All Stars: Chapter 23
"Alex, I'm sorry. It's not your fault," Hope said, trying to fill the agonizingly silent atmosphere by apologizing to her roommate for what felt like the fifteenth time. The forward was turned away from the keeper, reading, or pretending to read, a text book. She was obviously listening to what Hope was saying, as she had no earbuds or headphones in. Hope was stretched out over her bed, facing Alex's back, trying to talk to her.
After the game, the team had solemnly retreated to their rooms, upset with the draw and Hope and Alex's fight. Alex had stormed into the duo's room, shutting the door behind her and immediately started homework, ignoring everything that Hope was saying to her.
"Lex, please," the brunette pleaded, making a praying sign with her hands, even though the younger girl couldn't see her.
"I'm sorry. I was, well, am, upset about the outcome of the game, but I know that it wasn't your fault."
Out of the corner of her eye, Alex saw Hope look down in defeat. The keeper had been trying so hard, and Alex really wanted to comfort her, but it was her freaking stubbornness that prevented her from doing that. She had to leave the room. She would break if she heard anymore of her friend's pleading. She slammed her textbook shut, placed it, not very gently, on the desk, grabbed her phone and walked out of the room.
Once the door shut, Hope let out a frustrated sigh. The girl's mouth moved before her mind could process what she was saying, and that was her major problem. Because of her, she had lost a close friend. Not forever, Hope reminded herself. Alex ought to forgive you someday.
She needed someone to talk to. After much self debating, Hope decided she needed to know if there was a friend in a certain brunette. Texting Tobin quickly, Hope stood and paced to the dorm number the nutmeg queen had said and cautiously knocked three times on the door.
"Coming," called a voice from inside as Hope heard footsteps pad up to the door. It opened to reveal Carli, dressed in sweat pants, a Delran High School tee shirt and flip-flops. Her hair was tied back in its classic bun, complete with a bitchy expression on her face when she realized who had come to pay her a visit.
"What do you want, Solo?" she asked, leaning against the door casually.
Hope paused. Every since the two's interaction at Christen's birthday, she had thought there might be something between her and her crush. Apparently, Carli had no idea. She still treated her the same as everyone else; like the only time she would be friends, much less anything more than friends, was if everyone else on the earth were dead.
"I ju-just needed someone to talk to," the keeper stumbled, unsure of what Carli would do.
The brunette just looked at her for a minute before saying softly, "Are you okay?"
Hope couldn't believe it. The midfielder actually sounded concerned. She had never known this side of the girl existed. It was like the midfielder had two different personalities; one where she hated everyone and only cared about soccer, and the one she was letting Hope see right now, which was sympathetic and caring. Maybe even nice.
Hope shrugged. "Alex won't talk to me, no matter how much I've apologised."
Carli looked at her carefully. "Did you say the right thing?" she asked, playing with a hair that had fallen out of her bun.
Hope stared at her teammate in confusion. "I just said, I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said what I did. It wasn't good of me."
Carli rolled her eyes, "Solo, you have to imagine you were Alex. How would you feel if someone said something mean to you and then tried to apologize?"
The goalie thought for a minute before replying. "I would ignore them because I would be to stubborn- oh!" she cut herself off, understanding where Carli was going. "Wait. Are you saying that she forgives me, but she doesn't want me to know because she wants to seem tough and, well, unforgiving?"
Carli glared at her before whispering, "I never talked to you," and closed the door. Hope stared at the wooden surface for a moment before shaking her head and slowly walking to Kelley's room, the place she figured the forward had gone.
Hope knew her suspicions were right because when Kelley opened the door, a fresh bruise was sported on her neck. Hope willed herself not to look at it, but instead look at the freckled girl's hazel eyes.
"Is Alex here?" she asked, much kinder than she intended. Kelley nodded, looking behind her into the room.
Hope bit her lip. "Ca- can I talk to her?"
Kelley turned around again, sharing an unnoticed look by Hope. Kelley nodded. "She's coming."
The former defender disappeared inside and was automatically replaced by Alex Morgan, who wouldn't meet Hope's eyes. She waited patiently for some sort of profound apology, explaining why she said those things. That's not what Alex wanted.
Instead, the young one found herself enveloped in the older girl's warm muscular arms. They felt so comforting and relaxing. Alex instantly felt at peace with herself and with the girl who's arms were holding her.
A few moments later, Hope released Alex, kissing the top of her head big sister-ly.
"You're good for Kelley," Hope murmured, giving the forward a last smile before turning away.
Alex laughed. "Do I need your approval?" she teased.
Hope shrugged, only half joking. "Yep, I think so."
The forward rolled her eyes at her roommate and was about to turn into Kelley's room when Hope's voice rang out from the other end of the hallway.
"Keep it somewhat PG-13 in there, Lex."
Alex's mouth dropped open. "Hope!" she exclaimed. "That's just- ew."
Hope laughed loudly. "Don't think I didn't see that hickey on your girlfriend's neck."
"HOPE!" Alex protested. Hope's laughter slowly disappeared as she made her way up the stairwell.
Alex shook her head in a combination of laughter and disgust as she walked into Kelley's room.
I laughed really hard while writing this chapter, and my dad was watching me like I was insane. It wasn't even very funny.
It's currently thuderstorming outside.
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