♡ 56 - you won't like this chapter ♡
(a/n: you're gonna hate this shit but it's my favorite chapter so far)
*While Roman was passed out...*
Roman was stuck in an empty room.
It was completely black, and it looked like it would go on forever, but when he put his arm out, he felt a cold wall.
What if you died?
Hot sweat dripped down his forehead as he tried to find a way out. Suddenly it was full of flashing colors and bright lights blurring his vision.
Then it was images.
The car crash. What Virgil could be doing right now.
Virgil needs you.
But what if you can't give him everything he wants?
He fell to his knees and shut his eyes as the world around him seemed to spin and he bounced harshly across each wall of the tiny room. Claustrophobia attacked him every second and he was sure his knees were bruised; maybe even his whole body.
When he opened his eyes, there was Virgil standing hunched over, sobbing in front of two cracked gravestones places side by side. He reached out to hold him, but Virgil didn't see it.
Virgil needs you.
Logan needs you.
Well, do they?
Virgil could always get a new boyfriend.
Logan could get your standby to play Mendel.
But what would the critics think of two cast members dying months apart?
How would Virgil feel?
He loves you.
He tried to breathe deeply as he typically did before every show, but he failed, and soon he knew he would be out of oxygen.
He clawed his way through the concrete ceiling until he realized it wasn't concrete.
The now faint lights let him see the soil on his hands, wet from someone's tears.
Desperately, he climbed up from the prison in the ground until he saw the dark, gloomy sky. He forced himself up only to see Virgil walking away with a grim look, and behind his head was the tomb Virgil had been crying about earlier.
"Virgil!" he screamed.
But he didn't hear him.
You crashed your car while he was in it.
Of course he doesn't love you anymore.
"Virgil!" he cried.
*End of last chapter*
"You don't just wake up after like, three days, and only say, 'It's Britney, bitch'!" Like, it was funny as hell, but we really need to talk, Ro," Virgil said. He looked like a mess.
Roman gulped. He had tried to seem casual about crashing his car and being unconscious for a few days, but it obviously wasn't fooling Virgil. "We need to talk, yeah. But like, about what I need to talk about first."
He thought back to his nightmare.
"What are you going to say? Because I just want to ask why you were driving like that," Virgil said softly, anxiously.
"Oh shit, I should explain that, huh?"
He nodded and laughed nervously. "Yeah, probably."
"I'm sorry..." Roman's head fell back on the white pillow. "I was just so distracted because of the day, and my dad, and... and it's dumb."
"It's not dumb," Virgil put his hand on his boyfriend's. "You're not dumb for being upset. If anything, it was badass of you for going out on a day like that."
Roman chuckled lightly. "Thank you?"
"Can I take care of you?"
"Huh? What? No?"
"Ro, you always try to protect me. And that's great and all, and I've brought this up a lot recently, but I can't be the only one benefiting from this relationship. I think you forgot that I love you. I'm not the perfect boyfriend. And I never will be. In fact, I'm the shittiest boyfriend I know, but we're together for a reason."
Roman gave him a little smile and got him to lay down in the bed next to him.
"About that..." Roman said.
"About what?"
"About our relationship."
Virgil's heart dropped. "What are you saying?" He felt something coming.
"I feel awful for doing this, but you still have some growing up to do-"
"You're only two years older than me," Virgil said, already feeling tears well up in his eyes.
"There's a big difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old. And whatever you think, an age gap is a gap, even if it's small."
"But..." Virgil trailed off.
"I love you, duh, but you're not the problem."
"Yes, I am," Virgil looked away guiltily.
"I'm not mentally stable enough to date right now and I'm not sure if you are either," Roman forced out. "This isn't working. It's not completely my fault, but you can't take the blame."
The younger one wanted to argue, but he knew that wasn't what Roman needed. Especially not in his current physical state.
He sat up and faced away from Roman. "You're breaking up with me," he said weakly. "That's what's happening right now."
It didn't feel real.
Roman gulped.
"Just say it."
"I won't be hurt if you say it."
Virgil lied when he said he wouldn't be hurt, but he took a long, deep breath and looked back at Roman, the shattered pieces of his heart clearly displayed on his chest.
He stood up and gave Roman a weak, fake smile. "I'm going to tell the doctor you're up, and when you're ready, text me and I'll drive you home. I'll be in... somewhere. Anyway, see you later, Roman."
Leaving, he closed the door shut behind him and leaned his back against it, defeated.
Several agonizing days of waiting led to this; but he couldn't blame anybody but himself.
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