George 5: A Day of Reckoning
Clorox stood with his scythe held high. Xerox held his higher.
"You're no match for me, brother. I've always been stronger than you."
Clorox stood there, his eyes a thick, dark black.
"No comment? Hmm. How... unfortunate. I would have loved to hear my brother's last words before he died, but I think the sound of your death will be much better."
Before Clorox could strike, Xerox leaped in the air, and sliced Clorox. Not in half, but just enough so he could feel the pain.
"I want your death to be as long and painful as I can make it."
Clorox swung, but Xerox was too fast. He swung again, with all his might, but Xerox caught it with his bare hand. He definitely was a lot stronger. Clorox came to the realization that he couldn't win. But he tried his hardest, and was severely beaten.
"Oh, don't die yet. I've only just begun..."
His crooked smile grew big and menacing. Clorox was ready. He dropped his weapon as the scythe went straight through his skull. Xerox frowned in disgust.
"After everyone you killed, you still can't beat your own brother..."
He started to pickpocket him and saw a picture of Clorox and George.
"Yes, YES! The little invincible rat! I'll need to catch him first..."
How am I going to capture him? He thought. Oh, I know a few friends who'd love to help..."
Xerox started scrolling through the list of live mortals. He stopped at a man wearing a white suit and sunglasses.
Hello, reader. Yes, George has not been himself for the last adventure, but I assure you, George will have an excuse for things to happen, not have him do things because of a reason. Hope that makes sense. Ciao!
George woke up exhausted. Can he keep living life on the edge? Only one way to find out.
George jumped out of his window.
It was a smooth landing, other than the air conditioner he hit on the way down. People ran away screaming at the sight of a man falling onto the cement. At least he had the road to himself now. He just remembered how much food he was still missing, so he went back to Walmart. Unfortunately, all there was an abandoned van with no shady owner. He should take it to target to see if they have anything else. Somehow, he made his way inside and tried starting the van. He looked in the engine and thought that it wasn't going fast enough, so he put a random Sanic in the engine, and it worked! George Literally drove up the wall and into the sky. He accidentally hit a Norton bird, and then all the magical dust in the back formed a giant rainbow-colored dust cloud that flew out the back. Because of the dust, George couldn't tell what was going on. He ended up crash landing in a nuclear powerplant.
He was sitting in his evil lair, somewhere in Greenland, planning a way to get his job back. Of course, he'd be fired, if he wasn't already. But in order for his plan to succeed, he'll need to get back in the white house. He was so mad that Tanner ruined it for him. Sometimes he wished he'd just kill him from the start. Something tells him that he's still alive, but it would be impossible to survive 2 years trapped in the ice, isolated with no food or water. He wished he would be the one who'd kill him, not the ocean.
The Mad Man threw his papers off the table. What can he do? When suddenly, a skeleton burst of the closet.
"I couldn't help but notice you wanted to capture George."
"Hey, who do you think you are, breaking into my lair?"
"Well, it's not much of a lair..."
"And why would you think I would want to capture George?"
"Oh, I must've came early. Well then. If you capture George and release him into the white house again, the president will go nuts over getting him out. Then, you'll blackmail him into getting your job back in exchange for getting rid of him."
"So many things can go wrong..."
"But hey, what have you got to lose? This rickety shack, and what else? So, what do you say, are you in?"
The Mad Man smirked. What's the real reason he wants me? George? He's impossible to contain. But he's right, I've got nothing to lose, so, what the heck.
"I'm in."
After the nuclear plant exploded, George couldn't help but notice he had some radioactive waste all over his body. So, he went over to a massive waterfall, called Nigeria Falls. He washed himself in the water, and ended up falling off the side. He jumped out of the water to see if he could see a target. He went into a rather friendly looking pub, and saw very strong guys wearing bananas and t-shirts of the bikes outside. At a table, he saw some guys wearing black suits and black fedoras. They were exchanging things in the suitcase. They were shaped like bananas, except they were gray and stiff. George wondered if it was edible. In the far corner, he thought he saw a familiar guy in a brown overcoat. On stage, he saw a guy in red, singing "What's your favorite idea?" And holding an orange. There was as many Easter eggs in this series as there was in the red guy's. He wandered up to the corner, but was immediately shoved to the ground. The music stopped playing, and everyone looked over.
