He doesn't deserve this hate
Lin Manuel Miranda doesn't deserve any of the stuff that is happening to him.
He doesn't deserve to be bullied.
he doesn't deserve to be harassed.
no one in his family deserves to be harassed either.
What people are doing is just disgraceful, it's sick, it's not funny and it's definitely not cute even for a laugh.
Yes I admitted seeing the pictures *without the captions we're funny they made me laugh they made me smile*
But the whole "lip-biting" thing making a post saying that "he died" saying that he "can't sing" saying that "he's ugly" and stuff like that it's gone too far.
It went too far as in him leaving the Twitter platform.
No, I don't think he left the platform just for that I think something may have happened in his family maybe someone died that's what caused him to take a break.
Now I wouldn't say that he's attractive I wouldn't say that he's hot I would say he's cute" but in the whole level of attractiveness, it's different for all of us speaking.
But yeah I don't- like come oh Man. How desperate do you have to be just to get attention from someone or be the main one in an act and get others to follow he posted the picture just to make people smile, that's all.
But people want to start taking that out of proportion people just have to ruin something good. Just like how people are trying to ruin the exact thing he created tried to get it off of Disney plus with a whole #cancel Hamilton because of the slavery perspective.
Like to me, it's just stupid the Hulk #cancel hamilton. Was just stupid to me.
Yeah sure something's are inaccurate he deliberately said that they were going to be inaccurate facts and stuff like that. Like in my opinion I understand why they're doing it I understand why they want to cancel it but why would you look at it like a documentary that's what I feel like people were doing at that time and what they're still doing now I think.
I don't think they were looking at it as entertainment-wise I think there was just looking at it as a documentary.
And the only thing I have to say about that is if you want to know something that's actually factual true go to the History Channel or look it up to do some research do some actual research and stop looking for the TV as a source of facts because not everything is going to be totally completely true.
I'm sorry for feels like I'm rambling because I kinda am cuz I've been holding you all these feelings and my opinions and for so long that I didn't really know how to start it out so I'm just going to put it here.
But the whole bullying in harassing things gone too far as you comfort him you're coming for his wife who are you going to come for next two kids he comes for his kids that's a whole level of fucked up.
Like the whole thing is just fucked up in general and that's why I made this book because no one deserves to be treated like that.
Absolutely no one no matter how much you hate the person if you hate the person then don't associate yourself with that person, don't look up that person, don't try to contact that person, don't do anything that involves that person like pictures and stuff like that.
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy so why wish all this shit on him.
There is so much one person can take in this world and no matter how positive he is.
People "can" end up doing things that are really bad to themselves. I'm not saying that it can't happen but it can.
People really need to understand that words can hurt anything that can hurt them it doesn't matter who they are or what race they are with sexuality identify with.
Words can hurt.
And they leave a scar on you.
The music symbol (🎵) is now a symbol of cyber-bullying and a symbol for the composer made by Hamilfan123123 personally.
If you stand for the cause then put this on
This needs to end guys.
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