Darkrai had come to the past, to before Flip had met Forrest, or Vine. Darkrai had scoured the earth for his brother and eventually found the Phantump wandering alone through the forest.
Watching his reflection in the surface of a shallow pond, a shiver ran through Darkrai's body. Since he'd become this, he didn't recognise himself. There were thoughts, parts of himself that felt foreign.
The old things, the parts of him that remembered Flip, used to comfort him, punch a little sunlight into his dark chest. Still, he felt that warmth. Darkrai hadn't gone completely cold yet, and that terrified him all the more. Having come this far, what more was he capable of?
His fists clenched as he thought about what the day would bring. For better or worse, today would decide everything.
Branches rustling behind him, Darkrai glanced lazily over his shoulder. A small ghost Pokemon pushed through the trees, plucking stray branches from it's body. It floated closer, sighing all the while. 'The canopy is so thick hardly any sunlight makes it down here.'
Darkrai stared at the Phantump. It smiled cheerily, took a drink, and sat by the pond, dragging it's tail through the water.
'My name's Vine, what's yours?'
Darkrai went to speak, but found a lump in his throat. Swallowing hastily, he shook his head and smiled. 'My name is Flip. I've been looking for you.'
Vine's head tilted curiously. 'For me?'
'It's a long story. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but, it has led me here, back to you.'
Rubbing his ghostly hand over his chin, Vine hummed quietly as he thought. 'My life has been quite unbelievable too.'
'Shall we skip the details then?' Offered Darkrai, his hands gesturing vaguely. At a nod from Vine, Flip smiled and continued, 'I'm from the future. If you stay here, many bad things will happen. If you come with me, everything will be right.'
Vine's brow furrowed and he thought for a long, silent moment. 'If I leave, nothing bad will happen?'
'I truly believe it.'
'Then,' Vine looked imploringly at Darkrai's fearsome features. 'Can I just die?'
Silence lingered for what seemed an eternity. The forest's beauty and light faded to nothingness as Flip's world, and his hope, came crashing down. He'd mustered all his courage just to see Vine again, but now...
'Flip,' Vine smiled gently. 'I've lived a long time. I'm tired. I want to -'
'No, no, please, you, you can't give up on me.'
Vine shook his head. 'I'm not giving up, I -'
'No,' pleaded Flip. 'I, don't give up on me. Don't leave me again. I don't want to be alone anymore.'
Flip tore at his hair, scratched at his body, wishing that his hands would come away red, bloodied. He pleaded to feel pain, anything that could prove that he was alive, that he had value, but his hands were clean. His shadowy figure flared, but bore no blemish, and no proof.
'Please.' Flip fell to his knees, fingers clawing at the dirt. 'Everytime I'm alone I become this. I'm not like you. I'm not strong. Forrest, I'm scared.'
Vine was silent for a long time, his face strangely blank as a flurry of emotions coursed through him. 'Forrest.' The word felt odd, unfamiliar, but just it's mention brought tears to his eyes. With a weak chuckle, Vine smiled. 'It's been a long time since anyone called me that.'
Flip didn't answer. He only stared blankly at his hands. His piercing blue eye was dim and unfocused. His normally flowing body had become unnaturally still.
Slowly, Vine placed his hand upon Flip's shoulder. Thousands of images, words, memories, flashed through Vine's mind and it left him reeling. His head pounded, but the pain was dull, overcome by something far more fierce.
In his gut, Vine felt it. Everything Flip had seen, had done, the weight of it all forced the air from his lungs. It ached, and burned, and it did not relent.
Tears gushed from Vine's eyes; had he a nose, if would have run with snot. Openly and loudly, he wept. He paused his sobs only to clarify one thing. 'Flip.' Vine shook him gently, and Flip's eye swiveled, looking desperately upon his friend. 'Flip, it is easy to love you.'
All the pain and loneliness rushed forth and Flip's tears erupted, watering the ground. Salt is not good for most plants, which is a shame. For as Flip cried, not a tree in the forest went thirsty.
Much later, when Flip's tears were gone, and he was dreadfully thirsty, he swallowed and looked upon his friend. 'Vine, is this really what you want? To die?'
Vine had been sitting by the pond, dragging his tail through the water and watching the ripples. Now, his gaze turned upwards and he glimpsed stars through the forest's canopy.
'I've been searching a long time,' Vine said slowly, 'for a place to put down roots, but I didn't have a reason yet. Everyone I loved was gone, but I was still here. To die, without finding the reason would feel like I was betraying them, because I was loved. Many people believed in me, and I was loved. I didn't want to let them down. So, I searched for good soil, where I could rest, and where I would find the reason that I was still alive.'
With a smile so bright it outshone the stars, Vine turned to his friend. 'I've found the reason, Flip. All this time, I was just waiting for you.'
'Then stay with me! Please.'
Vine hugged Flip tight. 'You are my brother. I love you. I am proud of you. Feel the weight of those things, know how heavy they are. Then realise, Flip, you don't need me.'
Flip's eyes stung, and watered. 'I can't do it alone.'
'You don't have to. The world is a big place. You'll find someone to stand beside you. You won't be alone forever.'
Flip knew it was true. He and Vine had found each other time and again. They would do so once more, and that would be the end of it.
In that moment, Flip's mind was made, and the final part of his plan was formed. He didn't need time travel to see the path before him.
Flip hugged Vine so hard the little ghost nearly burst. 'I'll miss you. My brother. Rest, and be at peace.'
'Thank you.'
Flip reached out his hand and darkness burst forth. It stretched, enveloped Vine in a black cocoon and shrunk until it was the size of a seed. Flip knelt, scratched away the dirt and placed the seed in the ground. Then, he filled in the hole, watered it, drank, and wept once more.
The finale could wait, first, Flip would grieve.
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