Everyone laid silent.
"Do you know how many times you have ruined my life?" There was a pause as a tear clearly ran down the side of his face. "I've tried being your friend. I've tried accepting your flaws, but kid..."
He pulled his hat down.
"You went too far." His eyes glimmered in the shade.
George was whacked in the chin, given an immediate sense of pain. That hurt. The only thing that did hurt George. Disbelief.
"I've done everything."
George was kicked across the room with a sturdy boot.
"Kid, I ain't even started."
"Fight niiiight!" Someone yelled.
Everyone started punching and kicking each other, while George sat on the floor, emotionless. The cloaked man got on his knees, still towering over the fallen George. He raised his fist high, and punched George as hard as he could. With every punch, Shed another tear. He soon came to the point where he was more tired than mad, and just ended up crying over George. Everyone was still breaking things. George felt...
"Why are we at an old lady's house?"
"Trust me, she'll help us."
The door opened to dead cats littered across the floor.
"I don't have time for this."
"No, no. Relax."
The cats became replenished and healthy again, and the dust was pulled together in a grandma.
"What? Where am I?"
The Mad Man looked stunned.
"What, you didn't know I could bring back the dead?"
"Get of my lawn you lousy teenagers!"
"Are you sure about her? She looks like she should've stayed dead."
"Who ya calling old?"
"Ms. Bringleschmidt, you don't happen to know of a boy names George, do you?"
"George! I'll pay anything to get rid of him."
"Yes. You see, she'll be perfect for the team."
"The TEAM?"
"Well, do you want to catch George or not?"
The Mad Man was rethinking his decision.
"George can't be caught by two people, you know. It takes a village to get rid of him. Our next teammate will be located somewhere in Canada, where he had a mental breakdown and lost his life to George."
"Can't wait to meet him."
George still laid on the pub floor, expressionless. He got up, and walked outside. On the TV display, he could see the spread of the plague in Ontario Lake. George was still lifeless, until he was perked up when he saw a Target. He went in and smashed absolutely everything, no questions asked. However, this was the first time George has ever been chased by the police. Having no idea what to do, he fell backwards off the top of the shelf and into a shopping cart, which rolled out of the store and down the street.
"We have a 10-80, going downhill in a shopping cart."
George felt the adrenaline pumping though him. Roaring down the streets, and then onto a freeway. Two police cars were following him, onto the right side of the freeway. (Wait, the correct way or the opposite of left way?) Nevertheless, it was still highly dangerous. He was traveling at the speed of light down the hill, and at one point it was vertical. He finally got off the freeway, but somehow in a dry ski resort instead. The cars will still after him, but it was still hard to keep up on the rough terrain. George caught a glimpse of a helicopter too when he went over another bump. Somehow George was still balanced, but one of the two police cats skidded and went tumbling on its side into a tree where it exploded.
"Michael is down! I repeat, Michael is down!"
Another helicopter was coming, and the driver examined George.
"Wait a sec, I know him!"
But it was too late. The tail of his helicopter hooked to the other helicopter, and the helicopters came crashing down, with a massive explosion.
"No! Not Vay too!"
This was it. The driver behind the last wheel went roaring ahead. He came close to him on the left side of the cart, and rammed into George. George didn't budge, and before he was going to ram again, he crashed into a rock, flipping sideways over George, and landed on the right side. He tried ramming again, but George ran into a hole, sending him in the air. Somehow, he landed. The cop rammed George one last time, and just sent him going right. He looked ahead to see a giant cliff above the ocean. He hit one, two, three rocks before the car was skewed by a sharp rock at the bottom of the cliff, then exploding afterwards. The cop pulled himself out of the flaming debris, and said:
"Mark my words, 'George', no one gets away from the law..."
