All Stars: Chapter 59
The girls were all seated around a dinner table, chatting nonchalantly as Tobin and Alex aggressively played a game of Monopoly Deal. Tobin was crushing Alex, the forward kept throwing glares at Hope to back her up. The goalkeeper simply laughed and remained watching quietly, knowing she would have to back her best friend's losing battle.
Carli, Opal and Christen were intently discussing who would win March Madness, Christen and Opal banking on Villanova winning again, but Carli was determined that UCLA would claim its first NCAA title.
Kelley was holding hands with Allie, glancing at Alex every few minutes and squeezing her girlfriend tighter as trying to make Alex jealous. It wasn't working, and the forward complimented herself for blocking them out.
Ash and Ali were talking loudly, in the middle of discussing plans for the summer, a luxury that seemed forever away.
It was the day before the day before Spring Break started, and everyone was eccentric. Classes were over for the gals, and having submitted their final reports, the girls finally felt like they could relax. The four weeks after break and before summer were sure to fly, and they wanted to make their freshman year count as something.
As far as Spring Break, everyone had different plans. Much to Hope's disappointment, Carli and her boyfriend were spending the three weeks alone in France, where who knows what they could get up to. The goalkeeper herself was just staying at home in Seattle, wanting to spend some time with her tightly-wound parents, step-parents, and siblings. She greatly missed her two puppies, Sasha and Onx, and couldn't wait to pet her cat, Captain Sully.
Ashlyn was heading back to Florida, excited to see her own family, but at the same time missing her girlfriend, who would be staying in her brother's apartment in Philly.
Christen and Tobin were planning to stay in New York for a week and a half to spend time together before retreating to different sides of the country to see their parents. Allie and Kelley had made plans to FaceTime each other everyday, having a large time difference separating New Jersey from Oregon. Allie also wanted to ask Kelley to meet her parents, but couldn't work up the courage to propose it.
On the single side of the spectrum, Opal was heading back to her home in northern Maine, where her cousins from China would be visiting. Alex was spending three days with Hope in Seattle before leaving for her own house in Diamond Bar, California, where she would sulk as she watched her sisters and their boyfriends express their love for each other.
The group of college students were for sure going to spend tomorrow packing and making arrangements with faculty and their family members, so tonight was technically their last free night together.
Allie gathered everyone's attention and once everyone was quiet, she smiled. "Guys, since it's our last night before break, I propose we play a game. All of us. Like we use to during soccer season."
Some girls exchanged looks, eyebrows raised, but eventually all came to an agreement. A daring game of Never Have I Ever, and then Fifa13, where they would play a mini tournament that would likely become very competitive.
Tobin poured everyone a glass of sparkling cider, a delicacy the kitchen workers had set out as a parting gift.
Kelley snuck a sip of her cider and Tobin glared at her before taking her seat next to Christen.
Alex glared at the brunette, rolling her eyes as she decided upon the first statement.
"Never have I ever... dropped my phone in the toilet?"
Everyone took a sip of their ciders, hiding smiles behind the rim.
Christen went next, her brows furrowed as she thought of a question to ask. "Never have I ever... had feelings for a teammate that was the same age as me?"
Ashlyn and Ali smirked as they both sipped their drinks, as well as Tobin, Allie, Alex, Kelley, Hope and surprisingly, Carli. Oapl was the only young woman who didn't drink. As Hope and Alex stared at the drink that had just been raised to Carli's lips, the midfielder felt heat come into her cheeks and looked down, avoiding the gazes of her questioning friends.
Wanting to get the attention off of her as soon as possible, Carli spoke next, taking the conversation to a different level. "Never have I ever been cheated on?"
Hope immediately drank, shortly followed by Opal, who shot her a look. Allie and Christen sipped as well, Tobin looking at both of them. Christen laughed at her girlfriend's confused look before reassuring her that it was with a guy in high school.
"Never had I ever..." Tobin started, biting her lip. "kissed my best friend?"
Ash, Ali, Christen, Alex, Allie and Kelley all drank, later joined by Opal and Carli, somewhat hesitantly.
Ash smirked widely, her never have I ever very direct. "Never have I ever had feelings for a girl that's in a relationship?"
Hope blushed as she drank, feeling like the question was pointed straight towards how she felt to Carli. Nobody joined her, and she looked up and caught Carli's eye who squinted at her questioningly.
The goalkeeper immediately tore her eyes away, instead looking at Alex's content expression, which didn't help the situation at all. Carli looked in between Alex and Hope's stare in confusion as Opal read out the next question. "Never have I ever... said "I love you" just to get laid."
A series of "oohs" echoed around the table, causing onlookers at different tables look over.
Christen, Hope and Carli all drank, eyebrows raising around the table, and the three girls blushing in return.
Tobin nudged her girlfriend, her eyes wide.
"What?!" Christen protested, throwing her hands in the air while fighting back a laugh. "I was a horny high school student, why can I say?"
Laughs escaped from the girls and both Hope and Carli were thankful they weren't asked who they did it with.
Once everyone had quieted down, Alex looked over at her best friend. "Hope, it's your turn."
The goalkeeper narrowed her eyes in thought before sniffing and saying somewhat quietly, "Never have I ever... had a happy ending."
Everyone except Hope and Carli drank.
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