All Stars: Chapter 20
Alex lay there on top of Kelley. The warmth of the girl's body caressed the forward's soft skin. They could've lied there for hours, Alex's legs bent and separated over the other girl's, her arms draped behind Kelley's neck and Kelley's smooth chest expanding with every breath she took. Alex could feel every exhale and every inhale, and her breathing became synchronised with Kelley's. In, out. In, out.
Alex was missing practice, but she didn't care. Right now, in that very moment, Kelley was the only thing on her mind.
Alex felt Kelley smile as she pressed her lips against the freckled girl. When the forward was with Kelley, it seemed as if all her worries and fears disappeared into a cloud of nothingness, and what was left was a white sheet of blankness. It was a canvas that Kelley could draw on, and as she explored Alex, not just physically, but mentally and socially as well, lines and shapes would appear, painting an image of happiness.
At that moment, there was only a circle. A combination of pink and sky blue, the duo's favorite colours.
The two weren't an official couple yet, but they both knew they had strong feelings for each other. They hadn't told anyone, though Allie probably knew. Allie knew everything.
Kelley uncurled an arm around Alex, gently pushing the younger girl off of her and sitting up.
"Al, shouldn't you be at practice?"
Alex shrugged, moving in for another kiss. Kelley held up a finger to intercept her.
Alex frowned.
"Isn't the game in two days?" Kelley asked rhetorically.
Again, Alex shrugged and attempted to kiss her. Kelley stopped her.
"Al," she began, not knowing what she was going to say. "The team needs you."
The forward pouted at her crush. "But I need you..." she whined, successfully pecking Kelley on the lips. Kelley blushed, and gave in. It was Alex's choice. If she wanted to stay with the freckled girl, so be it.
Alex lay back down on her bed, curling into Kelley's side. She rested a leg over Kelley's hip and closed her eyes, letting the other girl's breathing sooth her into a gentle sleep.
When the girl's eyes fluttered open and she drifted to consciousness, something she had never heard rang peacefully in her ears. Someone was singing and playing the guitar.
Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you
As the song finished, Alex turned around on the bed and faced Kelley, who jumped and nearly dropped the guitar she was holding in shock.
"That was beautiful," Alex said quietly. Kelley simply stared at her, too shocked and possibly embarrassed to say anything.
Alex broke the silence for her. "How long have you sang?"
Kelley smiled. "Since I was eight. My taught Dad me to play," she stumbled.
Alex smirked at the older girl's cuteness. "We just added another shape to the canvas."
Kelley grinned. "You're very philosophical today," she observed, carefully strumming a few notes on her guitar. A C chord. A G chord.
"I always am," Alex clarified, staring at Kelley deeply.
Kelley's grin widened. "I painted a swirl," she said.
"I'm glad."
Calmly, Alex reached over the side of her bed and flipped open a magazine and started reading through it. Kelley strummed a song very softly in the guitar. The two felt very at peace with each other. They felt at peace with the world, which was even better. At least, until Hope Solo burst through the dorm's door, glaring at Alex but ignoring Kelley.
"What the fuck, Morgan?!" she exclaimed angrily.
Kelley gave Alex an I-Told-You-So look, which she ignored, focusing her attention on Hope.
"I'm sorry, Hope," she said carefully, not wanting to make her roommate any angrier. "I had other matters to attend to."
Hope's glare hardened. "You shouldn't be apologising to me. Apologize to the team when we fucking lose on Saturday," she snarled. With that, the tall keeper spun out of the room, slamming the door behind her.
Alex winced, "That was harsh."
"I told you so..." Kelley sang boastingly.
Alex rolled her eyes. "Please. I feel bad enough already."
"You deserve that, you know," the freckled girl responded, packing up her guitar quickly.
"You're leaving?"
Kelley nodded regretfully. "Hope's probably sulking outside and I don't want to spare her anymore minutes of not yelling at you."
Alex groaned loudly. "I hate you."
Kelley smirked. "You love me!"
"I love and hate you," Alex decided, smiling.
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