There he was, sobbing in his new alleyway. It was definitely worse than the old one. Daylight struck from every angle, and everyone here was so mean. He missed the smokey smell of the alleyway, the towering buildings, ominous figures in the background, and the safety of the old one. What he really missed was his van. This alley was too short. He could hear everything outside. Speaking of which, he heard a shopping cart and some police cars. That was very peculiar. But it didn't matter. The masked man went back to his box, only a few yards away from the opening. He squoze into the box, smaller than he was. He started to go to sleep until he saw two feet right in front of him. He got up to see a very neatly dressed man wearing sunglasses.
"I believe we've met before."
There was an awkward pause.
"Look. You hate George as well, right?" The masked man jumped at him.
"I will do ANYTHING to make him pay."
"Great. Well, I know of another man and madam who also hate George. We are currently working on a way to get rid of him for good. Are you in?"
"Why wouldn't I?" The Mad Man grinned.
"splendid. But in order to get there, we'll need a ride."
Around the corner laid the masked man's van, restored. The masked man started to tear up.
"How can I ever thank you?"
"Well, for starters, you can let me go."
George was lost in the wilderness. He got bored without his friend. Maybe his grappling hook could help. He shot it at the top of a tree and had a brilliant idea. Taking his shopping cart, he shot it towards a very expensive store. He jumped into his cart, and went straight into the Walmart. Of course, George ignored the sign. He thought it was a jewelry store. He went inside at ramming speeds, knocking over lots of people. He went flying over the grocery section, hitting every shelf. The last shelf knocked him off course, sending him flying into the toy section. boxes were knocked off the shelves, and toys rained from above.
Little Timmy looked up to see George wearing an old Santa hat from the leftover seasonal section, and a bottle of whip cream spraying all over his mouth. The cart was filled with toys, and spilling out of the side.
"Santa." whispered little Timmy.
George then landed on top of the bike rack. Just then, the policeman from earlier came bursting in.
"Not you again!" he fired his taser at George, but missed and hit the power grid behind the bike rack. The lights exploded and the sprinklers came on. George accidentally sat on his harpoon again and it fired at the wheel rack. He ran into the tires, and tires ran amok the dark store. George was now really in trouble.
More policemen came and even the FBI came.
"Freeze!" Shouted an FBI agent. George threw his arms up so much that he fell backwards. He ran out a door into the supply room and onto a Walmart semi-truck. An employee turned his head, but didn't see anything.
The FBI and policemen were running to the back door, but the mountain of items was not sturdy, and ended up caving in on the doorway. Which was too bad because the female employee was about to go inside.
"Well, Tom. I guess I actually am coming with you."
"Great. I need help with these boxes anyways."
When George ran into the truck, boxes fell down around the cart, making it hard to see him and the cart.
"Alright! That's all of them. If we hurry, we won't have to work late tonight!"
So then George was shipped off in the Walmart truck.
"No! Not again, not again, NOT AGAIN!"
"Excuse me, sir, are you responsible for this mess?"
"No, I-"
"Actually, yes. He set off the sprinklers!"
"Ruining hundreds of products!"
"Well, Mr. Pearl, you are under arrest for destruction of property."
"You have the right to remain silent." Said the FBI agent who put him in handcuffs."
"N-no! I don't deserve this! I am the top of my academy! You can't take that away from me! No!"
Then everything went black.
Hours later...
"Mr. Pearl stands here in front of us today because he destroyed hundreds of products in our local Walmart. Is that correct, Mr. Pearl?"
"Very well. I claim that Mr. Pearl is found guilty, and shall be charged the same amount as the products he has destroyed, and a $1000 fine."
"I object!" Said a person in the back, behind Mr. Stickman, Mr. Wright, an ogre, and a torn knee.
It was a man in a overcoat and a fedora. While everyone was looking, hands stretched around Mr. Pearl's mouth and dragged him into the shadows.
"Just who do you think you are?"
"A distraction."
Just then, a van came crashing through the window above.
He looked in to see Ms. Bringleschmidt wearing sunglasses.
"Just get in, Sonny."
He looked inside to see a scared and spooked skeleton, holding on for dear life. On the other side of the van, the Mad Man and the policeman were climbing in.
