♡ 40 - he loves you ♡
(a/n: i saw an opportunity for a tiny mcpriceley cameo,, and i took it
also! this, along with two other chapters have been prewritten because while im posting them today when you're seeing them, i'll be on an airplane going to london aaaa! i did have more than 3 chapters prewritten but i didn't like one of them and i merged a couple and got rid of some things i realized were just annoying. idk if ill be able to write in london so i hope these three chapters make up for the time ill be away!)
Roman walked into Starbucks the next morning during Patton's shift. There was a long line, so while he waited, he watched the other people in the shop.
He grinned when he saw two of the teenagers from that show where they gave flowers to Virgil. He stepped out of line, letting the people behind him take his place, and practically ran to them.
"You are such a fucking moron, Kev." the redhead said.
"I'm fucking royalty, excuse you!" the brunette retorted. "Why else would you be dating me, McKinley?"
The redhead's eyes flickered towards Roman and his jaw dropped. "Roman Ferrante is right there looking at us."
Kevin turned around. "Fuck." He turned back to his boyfriend. "Connor, talk to him for me. If Virgil doesn't want him, I do."
"Excuse me, but you asked me out!"
Roman laughed. "Hi! I recognized you two and I was just coming around to meet you. Kevin and Connor, right?"
"That's us. How old are you?" Kevin asked.
"I'm 21. Why?"
"Damnit. I'm 17, so I'm not legal yet."
Connor glared at Kevin, but not seriously. "FBI, opens up!"
They talked for about ten more minutes and each took turns taking pictures with Roman. Roman also followed them both on Twitter before saying goodbye and walking over to Patton.
The line was shortening, so he could wait.
"Roman!" Patton greeted him warmly. "What can I get for you?"
"One Java Chip Frapp. Oh, and can I talk to you? It's about Virgil." He paid for the drink.
"Yeah, of course!" Patton said, typing in his order and moving down to the other side of the counter, letting someone else take the place of the cashier. He gestured for Roman to come with him and they stood with the counter between them as Patton waited for drinks to come to give out.
"Before you say anything," Patton said, "I heard you fainted backstage. I hope you're doing better."
"I am, thank you!" he lied.
"So, what was it you were saying about Virgil?"
"Well, it-"
"Hold on. Sorry!" Patton read off two cups of hot chocolate. "Connor and Dumbass?"
Connor thanked him, took the hot chocolate, and left the store, walking beside his offended boyfriend.
"Okay, continue," Patton told Roman.
"I don't know if Virgil told you already. But I told him I love him because I'm an idiot and then soon later he accidentally told me he loves me but I need to know that he's okay. I don't want him avoiding me, but I don't want to force him into something he's not ready for. Do you think you could talk to him for me? I know it's a dumb favor and I should be able to do it myself, but... I just don't know if he really loves me."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know if he was saying he loves me just under the pressure I was putting on him. I mean, nothing has been going his way recently, but you already know that. I don't want him to feel like he has to love me back."
Patton sighed. "Roman, I'm always trying to be nice. But you're being stupid right now if you don't think Virgil really loves you. I barely talk to you, but I know you're a great match for him. You know, whenever Virgil's talking about you, he does this cute little thing with the strings of his hoodie and has a cute little smile. He's absolutely in love with you."
Roman bit his lip.
"I guess the best you can do right now is let him decide when he wants to start a relationship with you. It might take a while, but he really, really loves you."
He nodded. "Thanks, Patton. Uh, sorry for bothering you."
"You aren't bothering me!" Patton paused to give a black coffee to a man in a suit. "Anything else?"
"Just... one thing."
"How do I get him to start talking to me normally again?"
Patton thought about the question for a minute while he chewed on a green straw. "Cake."
Roman stared at him. "Cake?"
"I mean, maybe. I remember back in high school Logan got really angry with me irrationally and then a few days later he baked me a cake that said, 'I'm a dick, and I apologize' written on it in frosting."
Patton handed Roman his Frappuccino. "Cake might not work on a broken heart, though. I'll give you my number unless you already have it from Virgil and you can text me if you still need to talk. I should keep working now, but hopefully you'll text me later?"
Roman nodded. "Thanks Pa-"
He was cut short when he saw Virgil enter. They looked at each other for a moment before diverting eye contact.
Patton sighed. "Hey, Virge!"
"Hi," Virgil said quietly. "I'm not buying anything. Just wanted to see you is all."
"Aw, that's so sweet! Roman came here to talk to me too and he met some fans. Hey, Roman. You should tell Virgil about the two boys you took pictures with." He was clearly trying to force them to talk to each other. "Seriously, now I have to keep working."
Virgil's mouth opened and closed several times before clamping shut and staying that way.
Roman looked at him. "Yeah, uh, two of the teenagers in Falsettos cosplay who gave you the flowers were here before. Their names are Kevin and Connor and I'm pretty sure they're dating and they kind of remind me of us."
Virgil's eyes widened.
"Not the dating part! I mean, their personalities." He laughed nervously. "Didn't mean to make it weird."
The teenager did awkward finger guns and said, "Oh, that's cool. Also, unrelated but, when you faintedIwasreallyworriedaboutyouandifitwasmyfaultI'msosorry."
Roman took a second to process Virgil's words. "It's not your fault."
"But we were talking and I was making you upset...?"
The older one gulped and looked around to make sure nobody in the store was listening. "You're right. I'm not happy. But you're not the reason. There are other things aside from us not being together that are bothering me, and it was my fault I let it all get to me in the middle of a show."
"Like what?"
"What other things are bothering you?"
Roman looked at his feet. "Stuff that happened a long time ago. It doesn't matter now."
Virgil nodded. "I didn't mean to like, invade something or whatever."
His voice perked up again, but it had a falseness to it, like a man in an infomercial. "Can I get you anything? To make up for the whole fainting thing?"
His friend shook his head. "I'm worried about you."
Roman smiled sadly. "Why?"
"Uh, I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want to freak you out, but..."
"Roman. Promise you won't blow up on me."
Roman was completely on edge. "Just tell me!" He only raised his voice slightly, being polite in the public area.
"I heard you mumbling something about your- your parents? Before you passed out."
Tension filled the entire store even when it was only between two people. Patton was currently invested with the jobs he had to do, so there was nothing for either of them to fall back on.
"What did I say about them?" Roman asked, his voice cracking.
Regret was evident in Virgil's pale face. "Ro..."
"What?" His voice was at a whisper, and his throat dried up as he felt salty tears threatening to spill.
Impulsively, Virgil grabbed Roman's hand and led him to the bathroom.
The taller one laughed distastefully. "Guess now I'm the damsel in distress you were talking about."
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