, and smile. "All done," I tell him. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I can feel the familiar electric sparks flying off of us. I turn around and smile at him.
"Thank you," I tell him. He looks at me with a confused expression. "For what?" He asks. "Just for being there and loving me," I tell him truthfully. He smiles softly. "You don't have to thank me," he says.
"l love you," I tell him. He leans forward and kisses me softly. "I love you too," he says softly. I snuggle into his chest, and let the world fall away.
The Next Day
We arrived back in forks in the early hours of the morning. It would take the movers awhile to get here, because unlike us they need to sleep. We would have stopped, but Katie refused.
At the moment she is sprawled out on the air mattress. I quietly giggled at her haystack hair, and drool. I wonder if that's how I used to be when I went to sleep. I smiled, and went to go find Edward.
I found him sitting in a tree outside by the river. "What are you doing?" I ask curiously. His head turned in my direction, and he smiled. "Everyone went hunting, so I decided to just sits and listen to the birds."
I smiled and jumped up into the tree on his lap. "Care for some company," I say laughing at his shocked expression. A huge grin breaks out over his face. "I can't imagine not having you beside me," he says kissing me deeply.
Our perfect moment was with Emmett's annoyingly true song. "Edward, and Bella sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," he sang with a bellowing laugh at the end. Then mom smacked his head.
I giggled. "Thanks mommy," I say. Emmett pouts. "How come you don't call me daddy?" He asks with fake hurt. "you suck at being a fatherly figure," I say sticking out my tongue at him childishly.
Mom drags him away taking his pout with her. I turn back to Edward who looking at me with amusement. "When are we going to the meeting with the wolves," I ask him seriously.
His expression darkens a little bit. "Tonight around 9," he says. I run my hands in his hair soothingly. "Don't worry," I tell humid. "Everything will go smoothly." He relaxes, and I lean into him.
8:45 PM
"Were is everyone going?" Katie asks me slightly confused. "We're going to have a meeting with the werewolves," I tell her. "I want to go!" She says strongly. I look at her like she was crazy.
She looks embarrassed. "It feels like I should be there. Like something important is going to happen to me if I go," she says sincerely. I sigh in defeat. "Fine," I tell her. She gets really excited, and starts bouncing like Alice.
Between Katie,Alice,mom and I there is hardly anything left in the mall when were through with it. Emmett calls us the Barbie Doll Squad. Mom hit him of course. Speaking of witch here comes Alice now.
"Here's your outfits girls," she says handing us some clothes. We stare at her like she has lost her marbles. "We're just going to have a meeting with the wolves," I tell her. "I can't see what will happen, but I haves a good feeling that something is going to happen.
i shrug and change into the beautiful royal blue strapless dress, with matching heels. It went down to my knees. Katie was wearing a black short jacket, a blue tank top under it, and jeans.
I was glad tonight was going to be warm outside. "You look great," I tell her. She smiles doubtfully. "Thanks, you to," she says. I walk down the stairs with Katie beside me.
Edward met me halfway, and slipped his arm around my waist. "You look beautiful he murmurs to me. I smile him. "Thank you," I Tell him. He just smiles. "My eyes are burning," Katie yells running away. I laugh.
We finally make our ways down the stairs, and rush out the door. I giggle at Emmett giving Katie a piggy back ride, as we run through the woods. How are we the same age?
"Another thing crossed off of my bucket list. Giving a human a piggy back ride," Emmett says excitedly. I roll my eyes at him. "Emmett you can't die. Why do have a bucket list," I ask.
He thinks about it for a moment. "I don't really know," he says. I just laugh at him. Soon we were at the clearing, and 4 tanned buffed men stood in front of us. 4 horse sized wolves stood behind them.
Katie's POV
I hid behind Emmett, and peaked around his arm, they were discussing the treaty until they saw me. The man growled. "Your keeping a human with you!," he yelled. "You heartless creatures took her away from her family, and friends!"
This spiked my anger. I stepped forward. "How dare you talk to my family that way! you know nothing about me! Both my parents are gone, and my only best friend is Ally, because my other friends turned on me. If it Weren't for Rosé, I would be suffering in foster are alone!" I said finishing my rant.
I took in all of there shocked faces, landing On the last one, I gasped, and stared at the face I would never forget for the rest of my life. I stared at him, and he stared at me, making a warm feeling spread through me. I smiled widely, as my world shifted around me.
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