"Punch it!" The Mad Man said. Granny floored it in reverse and everyone was shoved forwards. Once they finally escaped and asserted themselves, Xerox finally spoke.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but here's the Mad Man, the masked man, Ms. Bringleschmidt behind the wheel, and I'm Xerox. We all want to get rid of George. Are you in?"
"My mom always said to not get in a van with strangers."
"Oh, that's okay, we can kick you off right now if you want."
"You know, on second thought, maybe I'll stay."
"Hmm. Good choice."
"Hey, Xerox," asked the masked man. "When will we actually capture George?"
"Yes, I, too, would like to know when we will actually get George. LIKE YOU PROMISED?" Interrupted the Mad Man.
"Relax, only one more stop, and we'll be done."
"Great." Said the masked man. "Where's that?"
"Mexico." Xerox snapped his fingers, and they drove through a portal into the desert. "Now here is where the fun REALLY starts."
George was casually opening every box in the truck, wanting to know what's inside. In the first box laid a man and a child cutting stuff open. The other box had Jack inside. One box was moving so he challenged himself to reach inside and guess what it was. George took his hand out, clueless as to what was inside. Then, a different box absolutely crushed it flat, falling from above. George looked inside to see a giant brick cube. He saw some other boxes that he didn't bother opening. They were labelled books, misc., and somebody's toys, which was knocked over and already open. George was started to get really bored. So, he climes over to the one window in the entire truck and peeks through.
"So, Tom, where are we going again?"
"I already told you, the Walmart next to the airport only a few miles from here."
A few moments passed.
"Ugh, this is taking forever! I'm so bored!"
"AUGH!" Shouted Natalie and Tom.
Tim slammed the brakes so they wouldn't crash, and George flew straight out the sunroof and onto the hood. His face squished onto the windshield, freaking out Tom and Natalie. Tom turned on the windshield wipers, but it only smeared George's face. They ran out, screaming into the night.
George was excited to try what Tom was doing, and started pushing buttons. He remembered that the pedal on the floor did something. So, he pressed it. The truck went forward. He pushed it and kept it down. It went forward and wouldn't stop.
Then, George had an idea.
He grabbed the brick cube and put it on the petal. The truck roared forward, and George was happy. It all came back to him. He started twisting the wheel and all other cars on the freeway swerved away from him. He made a truck tip on its side, and had a sign that said 'FLAMMABLE'. So, George put a match on the front of the truck and rammed into the other truck. A massive explosion happened, bigger than Michael Vay's movies will ever be. It sent George sky-high, and landed on a plane nearby with his shopping cart. He put it in his pocket so he wouldn't lose it.
George was mystified about this strange animal. He wondered how it pooped. He crawled to the back and saw a button. Then, the plane went blasting in the sky. This was no ordinary plane. This was a PRIVATE JET.
So, after being rudely interrupted, George pushed the button. A bunch of unnecessary suitcases flew out, containing neat, un-creased paper, flying away. George climbed inside and didn't bother closing it. He saw a vent in the bottom left corner, and decided to find out where it goes. It was tight, being in a plane. But, being George, he squoze into it like an octopus. He overheard a conversation, but didn't care.
"Mr. President, I don't think flying over to every single person in Texas to ask if you can build a wall in their backyard is worth your time."
"Nonsense. I'm not the one asking them. You are."
"Ugh, Mr. President, why won't you take Toner or Mr. McNeal back?"
"Because. They failed me."
That was all George heard.
He made his way into the cockpit, right above the pilot. A piece of George dropped on his shoulder. He looked up in horror to see his head on backwards, clinging to the vent. He dropped himself as goo all over him, and he passed out of fear. George suddenly remembered when he went to space. Of course, George had to do it again. He revved upwards at accelerating speeds until he crash-landed on Mars. Good times. He couldn't help but notice a strange door and sewer pipe. He went inside and let the President outside to die. Along with the giant alien-like creature.
The van came to a stop in front of a big warehouse. Everybody stepped outside to meet the four amigos.
"Next time, I'm driving." Said the masked man to Ms. Bringleschmidt.
"¿Estás feliz de haber traducido este mensaje secreto? ¿Hiciste esto también para las Aventuras de George 3? O probablemente hablas español." Said Juan.
