Wtf is this......
Okay ummm.... Yeah this is something..... I not sure why someone though it was a good idea to do this but ummm......
All i gotta say is that who ever Photoshop this is a twisted in some degree.
Like this is the most weirdest and most uncomfortable is shit i have ever seen.
So I was just online just looking doing nothing important or anything like that so I decided to see what was trending on my trending page and then i come to see this......
The weeks best memes ranked and I saw the lip-bite photo..... Again 😒
So i was like what the hell have the done next to this poor man yet again.
In my mind I was thinking do I really want to see this. I really want to see what they did cuz even though I've seen it. And i was like it couldn't be any more worst right.......
Oh no.... I was wrong and very weird it out by this.
But the picture got ranked to number #1.
Kinda expected that......
.but then i saw this.....
And all i have to say is: WTF IS THAT AND WHY!??
Like I just like is that.... His lips.... Photoshop on a flesh..... Light....??
Like I'm just utterly shocked by this i had no idea.... I ah-
I hate living in this generation, and I hate 2020.
All i can say is y'all are twisted as fuck!
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