♡ 32 - best friend ♡
(a/n: dude the new sanders sides video was so good and now im kinda guilty i didn't give deceit any better moments in either of my stories that he's in (he has better moments in this but like... you know? not really) because he's such a great character and ever since he arrived he's been really entertaining and cunning and cool and his costumes are amazing. also you might think i hate deceit but i don't and i never have, it's just that he's deceit and virgil doesn't like him and i love a good cryptic rivalry yknow
also this chapter is not an april fool's thing because it's too long to be a prank and i wouldn't put so much work into it lmao)
Patton went off to another room which Virgil knew was Declan's. His body was still trembling, but he cooled off enough that his head stopped twitching.
Virgil contemplated grabbing his jacket and bag and leaving, or going after Patton. He stood there, indecisive, for a while before knocking on Declan's bedroom door.
There was only a small whimper in response.
"Can I come in?" Virgil asked quietly.
A sad laugh came from the other side. "Go hang out with Roman today. There are amazing things here in New York. Look at them and take pictures or something."
"If I can't be happy, I want you to be. Because I love you. You're my best friend."
"I'll be back later tonight." Virgil looked down at his feet. "Look, I'm still sorry. I made you mad and I didn't mean to, I just-"
"I'm not- not mad at you. Just go. You already said you'd be back later tonight. It's fine."
"Okay... Well, see you soon, best friend."
"See you. Love you."
"Love you too."
From Declan's room, Patton heard Virgil lock the door from the inside before closing it shut as he left.
Patton looked up at Declan's ceiling. Plain white.
The walls were covered in posters of Declan's favorite bands and musicals. A small snake figure sat on the black and gold nightstand.
Hugging one of Declan's gray pillows, he found himself curled into a pathetic ball.
The room that used to be endearing seemed cold and eerie. But Patton still found comfort in it, because he knew who it belonged to.
In a few hours, it was 3 pm.
There was a knock on Virgil's door and he went to get it, glad to see Roman had arrived.
*tw: tics/tourette syndrome*
Patton tried.
He didn't know why he couldn't just keep hiding it. When his tics showed in front of others, they weren't super noticeable and when they were, people thought he was just being his goofy self or he was a little nervous.
But that morning was something else.
It wasn't a new experience, but it was new in front of anybody but Logan. Or Declan.
When he was younger, people told him he'd grow out of Tourette's syndrome just like most other teens who had it, and as he got older, he felt the tics going away, though not disappearing completely.
Now all of his progress was gone.
He grabbed his phone to text Logan, but his fingers were too stiff and awkward so he called.
"Patton. Hi," Logan said. Patton could hear him give a small smile.
His leg began to shake for no reason and he shook his head rapidly before finally talking. "I-I-I- Uh, I..."
Logan gulped. "Should I come over?"
Patton broke down into tears. He was 22, goddamnit. "Uh, y- FUCK! Yeah... yeah. Shit."
"So what about it?" Roman asked.
"I feel like I messed him up," Virgil sighed. "He's not always happy but I've never seen him like that. I mean, I guess I've seen his tics before now that I think about it but they've never been that intense."
"I don't want to assume he has Tourette's," Roman said, "but Remy used to. He's cool with people knowing about it, by the way, or I wouldn't be telling you. But like, Remy did all the things Patton did this morning."
"How'd you help?"
"Well, we 'dated' in middle school. It wasn't really dating because... it was middle school. But I would just take him out for ice cream and give him hugs whenever he needed it." Roman looked up from his hands and made eye contact with Virgil, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. "I made a damn good boyfriend for a seventh grader."
They both laughed lightly, Roman's cheeks turning a faint pink. Virgil's did too but he hid it better.
"And..." the older one continued, turning serious but gentle again, "not everything works for everyone. You said our director guy, Logan, knows him really well? You can go to him for help too, right?"
Virgil nodded.
Roman looked over to the side, chewing his bottom lip gently. "Patton loves you. Just be patient with him."
Patton: Sorry for blowing up on you
Virgil: it's fine p, i get it
Virgil: i would feel the same way
Virgil: but, question
Patton: Yeah?
Virgil: do you need help?
Patton: Lol wdym
Patton: What happened this morning almost never happens and I'll be fine once I forget about everything
Virgil: okay
Virgil: i just want to make sure you're alright
Patton: Logan came over to my apartment while you were with Roman and he calmed me down
Virgil: what did he do?
Patton: Why do you care?
Patton: Sorry djsjds
Patton: I mean why do you wanna know?
Virgil: in case it happens while im around
Virgil: i just want to be there to help because you've always helped me through all my dumb bullshit
Virgil: oh fuck not saying that your stuff is dumb bullshit im just fucking self deprecating
Patton: Lol aw 💛
Patton: Well ig Logan just hugged me and talked about stuff with me and it was fun and it calmed me down
Patton: Also he kissed me but that's not important
Virgil: patton can i tell you something?
Patton: You can tell me anything!
Virgil: i ship it
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