"Hey, amigo! Can I interest you in some mar-"
"I'm afraid not. Do you remember George?" Asked Xerox.
Juan and Jose scrunched up.
"I vowed to never speak of that day ever again." Said Juan. Xerox grinned.
"Then can I interest you in joining us on our quest to get rid of George?" Everyone was playing with the sand in the background.
"I'm afraid not. I don't want to lose Anthony and Michael the same way I lost Antonio and Miguel."
"Well, that's too bad. You see, everyone here lost something to George, just like you. The masked man lost everything except his life, Ms. Bringleschmidt lost her life, and the Mad Man lost his job and his future. Tis a real shame. He had a lot, too. So, are you in? We could really use 4 extra hands."
Juan sighed.
"Splendid. Now we can begin..."
He burst inside, and actually acknowledged the layout more than last time. There were weird imprints of glowing light lines from the floor onto the walls, the dead alien monster, more unseen chambers, ooh, let's go there. He saw an entirely different chamber containing skeletons. One had a flaming skull, another wearing a suit, two skeletons sharing a cage, one short and one tall. The tall one seemed to be annoyed by the shorter one's jokes. Another that sounded like the tall skeleton, but ruder and wearing a purple cloak. A very, very tall and thin one wearing a black suit was named jack. Next to him was a skeleton wearing sneakers and a red and black cloak. There was one he saw from the void, and a very toy-like and boxy skeleton with hair. There was a cliché skeleton in a closet, shooting a gun saying, "I've got a bone to pick with you!"
George thought he'd seen enough. He went into the next room which was surprisingly, not filled with lava. It was an observatory. George saw nothing, and thought it was a waste of time. He went back through and notice that there was still one more area he didn't explore.
It was typical, but weird. There were public bathrooms, a living room, and a bunker entrance in the middle of the living room. Big enough to fit the sofa. This place was quite peculiar... George decided to see his old friend again, the alien. He walked past the robots and garbage disposal, and was tempted to go out the fire exit. He walked over to the throne to see the alien. It laid limp. He poked it, and nothing happened. Did he really slay the beast? Oh well. He went back to the kitchen to steal a microwave and the fridge. Just then, the astronaut's head snapped. It stood up, black and slimy tentacles wrapping around the arms and legs, the rest stored inside the torso and helmet of the astronaut. It took a step, but tripped down the stairs and into the lava. George was too busy looting the kitchen to notice.
Unfortunately, the suit and alien was immune to the lava. It got up, and threw lava at George. George ducked down to get in a drawer, but looked up to see the lava hole. He turned back to see the alien who threw the lava. It grabbed George, and threw him out the fire exit, sending all the kitchen supplies into the lava. George skidded on the rocky surface without a scratch. The alien demolished the roof as he busted out of it. He was flying, unlike last time, and had a green outline around his body. Was that from his throw-up? It didn't matter, because he was too busy chasing the lasers that the alien was firing. He then ran into the side of the jet, then stumbled inside. He hit a button, which started releasing smoke where the engine should be. The alien went to the side of the jet, ripping it apart, trying to find George. George realized that he was in park, so he put the jet in high gear, and the jet went straight ahead, cutting up the alien in the engine. Somehow, the suit was cut-proof, and was completely unaffected. The alien, however, was leaking black goop all over the rocky terrain. Eventually it coughed up a shopping bag of vomit, and immediately went for it again. But when he did, George went in reverse, running over the alien while chopping up the vomit bag. George turned the jet and went forwards, chopping up the alien again. At this point it was so weak it collapsed. George went full speed into the base just because he could. Everything since then was a blur.
I wonder what happened to the president.
"So, remind me why we're STILL NOT DONE?" Asked the impatient masked man.
"Relax, there's only one person who has the supplies we need to destroy George." Said Xerox
"So why didn't we get him first?" Asked the Mad Man.
Xerox sighed. "Do you want George or not? This is the last stop and then it's off to capture George."
"We're here." Said the masked man, rightfully driving his own car.
Everyone got out, and looked at the barb wire fence.
"Please. I bet anyone can get in if they wanted." Stated Ms. Bringleschmidt.
