The days since Drifas had passed painfully slowly. Flip and Vine made their away across the countryside, steadily moving west. After coming through the valley, they'd travelled across grassy plains which seemed to stretch endlessly.
Eventually, the plains morphed into the woods through which they now trekked, thick foliage blocking their path at every turn. Vine floated above the thicket, struggling to keep Flip in sight. The Wooper grew quieter with each passing day. Single minded determination driving him forwards, all else was whispers in the wind.
Sighing to himself, Vine dropped low and pulled a branch out of Flip's path. 'I miss Nick.'
'We'll see him again,' was Flip's muttered response.
'I know. That doesn't make me miss him less though.'
Flip groaned and glanced up at the little ghost. 'You can always go back to Drifas.'
'It's too dark, there's no sunlight. Besides,' Flip floated on his back, paddling his arms as he drifted along. 'I haven't found good soil, yet.'
'Well, when you do,' muttered Flip. 'Let me know.'
'You'll be the first.'
Settling into a comfortable silence, the pair continued working their way through the forest, until the sun drifted from the sky and night fell. Deciding to rest, Flip flattened a groove at the base of a tree, and got comfortable. Vine hovered amongst the branches, eventually laying atop one, and wrapping his wispy tail around it.
'So, where are we going?' Vine had been patiently following Flip's lead, waiting for the announcement of their destination, but as Flip's silence grew, so did Vine's curiousity, and his concern.
'A town called Virida, deeper in the forest,' Flip answered.
'And after that?'
Flip's mind swirled with thoughts of their destination, and what he would do upon arrival. 'It's a surprise.'
Vine's tail flicked in annoyance. 'What are you looking for?'
Flip thought a moment, his head tilting, he smiled at the few stars poking through the canopy above. 'A second chance.'
'Well, I hope you get it. Goodnight, Flip.'
A smile upon his face, Flip nodded. 'Happy dreams.'
Flip had been sitting awake, thinking to himself, but eventually dozed off. The next day, he awoke to sunlight, pushing it's way through the branches above. The buzz of nearby Pokemon, and the scent of moss and pollen, was thick in the air.
Jumping to his feet, Flip rolled his neck, stretching the kinks out. 'Ready to go?'
When Vine didn't answer, Flip shuffled backwards, his eyes stretching the tree for his ghostly companion. Vine was resting on a branch, still fast asleep.
'Oi, Vine, it's morning!'
His quiet snores filling the air, Vine showed no sign of waking.
With a grunt, Flip leapt in the tree, landing nimbly before Vine. 'Hey, wake up.' Flip gently prodded him, but Vine didn't stir.
His brows furrowing, Flip shook Vine harder. Flip shouted, shoved, headbutted, but Vine wouldn't wake.
Flip's eyes went wide and he checked Vine over, but could see no signs of injury. His mind raced, wondering what danger could have done this, and so quietly?
Shaking his head clear, Flip pushed his head under Vine, forcing the sleeping Pokemon around his neck, like a scarf. I hear Phantump's are all the fashion these days.
Leaping from the tree, Flip began hurrying through the woods. It had been another two and a half days to Virida, but Flip managed it in twenty-one hours.
It was a sight to behold, flying Pokemon scattering as Flip bounded through the air, like Icarus, reaching for the sun. From the treetop to treetop, Flip raced across the forest, no obstacle managing to slow him.
Fear chilled Flip's veins, and he couldn't bear to think about losing another. So, he didn't. His purpose now shifted, Flip didn't care for conserving his energy. The only thing that mattered was getting Vine help.
When he eventually reached Virida, Flip was breathing hard, and his skin felt dry and papery. Still, he raced past through the town, seeking help wherever he could.
Virida was built to flow with the slope of the forest, and it's mighty trees. A multi-layered city, rope bridges connected treetop houses, crossing the plentiful streams and small waterfalls below. Bushes and shrubs burst from every open space, their greens strikingly beautiful. Alas, their beauty was wasted upon the frantic Flip and sleeping Vine.
Scared Pokemon gave hurried directions to the blue blur as he called for help. Finally, Flip came to a stop outside a tall hollowed-out tree. A door was built into the side and a nearby staircase wrapped around the trunk, leading to higher stories.
Flip slammed his head into the door repeatedly, begging that someone would answer.
'Who in the-' the sentence dropped as the door whipped open. It was a Lucario, the same one Flip had met at the Tavern in Drifas.
'You've got to be kidding me,' she muttered.
'Please, my friend needs help.'
Glancing at the Phantump wrapped around Flip's neck, and the budding bruise on the Wooper's forehead, she hesitated only a moment before opening the door. 'Pass him here.'
Gently taking Vine in her arms, she lifted him from Flip's tired shoulders and carried him to a table.
'There are cups over there, help yourself to some water.' It wasn't a suggestion, but an order. Lucario couldn't examine Phantump if the Wooper suddenly keeled over. 'What're your names?'
'I'm Flip,' came the answer, between long gulps of water. 'That's Vine.'
'What's the problem?'
Flip shook his head. 'He won't wake up. Everything seemed fine last night, but this morning, nothing.'
Her brows furrowing, Lucario reached out with a paw and waved it slowly over Vine's body. Around his chest, she paused, her eyes growing wide. She grunted and stumbled, catching the table to steady herself.
Flip leapt onto the table, his eyes snapping between Vine and Lucario. 'What's wrong? Is he alright?'
