'And they were roommates.'
Flip woke with a long yawn. His eyes fluttering open, he stared into the morning sun, beginning to arc higher in the sky. Groaning, he rolled, and fell. A shout had half escaped his mouth when he hit the water. He panicked for a moment, before shaking his head and swimming to the surface.
A Lapras paddled along, chatting with Vine. The Phantump sat atop Lapras' back, Nick beside him.
Swimming nearer, Flip rolled onto his back, swishing his powerful tail through the water. 'Vine, where are we?'
Vine stopped halfway through a story, glancing at Flip as if noticing him for the first time. 'Oh, good morning. How'd you sleep?'
'Fine, I guess.' Flip's eyes flickered between Vine and Lapras. 'What's going on?'
'Oh, oh!' Vine waved his little arms excitedly, leaning so far out he nearly fell off Lapras' back. 'I've decided, we're going on an adventure!'
His expression going carefully blank, Flip breathed a deep sigh. 'What for?'
Vine nodded sagely, as if he'd expected the question. Naturally, he had. He is my favourite and thus has many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
'We're all searching for something. I'm going to find good soil.' Vine gestured at Nick. 'Nick wants something to satiate his existenial dread and overwhelming emptiness. What do you want?'
His voice taking a hard edge, Flip said, 'there's no point. It's already gone.'
His brows furrowing, Vine nodded slowly. 'Well then, if you could go anywhere you wanted, where would you go?'
Flip scoffed, this was an easy question. 'To see a dead man.'
'Does Vine not count?' Nick picked at his nails, not so much as glancing at Flip.
Flip rolled his eyes, but didn't respond. The memories had grown a lump in his throat, and no words would come.
As the silence stretched uncomfortably, Vine cleared his throat. 'Thanks again for the lift, Lapras.'
A grin split Lapras' face and she shook her head. 'My pleasure. Now please, don't stop on my account. I am loving this drama~'
'Well then, you'll love this.' Vine jumped from Lapras' shell and moved to float alongside the waterhorse(?)
As Vine rambled, Nick picked at Lapras' shell, watching the sun. He could hear a flock of Wingull's nearby, their incessant cawing keeping him from a mid-morning nap. The salty breeze and bright light pounded away at his head. If only there were a nice cave nearby. Cool, rough stone, damp air and mildew. It would be tidy and have endlessly twisting tunnels. Full of these warm thoughts, Nick's mind wandered far away and he didn't notice the hours tick by.
At this point in our story, I would like to propose an entirely coincidental idea. Nick is not unlike an odd little creature you've likely heard of. Short, with a large appetite and appreciation of a clean home, a hole in the hillside. Nick is like a hobbit. Indeed, Nick reminds me of the Sackville-Baggins. Generally disagreeable and greedy, but not altogether sinister (discounting his appreciation for fire). At least, not yet. Sometimes all it takes is a push. A little chaos masquerading as adventure.
It was afternoon by the time Lapras pulled into port. The docks were bustling with grand sailing ships that had come in bearing goods and passengers. Vine's jaw hung open and he watched the ships in admiration. Their mighty sails were furled, knots held fast and the wood stood strong. A scowling Aipom scrubbed oysters from the hull.
Nick grabbed Vine by the horn, dragging him away. They weaved through cargo and sailors, moving quickly to get out of the way.
The old stone docks opened up into a large plaza, tents and shopfronts setup along the shore. Beyond them, streets twisted, leading into a large city. Celadine was one of the few cities that had built upwards. This one, Ambree as Flip had heard it called, spread outwards, starting at the beach and stretching into the surrounding countryside, cross hills and valleys. The buildings were low and clustered tightly together. Bunting hung between houses, flags billowing in the wind. The yellowed sandstone brick seemed to glimmer in the sunlight.
'So,' Flip glanced around, getting his bearings. 'What now, Vine?'
Nick waved his hand excitedly. 'I crave violence!'
Vine rubbed at his chin, his brows furrowing. 'I don't know... I don't really have a plan, or a map.'
Flip's brows furrowed. 'You had one yesterday.'
'I dropped it in the ocean when I threw you two in...'
'We could start a barfight? That was fun.' Nick wriggled his fingers, eyes hungrily searching for something unseen.
Flip spoke slowly, as if talking to a child. 'Doesn't matter. A map is only useful if you know where you're going.'
Vine ignored the comment, seemingly distracted. Following Vine's gaze, Flip turned to find a large Kangaskhan standing behind him. How the Pokemon had snuck up on him, Flip didn't know, not that he really cared.
'Flip!' Roared the Kangaskhan. 'Ah knew I recognised that tone! All rude and prickly like.'
His head tilting, Flip tapped his foot, thinking a moment. 'Baz?'
Baz tossed his head back, a laugh rumbling deep in his gut and sounding above the din. 'At's right! How'ya been, mate?'
Squinting, Nick pointed at Baz. 'What's wrong with him?'
Flip smirked and scoffed in turn. 'He's from that place down south.'
'Down under, ya mean!' Baz crossed his arms, puffing his chest out. 'I'm from Straya!'
'Australia?' Asked Vine.
"Yeaa, that's what I said,' answered Baz.
Nick laughed, wiping away an imaginary tear. 'Australia's not real. Everyone knows that.'
'Oh, yeah?' Baz poked Nick in the chest before showing his hand. 'Then where'd I get this?' A thick white scar ran across Baz's hand and up his forearm. 'We got Komala down there with fangs. They hide in the woods and drop on ya, tear ya to pieces. We call em drop bears.'