Jose was studying the fence, looking for a way in. Anthony and Michael were probably doing something perverted and stupid.
Xerox looked at the small box and wire running into the ground in disgust. Mad Man wasn't surprised. Xerox pressed the button.
"Hello?" He asked.
"HELLO." Screamed the man behind the speaker, along with an eerie noise.
"We are here to speak with the general."
The rickety gates opened halfway before getting stuck. It took almost the entire gang to push it open, just enough to drive through. They left it open because they were too tired. They drove up to a small building with a little arch for cars and mostly army trucks to drive through. They drove in as it started to go down. They found themselves in a really, really big one-room bunker, the size of a big Walmart. They found parking over in one corner, holding tanks, military trucks, and an AC-DC van. They got out, puzzled as to where they should go.
"Welcome, boys!" Said the general.
Ms. Bringleschmidt smacked him on the head with her purse. Wha- OW! Okay, her 'handbag'. OW! Okay, okay, without italics. Ahem. Ms. Bringleschmidt smacked him on his head with her handbag, as he rightfully deserved. There.
"OW! Okay, welcome, ladies and boys! What do you need from me?"
"Well, we need you," said Xerox, "and your machinery."
"Hmm. Well what makes you think you can just come up to my house and ask for my top-secret stuff for free?"
"Wait, this is your house?"
"Well, you want to get rid of George, right?"
"Who's George?"
Xerox stuttered in surprise. "Y-you mean you don't know who George is?"
"Oh, the kid we caught with those two? Yeah, after he and our... 'invention' escaped, we decided to let them escape too. We accidentally let two more escape, one timid spaceman and one alien spaceman. The alien ate the timid one. Survival of the fittest right there. Anyways, what do you need?"
"Well, to save you the trouble of George, we were wondering if we could use your invention to get rid of George."
"What? The invention is long gone- oh, wait, you mean THAT one. Oh, okay. Sure."
"R-really? Just like that?"
"Oh. Okay. Now, we bring George to us."
Suddenly, a giant hole crashed through the roof.
George woke up going at the speed of light in a really messed up jet.
After burning the blood off his windshield, he could see just barely through the flames that he was headed for a desert. He confirmed that when the glass exploded into his eyeballs. It was only a matter of seconds until-
George has landed.
George stumbled outside of his jet, and put his hands in a V-shape.
Without thinking, he stumbled right in front of Xerox.
"Well, that was easier than I thought. Come on, let's load him in the chamber."
This is when Clorox would come to the rescue.
"you know, this glass is impenetrable. It was found deep in space. Nothing can break it. Not even Murphy's law."
George was set inside, when the tube was closing.
"I don't get it. Why did you gather all of us when all you needed was the general?" Asked the masked man.
"Because-" started Xerox.
"OF THAT!" Shouted the Mad Man, when George slipped out of the tiny gap at the bottom of the tube. He was melted from the confusion of why Clorox wasn't there.
Maybe it was... his Day of Reckoning?
George flopped down the pipes, drifting away from his troubles. Just when he thought he was safe, a creature with beading red eyes appeared in front of him. He went in reverse, right back on top of the drain, surrounded by villains. This event calls for...
George pulled out his cart from nowhere, knocking over everyone. He sat inside, and... nothing happened. Everyone got up, ready to grab him, until George randomly got a giant boost and went straight through the wall, I upwards to the surface. He went to his safe place, diving over the side of the cliff, where the waterfalls where.
"Everybody, get in the van, quick!"
Everyone piled in, and drove outside quickly.
Xerox pulled out his tracker, and knew exactly where George was.
"He's over the cliff! Go right and you can find a safe way down."
George crash landed into some rocks, next to a skeleton. He backed up into a secret waterfall cave. Inside was an old tutu and a giant pirate ship belonging to Two-eyed Thomas, and a sloth. George was extremely confused. Why was he so unlucky all of the sudden? Why are there so many villains?
Where was Clorox?
Clorox was lying on the carpet in the judgement hall. His bones all snapped and sliced.
He was dead.
George was bored. He summoned his katana, grappling hook, and brick. He hugged them, unaware of what to do next. George heard noises coming from outside the cave.
