♡ q&a answers ♡
this q&a will be formatted differently than past ones because my style has changed and by that i mean im lazy as hell oop
1. virgil
q : what do you do to calm down (other than eat doritos)?
a : text friends, sing, listen to music, all that jazz.
q : dream role?
a : if i didn't play whizzer, i would really want to play marvin? also, HEDWIG, beetlejuice from beetlejuice and moritz from spring awakening, for fucking sure.
q : favorite ahs season? (mine's asylum)
a : bitch same-
q : opinions on lana del rey?
a : what opinion can i have except that she's a god?
q : favorite hamilton song?
a : cabinet battle #1 and wait for it! but i also like you'll be back a lot because it's one of roman's favorites and he sings it backstage all the time.
q : thoughts on mcr's comeback?
q : have you ever gotten really nervous on stage and how do you handle it? i got a bigger part in a school play and am really nervous. (ps. love you)
a : every night. i kind of try to absorb my castmates' confidence and remember that like, i mean, i got cast for a reason, just like you. break a leg. (ps. love you too?)
q : that was really awesome improv when the light fell. also, what was your favorite previous role?
a : thanks, haha. and my favorite previous role would probably be ryan in my community theater up in maine! aside from whizzer, that was the gayest shit i've ever done on stage and it was great. the girl playing sharpay is, to this day, one of my favorite people i've ever performed with.
2. roman
q : how long did it take to plan that party?
a : i reign superior in planning parties, so not too long. i brought up the idea the previous week and we started working on it, like, three-ish days before his birthday?
q : favorite song in hamilton that you want to sing all day?
a : you'll be back, burn, and wait for it. i sing you'll be back a lot backstage, and i can't tell if virgil enjoys it or he wants to murder me.
q : how long does it usually take for you to get into costume? (ps. i love you)
a : not too long. my main ones are not the most extravagant costumes i've ever had to wear, and there aren't an abundance of costume changes. virgil, on the other hand, can barely do his buttons even though he only has to button up half-way, which is hilarious. (ps. i love you too!!)
3. patton
q : i don't know if there was an explanation, but how did you burn that ice cream?
a : there was a brief explanation, but i prefer not to live through that again!! ahahahahAHA—
q : if logan was your pet dog what breed would he be?
a : good question! maybe he'd be a shiba inu on the inside but a saint bernard on the outside! i know he'd refuse to be thought of as a shiba inu but i disrespectfully disagree.
q : what's your favorite thing about logan? (ps. i would die for you)
a : i love how passionate he is. he's always so hardworking because he cares about the shows he directs and the people he works with, and i admire that because i know being someone like him is tiring. he's always had it rough but he manages to keep going because he loves what he does so much. also, don't die pls-
4. logan
q : what's your favorite thing about directing peeps?
a : i can infer that "peeps" refers to people. i'd say my favorite thing about directing is seeing all my ideas being put on a big stage. the end result is always satisfying and it's exhausting in the best way. it validates me.
q : what's your favorite thing about patton? :0
a : he's sweet, especially compared to me. even though it's wrong sometimes, he always prioritizes others. i don't agree that he should constantly be doing that, but i admire his efforts.
q : have you ever worked on any other broadway shows? (ps. love u)
a : i'm fairly new. i came from directing community theatre and being a techie to stage manager in youth productions and summer workshops. i have worked on other broadway shows as an assistant director, for wicked and spring awakening. falsettos is the first i have this much control over. (ps. thank you?)
5. declan
q : what's your favorite role you've played?
a : i would say marvin, but... you know. i mean, i've also played moritz so that's probably my favorite. i think second place would go to emmett in legally blonde because that was the first time i got a big role.
q : are you happy? how are you doing man?
a : i'm doing alright. being dead is kind of boring. i wouldn't say i'm happy, but i'm in a better place. i don't think i needed to die. maybe therapy could've helped. or being hospitalized. i dunno.
q : how's afterlife?
a : i mean... i can fly and teleport? so that's cool? there are good things to do here. maybe i think it's boring because i don't want to talk to anyone. freaks me out.
q : did you go to heaven or are you rotting in hell (as you should for messing with my baby virgil's feelings)?
a : i think heaven and hell are places where people who believe in that stuff go. personally i don't, so i'm just here. i dunno what to call it. anyway. i'm done. that's my last question, right? cool. hope virgil's doing okay. and, tell roman i'm sorry.
