Queer youth problem
So, as I'm sure you're aware, a lot of queer youth come from conservative families that are very homophobic/transphobic, and are afraid of coming out because they won't be accepted or will be kicked out bc of who they are.
I am bringing this up bc I also grew up in a mostly conservative family. I have some family members that are accepting, but others are not. And my aunt is one of the homophobic/transphobic family members.
She has claimed that she's an "ally" because she has a gay friend. Uh, when you refuse to use someone's preferred pronouns and actively say that if one of your kids winds up gay then you'll disown them, then yeah, you're homophobic/transphobic.
I bring this up bc over the weekend, my mom mentioned that my 10yo cousin told my aunt that he thinks he might be bi. And my aunts response was "no you're not". And tried to defend herself saying that by saying "well, all kids are fluid".
Even so, if you think you are a gender identity that wasn't the one you were born with or you think you're a certain sexuality, then that means that you have actively thought about it and considered it. And besides, 10-13 years old is around the age most queer youth think about their gender and sexual identity, since it's also the age range where you're starting to form your identity since you're transitioning from a child to a teenager.
And the fact that he brought up with his MOTHER even further proves the fact that he had been thinking about it for a while, and the fact that she just brushed it off and told him that he wasn't or told him to wait until he's older to figure it out can cause serious problems down the line. I know that if my mom reacted like that when I came out the first time, I'd be distraught and feel like I couldn't confide in anyone about my sexuality, and I was about 14/15 when I first came out. I can only imagine how he must've felt.
I guess I'm saying this bc I want to let y'all know that this book and my profile is a safe space for everyone. If you're someone who knows they can't confide in their family because of your sexuality or identity, just know that you can always rant/talk in the comments of this book (or any of my books, really), or dm me. Whether it's about you trying to figure out your identity or just ranting about life itself. My dms are always open for everyone.
On a lighter note, how old were you when you first realized that you were queer? Even if you no longer identify as the sexuality/gender you thought you did at first.
For me, I was about 13 when I realized that I was queer. I had just learned about the LGBT community, and I had realized that not everyone felt the same way I felt. I had thought I was bi at first, mostly bc I didn't know that other sexualities existed. Nowadays, I know I'm asexual, and I am going unlabeled for whatever I identify with romantically (mostly bc I don't know what I identify with romantically)
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