"Where is the boy?"
The Mad Man hunched over and examined the ground. It was only a matter of time before they found him. While everyone was looking around, the Mad Man slowly made his way over to the waterfall. If only there was something that could save George now.
The Mad Man leaped through the waterfall and into the cave, shouting "AH HA!" But no one was there.
Xerox put his hand on the Mad Man's shoulder.
"You know, you can't always be right."
The Mad Man ripped himself away. "I'm always right. He's in here somewhere... Or he WAS in here..."
George fell through a mysterious portal in the floor. He heard a faint voice...
"Use the force..."
No, that wasn't it.
Yep, that was it. He looked up to see the ghost of Clorox past. Yo, Unnamed. I like, died from my brother. I left Stycks here to guide you through this torturous land, leveled by my brother, killing anyone and everyone. And it is up to you, George, to fix this mess. Go back to the palace, go to the void, get Hades' crown, and bring back the dead. That means me, by the way. But be careful not to get caught by them, ya know. So go, George. Fix this mess. Oh, and uh, leave a message after the tone. *BEEP!*
It was now that George realized that that was only a recording. But, nevertheless, he rode Stycks into battle. Where's that from? Don't worry about it. He rode up to the palace, and dove into the toilet. Wait, that wasn't it. He couldn't find the portal. If only there was some way he could know where it was. Stycks walked over the carpet and fell through the portal to the void. If only there was some way... Then George was sucked into the portal.
It was dark and lonely in there. So many clocks, and random stuff like a weird goop man with a white face. He couldn't tell if that was a skeleton or not. It looked like he had holes in his hands, but then again, it could just be black spots on his hand. Anyways, George used the B-17 to boost him towards the crown, but accidentally pushed the self-destruct button, which would also blow up the atom bomb attached to the bottom of it, wiping out everything in the void, even itself. George finally grabbed the crown, but had no way of getting back. He was stuck going in that direction forever, backwards. The weird black and white goop man could move though, and was about to feast on George and his dog, Stycks. He got closer and closer, but just before he could reach him, the bomb exploded and was coming closer and closer as well. The goop man started glitching out, and got more severe as the explosion was getting closer. At the last second, George went through a different portal before the explosion reached him.
"Hand over the crown."
The goop man, however, somehow glitches around the explosion, and was the only thing left in the void.
Being alone, he finally did what he could never do alone: sing in the shower.
He summoned a shower tub, and began singing.
George laid down, exhausted, and saw Xerox and the other villains around him. He did the only thing he could ever do. Run. Some strange and weird music started playing.
George ran out of where ever he was, and skated in his shopping cart. It appeared they were in a warehouse that supposedly was indestructible. He made his way out of the warehouse and went down the street and was followed by a police car and the AC-DC van. He stood up to get a better look at where he was going, but fell on top of the AC-DC van. The police car proceeded to ram the van, but the masked man was not going to have his van scratched up. The police car flew off the side of the road and into the ocean. He was about to escape but was eaten by a fluffy unicorn. Ms. Bringleschmidt was tied of this. She went on top of the roof and prepared her purse. George remembered he had his katana. He pulled it out of his pocket and accidentally knocked Ms. Bringleschmidt off the car. She tumbled down the road and into a sewer pipe where she was also eaten, but by a creature with beading red eyes. George crawled on the side of the van like a spider. He peeked in and only saw Xerox, the masked man, and the Mad Man. The three that REALLY hated him. But where was the general and the four amigos? Just then, he fell off to the rumbling noises of the tank behind him and was squished. He popped up and held onto the back of the tank. Juan and Jose were waiting for him there. George shot the grappling hook with his butt on accident, which uppercut Juan and Jose, causing then to fall off. A portal appeared out of nowhere and a goop man dragged them in. They were never heard of again.
"I don't really like this, Anthony."
"Yeah, I'd rather do YouTube instead."
So, they bailed and made a YouTube channel with Tail Fishermen.
George climbed over the tank and peeked inside. He was punched back out, given a black eye.
George passed out. He woke up in the tube again, this time sealed.
"This invention won't kill the specimen, but will mutate him into a being that can be killed. But first, we need to mutate something with him. Something... easily defeatable.
