All Stars: Chapter 32
As the trees surrounding the NYU campus began to become more noticeably barren and empty, the usual chatter that sounded through the dorms began to quiet down, replaced by a solemn sense of focus that left a slightly despondent atmosphere hanging in the air.
The championship match was a week and a half away- November ninth- and the added stress of wanting to win so badly along with the fear for the upcoming exams left many students resting in the Campus Health Center, which resulted in a very angry and fearful Opal who demanded the team be at their peak for the game.
Practice time extended into the evening and when Coach Jackson ordered they head in as to not miss dinner, Opal almost had a very dramatic meltdown. After practices were over, the girls gobbled up a quick meal and headed off to their dorms, the library or a classroom to bury their heads deep in their books, only looking up when the clock chimed midnight.
Hope was still in the hospital, healing up after her major surgery to repair her Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), which had torn right in half, leading the bending the wrong way, swelling and the throbbing. She would be out in a few weeks, and would have to endure five months of physical therapy before she would be at her peak. Fortunately, Opal and Coach Jackson did not chew her out because she was missing the game, simply because they knew how much she was missing the freedom and the sport.
Alex brought her the information from her classes every week and clued her in on everything that was going on on the campus.
Hope was thankful for the younger sister like girl, even though she could be quite annoying sometimes, especially that day, when the forward was interrogating her about her love life.
"Alex, what are you hinting at?" the goalkeeper asked as she accepted the pudding cup Alex had brought back from the cafeteria.
Alex shrugged. "You should know. You spend more time watching her than studying for school."
Hope stared at her. "What? Who are you talking about?"
"You know."
"Lex, I really don't. An- and, are you saying I have feelings for a girl? Who is she? Alex?"
The forward rolled her eyes, sliding off the hospital bed and picking up her book bag she had placed on the side table moments earlier. She had an hour break in between her classes, which she usually used to spend time with Kelley, but to quote the freckled girl, "Everybody leave me alone, I need to study." She hopped in a cab and found herself at the hospital, where Hope was pleasantly surprised to see her roommate.
"Are you leaving?" Hope asked, seeing Alex slip into her green converse.
The girl gave her a suggestive look. "Yeah, you need time to reflect on your own thoughts. You dumbo," she added, giving the keeper a smiled before letting the door slam behind her.
Hope frowned.
Kelley swiveled around when she heard the window open, and came face to face with Allie Long's light green eyes. Kelley blinked in surprise when she realized the blonde was wearing all black with a neon green vest and her hair up in a ballerina bun.
Allie looked at the computer screen, and smiled. "Are you having cybersex?" she asked.
Kelley's eyes widen and she quickly shut the Mac. "I was IM'ing Super Solo."
The girl in the window laughed awkwardly. "That doesn't answer my question, you perv. And... Super Solo? I thought she would of requested you call her "Captain America" by now."
Kelley blushed, giggling nervously. She crept over to the window and put her face inches from the mid's.
"What the hell are you doing here?" she whispered, looking at the blonde carefully.
Allie shrugged. "I could ask you the same question. It's one am and the library's closed."
"Shh!" Kelley hissed, looking around for any signs of roaming security.
"Sorry," Allie apologized, squeezing herself through the open window.
"You never answered my question, Al," Kelley said. She stopped herself. "I me-mean, Allie."
The blonde smiled softly at the nickname usually reserved for Alex. "You never came back to our room after dinner and I got nervous and found you here."
Really? Kelley thought. You got nervous? But she didn't say that. "Oh, that's nice. Thank you."
Allie nodded at her, sitting down on the opposite side of the wooden table and logging onto one of the library owned computers.
Kelley looked at her of the rim of the black windows, slowly opening up her own Macbook and pulling up her IM with Hope.
SQUIRREL : Sorry for not responding. Allie's here
SUPER SOLO : At one in the morning?
SQUIRREL : it would appear so.
SUPER SOLO : You know you could IM me tomorrow. Or i guess, today. But like, at humanly hours.
SQUIRREL : I guess so. But Allie's here and leaving would be rude.
SUPER SOLO : Kelley O'Hara doesn't care if she's rude. You dont want to leave.
SUPER SOLO : Does Alex know?
SQUIRREL : There's nothing to know.
SUPER SOLO : Uh-hun. goodnight. i need some sleep and i need to digest the pudding your real girlfriend gave to me this morning in peace.
SQUIRREL : Fuck you. But goodnight, sleep tight.
SUPER SOLO : Don't let the bed bugs bite!
SQUIRRL : lol.
Kelley was about to close the window of her IM page when a notification came up saying she had a new message from someone named "The Blonde Beauty". Kelley clicked on it, ready to tell the person to go away
THE BLONDE BEAUTY : You should fix your ponytail. It looks like it's about to come out.
Kelley read it again and then looked at Allie, who was smirking at her.
SQUIRREL : Screw you.
Allie's mouth opened in pretend shock, letting out a dramatic gasp.
THE BLONDE BEAUTY : Jeez, freckle master. Take a chill pill.
SQUIRREL : oh, haha. you're sooo funny.
THE BLONDE BEAUTY : Exactly what I was hoping for. Goodnight, Squirrel. We have training tomorrow.
Allie stood up, clicking off of the Windows computer and slipping back out the window without a word to Kelley.
The freckled girl stared after her, her lips slightly parted as the blush cleared from her face. Shaking her head, the girl opened her phone and sent a text to Alex, reminding herself where her priorities were.
[Kelley- 1:42] Goodnight, I love you.
a/n: as school is starting soon, my update schedule is going back to once or twice a week, probably on the weekends.
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