(next has spoilers for DEAR VIRGIL. if you haven't read it, either read it or don't read it (because it's lowkey shit) and skip to number 7.)
6. hellen
q : did your dad still torture you like in dear virgil? if yes, i will digitally get a knife from there and stab him...
a : yeah, but i escaped him years ago (thank god) when i graduated high school. alternate universe and all, i'm not virgil's age. we went to high school together, but i was a senior when he was a freshman. twenty two year old right here! anyway, my dad's in jail so you have nothing to worry about.
7. whole cast
q : what's the craziest thing you guys do together?
hellen : prepare short musical numbers and go to public places, like parks or carnivals to perform them.
valerie : we all love it! well-
virgil : lowkey makes me wanna die but go off. do you know how many conservative parents were covering their children's eyes because of how gay musical theatre is?
logan : watching them is amusing. i have no part in this though, because that would be wildly embarrassing.
scott : yeah, it's embarrassing, but-
roman : what's so embarrassing about performing sugar daddy from hedwig at a public park?
virgil : it's not embarrassing when you're not playing fucking hedwig-
luke : i thought hedwig was one of your dream roles!
virgil : on a BROADWAY STAGE, YES!
scott : you killed it, though.
virgil : yeah yeah, i know.
q : what's the worst thing that's happened during a show?
virgil : uhh, when that stage light almost fell on me and crushed me during the chess game.
luke : i'm with virgil on this one. he really had to pull shit out of his ass to save it.
roman : that, but also on opening night when valerie finished i'm breaking down and had to learn the hard way that she's allergic to bananas.
valerie : yep. had to replace those motherfuckers with cooked carrots.
hellen : she spent the entire intermission throwing up and i had to look after her because the guys in the cast are pussies.
roman : bitch if you don't—
8. me! (nicky)
q : what inspired you to write this book?
a : i just- i love falsettos and it's probably my favorite musical ever. one day i was trying to cast the sides into the falsettos characters and then i decided to write this (not with the assigned sides of course). ALSO, i'd just finished watching smash, and i wanted a snarky director character in one of my stories too so we know where that led-
q : what was your favorite part of writing or coming up with this story? also, i loved it! you did an amazing job at writing it, nicky :)
a : first of all, thank you!! also, i don't know what my favorite part is. maybe it's the reactions i got from readers because it was always really fun. i also love being such a musical nerd in this. OH and i put a lot of my feelings into this book. it's pretty venty like all my books that came after the dear virgil duology are, and i was going through some shit so it was cool putting all my feelings into something other people will like!
q : do you enjoy torturing us?
a : yes. if you've read youtube, conversations, and/or the night of june 2nd, you know how much i love it loll
q : how did you first find wattpad?
a : i actually made an account MONTHS after i found out about it, and the way i found out is pretty sad: i actually don't know which moment came first so i'll list both. my friend at the time (2016) always made milk fic jokes and so i searched it up and read it on wattpad. i think the other possibility is because i used to be part of the clique and wanted to find out what the forest fic was-
q : where do you live?
a : usa! i would say which part i'm from, but if you're a total stalker you might be able to infer from my conversation board or spam book or uploads, but for now, eh. let's just say, my state isn't one that other countries care about too much, like cali or broadway or disneyland or yeehaw.
q : thoughts on the new series, sanders asides?
a : love it!!! you knoW i want to see my boys more often, and while i love the longer episodes more, the coziness and just how cute it is, is pretty nice.
q : how have you been? thank you for this amazing book it has been lit. sorry, that was cringey. but anyways this book was really good and i loved it.
a : i've been meh, as of right now. my grades aren't as great as they used to be and i'm pretty stressed and highkey breaking out, but at the same time, i'm writing a lot of fun stuff, i'm a techie for the school musical and i love it so much, and i dunno. also, if you think i believe you're cringey, you should read dear virgil because looking back on that 2018 (oh god but i feel like it was written in 2015 or smt) fic, you'll find much, much worse lmaoooo- thank you so much though! i'm glad you liked it. ♡
that's it lol
that's the end of the book, which is so. insane.
thank you so much for the support. it's actually been unreal and i always say that when i finish a book, but it's actually so cool how much you stuck with me even when there were slow updates because of my mental state and how much you cared and it just means a lot.
i hope you enjoyed all the world's a stage, and i hope to see you in the comment section in a different book of mine, possibly!
love ya,
nicky 💓
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