Xerox grinned. He grabbed the dust of his brother, and put it in a different tube. The Mad Man whispered something in Xerox's ear, and then Toner appeared. He was weak and withered down to the bone. He was shoved into another chamber, as to be killed with George. He went through his inventory, but was pickpocketed before he was put in.
"Looking for these? Go ahead, fuse it with him. I'm curious to see what will happen..."
Private loaded the other tubes with the stuff George was carrying.
"Go ahead and start it. I'm dying to see what will happen."
George flopped around the cell, freaking out that he was contained. He was never contained before. He started to overheat, exhausted that he couldn't escape. He started to melt as the gas started to rise. Clorox's dust whirled around, as the other objects rattled and clanked in theirs. George was completely melted when the other objects liquified and dripped into the same pool as his. Things started to cool down as George became whole again. The chamber opened and everyone readied themselves. George stepped outside. The smoke cleared.
George looked very... Different. He was bigger, and wore a robe like Clorox's. He had Clorox's eyes, and held his katana and grappling hook in each hand. He had Toner's boots, shirt, and goggles. He was as hard as a brick, and wore Hades' crown.
"Im-impossible! How could you!" Said Xerox furiously. He summoned every single villan known to George that failed him, and shoved them in the tube while George was regaining consciousness. Juan, Jose, Ms. Bringleschmidt, the unicorn, the general, the alien, just about everyone. There were so many that they had to share tubes, and caused and overflow of bad guys. He jumped into the main one, and the Mad Man and the masked man were worried. There was so much that they had to open the tube mid-way to prevent cloggage. In the end, Xerox was just a boney, fleshy mess. When he spoke, it sounded like a million dying souls, holding hands.
"No! No! This wasn't supposed to happen! Why! WHY!"
Private appeared and explained the mess. "Apparently, the tube can only fuse certain objects if they match with the main subject. George has no DNA, for some reason, while Xerox has absorbed all of the dead which makes his DNA very complex. I'm afraid we can't put him down, so we'll have to wait until all their lives die."
"But- but I'm immortal!"
"Well, then you'll never die. You'll be this abomination forever."
"I can feel all of their pain!" He grabbed George. "Help! Reset! Revive us! I don't care! Just let me liiive!"
It was only now that George realized what he was. When he spoke, it was a perfect blend of Toner's, Clorox's, and his own voice.
"I will reset. But you have a price to pay... Brother."
George used his crown to revive all the people in the Underworld, causing Xerox to grow weaker and feel more and more pain. All Xerox could do was let out blood-curling screams. When it was over, George revived all the villans, but put them in Alcatraz. Xerox was left on the ground, weak and frail.
"How- out of everything I did, could my plan fail so miserably?"
"Maybe this time you'll learn to be nice."
"I doubt he'll learn that." Said the masked man.
The Mad Man walked over to Xerox.
"You've wasted my time." And smashed Xerox's head. His body stopped flailing.
"As for you, boss..." Said George. "You deserve more than prison."
He uppercutted the Mad Man. "You ruined my life. You left me to die."
His shades were cracked. He stumbled on his knees.
"And now, you will experience the same things I went through."
Toner stomped on the Mad Man, ending his life. He was revived in the same iceberg that Toner was in.
"As for you," Toner and Clorox said in harmony, pointing at the Mad Man.
"I'm sorry." They all said.
He was shocked. He always had fun with the kid, but he never talked. Maybe this was him showing his thoughts? Nevertheless, he accepted their apology.
"I accept your apology."
"Let's go home, and go to bed." They said in harmony.
George used the power one last time to separate himself and send the crown back to Hades. After that, Clorox was back and alive!
"I'd like to thank you for rescuing me." Said Toner.
"Don't thank me, it was your boss, right?" Asked Clorox.
"Well maybe Mr. McNeal isn't as smart as he seems."
"Yeah, after being trapped in ice. So, Unnamed, do you want to go home?" He asked with a smile.
George shrugged.
So everyone went home, and Clorox teleport ed George back to his room, and whispered:
"I'm proud of ya, kid."
And went back to the Underworld.
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