Flip looked disbelievingly at Baz, but eventually shook his head. 'Baz, shouldn't you be working or something?'
'Oi, nah.' Baz waved away the accusation, as if afraid it would bite him. 'I been flat out like a Kecleon drinking. I'm on smoko. Come on, we got a couple Clauncher on the barbie.'
'What?' Vine asked, horrified.
'Just an expression,' chortled Baz.
Baz lead the way into town, zipping through side streets and back alleys, quickly coming to a small restuarant, tables spilling out onto the road. A small yet noisy group of Pokemon were clustered around vegetable skewers, grilling over a live flame. They cheered as Baz approached and shuffled over, making room in their circle.
Baz patted Flip's back, gesturing for quiet. 'Gents, these lads are gonna get our property back! In return, let's feed em!'
The Pokemon roared again and quickly began pestering the trio with questions. Despite the ambush, Flip found himself enjoying the moment. The company could be worse, and the food was good.
During the meal, Baz explained that someone had stolen precious cargo off a vessel the other day. They were under pressure to retrieve the goods, and fast.
'Shouldn't you ask the police, or the Guild?' Vine fiddled with a skewer and curiously watched Kangaskhan.
Baz nodded. 'We have, but there's no telling how long it'll take. Flip here has main character vibes, he can handle it.'
Flip scoffed at that. 'Vine's the hero. I'm just along for the ride.'
See what I did there? No, no, you didn't. Bah, you'll get it eventually.
Scratching at his chin, Baz shrugged. 'Either way, you'll be right. 'Parently the crook's up on Settler's Ridge. You're looking for a Delibird.'
Nick chuckled darkly, his teeth gnashing as he devoured the last vegetable skewer, skewer and all. 'Finally, I get to hit something.'
Several hours later, having followed the rising coastline to the east, the trio came upon Settler's Ridge. A high cliff stood towering above the ocean, waves roaring as they crashed below. Rolling green hills dotted the landscape, with the occasional cluster of trees. Several houses stood scattered about.
'Where do we start looking?' Vine spun in slow circles, taking everything in.
Nick picked at his teeth. 'We don't.' Pulling a golden lump of rock from seemingly nowhere, Nick shined it with his furry elbow before tossing it towards several trees huddled together.
'Where did you pull that from?' Vine asked, his voice a mix of awe and horror.
Nick tapped his temple knowingly. 'I'm not totally empty.'
A moment later, the trees rustled. The trio turned quickly, watching a blurry figure dash quickly from trees to bushes, across the land. It leapt down, grabbed the gold, and dashed back into the trees.
Nick charged forwards, leaping headlong into the branches. A Pokemon grunted as it was tackled from the treetops and thrown to the ground. Nick bounced off the ground and rolled several meters.
Hastily standing up, a Delibird glared at Nick. 'Don't try to stop me!' She hissed.
Vine floated closer, smiling kindly. 'Do or do not. There is no try.'
Her brows furrowing, Delibird shrugged vaguely before leaping. Flapping her tiny wings, she began hurrying away.
'Prepare birdstrike!' Yelled Vine, looking over his shoulder. 'Ready!'
Flip bent low, stretching his tail out and nodding. Nick hurried over, stood on Flip's tail and grinned madly.
'Aim!' Vine raised one arm. Flip shifted and pictured Delibird's flight path.
Vine's arm dropped and he watched with wild glee. 'Fire!'
Flip threw himself forward, flicking his tail and sending Nick flying into the air. Like a bullet, Nick arced through the sky, spreading his arms as he came close to Delibird.
Beginning to fall, Nick landed on Delibird's back and pulled her wings out wide. Screaming, Delibird steadily lost altitude. She crash landed roughly, sending Nick flying headlong into a tree.
Unfazed, Sableye leapt to his feet. 'Successful birdstrike!'
Coughing, Delibird pulled herself to her feet. 'You gremlins! Leave me alone!'
Flip strolled closer, stretching his neck. 'Were you the one who stole goods from the shipyards?'
Her beak clenching shut, Delibird swallowed nervously. 'I need the food!'
'Food?' Vine recoiled. 'I thought we were after gems or something.'
Delibird scoffed. 'You can't eat gems.'
'Agree to disagree,' muttered Nick. 'Gimme my gold back.'
Scoffing in disgust, Delibird threw the stone at Nick's feet. 'Please, I need this food.'
The harshness in her gaze made Flip pause and he studied her for a second. Her coat was dirty, and not just from the crash. She seemed small, thin.
Flip nodded. 'Alright. Lead the way.'
Nick stopped shining his gold. 'Huh?'
Delibird's eyes narrowed and she stood, protectively covering her tail and the food stash stored within.
'I'll send Baz money to cover it. Show us where the problem is. We might be able to help.' Flip smiled gently. 'I'm sorry we hurt you.'
For Context. The worldbuilding is largely based off the Super Mystery Dungeon map (with additional places). Except Australia exists. It's already a fictional country so I see nothing wrong with putting it in this.
This chapter we met Sebastian (Aka Baz, Bazza, Seb, mate, etc.) the Kangaskhan. He's a bogan and he's based off OldDragonsWill. I chose the name because Baz is a reasonable Aussie nickname for Sebastian, which is absurd. Typical Aussies, shortening every other word till you can't understand what they're saying.
Also, there's Sapphire the Delibird! Based off Sapphire_Trainer. I have no reasoning for this. I don't know why she is a Delibird, but it is what it is.
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