All Stars: Chapter 35
"Al, I'm so sorry," Tobin said, a tear dripping down her cheek as she stared at the open mouthed girl.
The blonde simply stared at her, too shocked to form any words.
"Al," Tobin hiccuped, taking a step closer to Allie, who's lip was trembling. "I... I just can't do it anymore."
Allie shook her head and took a deep breath, staring at the cracked concrete underneath her yellow converse.
"So... it's over?" she finally said, her voice cracking. The midfielder wiped a drop from her eye and swallowed the lump in the back of her throat as more tears threatened to fall.
Tobin nodded softly, placing a hand gently on Allie's shoulder. The girl looked at her, a sad smile fixated on her lips.
"It's no- not you," Tobin said, determined to make everything right. "I- I think I lo-love someone else."
Tobin's head snapped up at the girl's response, her eyes growing wide. "What?"
"It's okay, Toby. I love you. It's okay. I love you, but so does Christen," Allie whispered, tears falling fast now, landing on the ground with silent plinks. Students all around the two watched them as they headed back to their dorms, looking curiously at the pair.
The blonde wiped her tears with the scarf that had belonged to her father before he had passed away. The navy blue fabric didn't show any hints of wetness, but it was damp to the touch. The mid let out a watery chuckle and Tobin's stare increased. This was not how she had planned it to go.
"It's okay, Toby. I-I'll see you around," Allie said, smiling weakly at the brunette before turning and walking away, down the sidewalk.
Tobin stared after her, recovering from her heart cracking slowly in half. The blonde had picked up half of her heart and had taken it with her. Tobin didn't try to take it from her.
"I'm going to miss you so much," Ashlyn said, kissing her girlfriend's head softly. The two were in the midst of packing, because with soccer and exams being over, snow had started to coat the city in a beautiful layer of white and it was time for all students to head home for the three week winter break.
"Babe, I'll text you every morning and night, and we can FaceTime in the day! It'll be fine!" Ali reassured the keeper, smiling at her. For a duration of twenty one days, the two young women would be home, which was 849.3 miles apart. Ashlyn didn't think she would be able to survive the duration without lacing her fingers together with her partner's, or wrapping an arm around her waist protectively. She didn't think she would live without their midnight chats, their movie nights, their dinner dates where they would literally fight over who was paying (Ali usually won these).
Ali, on the other hand, thought the distance would be good practice for their three week spring break in March as well as the few months of summer where they wouldn't be together 24/7.
Setting down the rainforest magazines she was holding, Ashlyn collapsed against her small bed, sighing loudly.
"Can we eat?"
Ali rolled her eyes. "No, hun. We need to keep packing. We're supposed to be off campus tomorrow at noon, remember?"
Ashlyn groaned. As it was only three weeks, the students weren't expected to take everything from their dorms with them, but they were expected to bring the majority of clothes (to be washed), school work (so they could do their homework), and any other valuable possessions.
The keeper had argued that Ali was the most valuable possession to her, and therefore she should be allowed to bring the brunette with her to her hometown, Satellite Beach, Florida, instead of dropping leaving her at the airport, where she would take a flight to Dumfries, Virginia.
Ali had won (as usual), saying she wanted to go with her girlfriend but 1, she had to be with her family for the holidays and 2, she was technically a human being, not a possession.
"But, Ali, I wanna eat," Ash whined, scrunching her face up in craving desire. "Mac n'cheese?" she asked, sniffing the air as though she could smell something, even though there was no food, much less Mac n'cheese in their room.
Ali sighed. However much she loved her girlfriend, the younger woman acted like a five year old most of the time.
"Let me use the bathroom first," Ali said, giving in as the idea of food clicked into her mind. It did sound pretty good.
The defender made her way into the bathroom and slid down her pants, a frustrated groan leaking out of her as she saw the red splotch on her polka dotted underwear.
Thank you god for inventing periods for lesbians, she thought sarcastically. We really appreciate it.
About fifteen minutes later, the girls were in the dining hall across campus, where lunch was being served. Ashlyn beelined for the tray filled to the brim with Mac n'cheese, and Ali had to fight back a laugh. She took a seat next to Hope, who was sporting a yellow cast on her leg, which was already signed by the whole team and every other student she had "cruched" into who all said, over-enthusiastically, "CAN I PLEASE SIGN YOUR CAST?!" Reluctantly, she had let them.
Ali split open a banana as she took a gulp of the Starbucks coffee the student government had brought most happily brought for all the students on their literal "boxing day".
"How're you doing?" Ali asked the keeper, who shrugged in response.
"I'm off of the painkillers, so now I'm stuck with the pain. It's okay though," Hope said nonchalantly, brushing a few strands of hair behind her. "I'll be fine."
Ali had to smile at the girl's toughness. Hope always seemed to have her barriers up, always acting strong, even in situations like this when they all knew she was struggling.
Ashlyn placed an almost over-flowing bowl of Mac n'cheese next to the defender, who turned to see Alex following the blonde, taking a seat opposite Hope.
"Looks good," Ali commented, inhaling the scent of the pasta.
A sniffling noise made all four of the young women look behind them (Alex didn't have to) as they took in the startling sight of Tobin hurriedly walking past them, her eyes puffy and red from crying as tears glinted against her cheeks in the cafeteria light.
"What the fuck happened to her?" Ashlyn asked, turning towards Alex and Hope, who hung out with the emotional midfielder the most. The two exchanged a look, both shrugging.
"No idea. Can't be good though," Alex said, watching as her good friend walked right passed where Allie Long was eating with Kelley.
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