She ran throughout the park, the tears pouring continuously from her eyes. Swiping at her face roughly Rey tried to choke back her sobs but it wasn't working.
Don't you dare.
Don't turn around.
"Rey! Rey wait!"
She turned around to face him, immediately regretting the decision after seeing the apparent pain in Kylo's eyes.
"I can't right now...I'm sorry."
He looked down at his feet before catching her eyes once again.
"You can't keep doing this Rey, one day you're interested and the next you're running away. Maybe it's best that you don't even bother until you figure out what you want."
"Goodbye Rey."
She watched as he walked away and the guilt settled in her stomach immediately. Rey continued to watch him until he was out of her sight, hoping he'd turn around one more time.
He didn't.
I'm sorry.
"Poe I did something stupid."
"You're right, you definitely did something stupid."
Rey made a face at him before he shrugged, reaching for the potato chips.
"What? Was I supposed to disagree with you? I didn't know rejecting the guy you seem to be in love with and pushing him away is not a stupid action."
"I just don't know what to do Poe."
He didn't answer, instead he took another handful of chips and shoved them in to his mouth.
"Sorry! I'm hungry."
Rey rolled her eyes before repeating her initial question, "What do I do now?"
"Well, hmm...I don't about stop pushing Ren away?"
A hard shove to the side was her response.
"I'm sorry but if you want him back in your life you need to stop pushing him away from you. Communication is key," He reached for the bag of chips once again, instead taking it in his hands. "Anyways I'm out, hopefully I helped."
"Thank you Poe," She said as he walked out of the room and she meant it.
Reaching for her phone she went to call Ren, as expected it went to voicemail.
Ren, it's Rey and you're probably ignoring me now and I can see why...but I just really need to talk to you. I made a huge mistake and I'm sorry. Can we meet later tonight at the park? Don't even bother with answering this voicemail, just show up if you want to figure this out with me.
She hung up the phone before placing the phone back on the table slowly. Rey was going to do what needed to be done despite how reluctant she was to do it.
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