Lucario took a moment to compose herself, then continued to examine him. By the time she was finished, she seemed much older. 'He's alright, just sleeping, but it's like he's stuck. Something is keeping him from waking up.'
His eyes narrowing, Flip studied Lucario closely. 'There's something else.'
Taking a deep breath, Lucario nodded and settled herself on a chair. 'He should be alright, we just need a Pokemon who can help wake him up. I don't know who that would be though. A Musharna, maybe?'
Flip felt a wave of relief wash over him. At least Vine wasn't in any apparent danger: There was still time.
'But,' Lucario continued, looking at her hands as she twiddled her fingers 'There's something weird about his aura.'
Flip shook his head. 'What does that mean?'
'Everyone has an aura. It's like a collection of everything you are and everything you've done, condensed into one thing.'
Flip's expression cleared. 'That's what you meant, back at the bar.'
She nodded. 'Some Pokemon, like myself, can read other people's auras. No two are the same. And, your's was the noisiest aura I've every seen. Thrasing, and twisting, as if trying to pull away from itself.'
'We're getting off topic,' Flip said sternly, his eyes narrowing once more.
Angrily pointing at him, Lucario hissed, 'don't forget, I'm helping you.'
'S-sorry, I'm just worried.'
Satisfied, Lucario nodded and gestured at the unconscious Phantump. 'Your friend here, his aura is unlike anything I've ever seen. Normally, auras are fluid, moving like water. His is solid, a sphere, golden and perfectly silent. People this,' she waved her hands, searching for the right word. ' People this good? I didn't think they existed.'
Taking a seat, Flip looked closely upon his friend. 'I don't understand.'
Lucario sighed, her expression heavy. 'When we met, your's was the saddest aura I'd ever encountered. The pain, and heaviness, just being it near it was torture.' Taking a deep breath, she shook her head and continued. 'But now, this Phantump, there's no contest. I touched a fraction of his suffering and it sent me reeling. Yet, despite all that pain, there is nothing in him but gentleness, and hope, and a desire for peace.'
His expression clearing, Flip smiled with newfound fondness upon his friend. 'My brother was like that.'
Her eyes narrowing, Lucario studied Flip before slowly asking, 'your brother?'
'He's gone.'
'I'm sorry.' Lucario looked at the floor, her expression distant. 'What was his name?'
Flip had to force the word past the lump in his throat, and he smiled sadly as he said it. 'Forrest.'
As if a lightning bolt were dropped on him, Flip's face lit up. This changed nothing. Flip would head for his destination, carry out his plan and save Vine. It was two Pidgeys with one Geodude.
Yet, something swirled inside Flip. Something begging him to stop, change course, do anything else. Like mighty waves, turmoil churned within Flip and he could feel himself slipping under.
'Flip?' Lucario murmured, worried at Flip's vacant expression.
'Can you show me?'
Lucario shook her head. 'I don't-'
'His aura,' Flip whispered. 'Can I see it?'
Her brows furrowing, Lucario stretched out her paws, one towards Vine, the other towards Flip. She closed her eyes, and the feelers on her head raised as she peered in Vine's aura once more.
Flip closed his eyes and felt as he was pulled inwards. When he reopened his eyes, it was as as he were floating in space. A black abyss around him, all Flip could see was a brilliant golden orb; Vine's aura. It radiated light, and warmth.
Flip couldn't help but cry. Tears burst forth. Tears of sorrow, and joy. Tears of guilt, and forgiveness. Now that he'd seen Vine's aura, felt it, Flip knew he could never be like that. Thus, his conviction was set. As unstoppable as time and as immovable as a mountain, Flip's choice was made. There was no going back now.
It flooded Flip with relief to know, it hadn't all been for nothing. There was a reason he was still alive. He could yet find worth in his insignificant life.
Lucario screamed and scrambled backwards, falling out of her chair, as a shadowy tendril burst from Flip's chest. The tendril wriggled about before wrapping itself around Flip, holding him in a cocoon. A moment later, the cocoon broke, a wave of darkness erupting from it. Lucario was thrown across the room, colliding with a wall. Pain racked her body and fear paralyzed her as she glimpsed Flip's aura.
Before, it was pained, and angry, but now only a stillness lingered, but it was unlike the peace Vine knew. Where Vine's stillness was born of love, and longing, Flip's was created from hatred, selfishness, and the desire for all that the world owed him.
Stepping from the cocoon's carcass, Flip emerged, tall and steeped in shadow. It dripped from his body like rainwater. A piercing blue eye burned beneath a flowing white mane. Long black arms ending in fierce claws jutted from his torso. A ring of red spikes guarded his face.
Studying his new form, Flip flicked his hand, sending a shadowy fist through Lucario's furniture. The wooden cabinet exploded in a shower of timber shards.
Flip threw his head back and laughed, a deep and sombre sound. He'd been powerful before. Now, he truly had all he needed to set everything in motion. He would it get it all back, no matter the cost.
Flip spared one last glance at Vine, before smashing through the door, and disappearing into the night.
Earlier, leaping through the jungle, Flip had startled Pokemon, but brought them no harm. Now, a blur in the night sky, silhouetted by silver stars, Flip inspired only fear, and nightmares.
A name surfaced from deep within Flip's aura. Something quiet and fragile, and when he yelled it, it was as if everything shattered. Flip, the Wooper, was gone. All that remained was a creature of shadows.
'I am Darkrai!'
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