"I've got it," Malfoy whispers breathlessly, turning his book and sliding it across the table to Harry.
Harry shoves his own book aside and reads the page set before him.
Despite the rarity of these occurences, some documentation has come from Healers Francis And Eleanor Gonzalez starting in 1863. The pair wrote down details from their journey as bonded wandless magicians in multiple notebooks, which were later recovered and used as evidence for this phenomenon.
According to Eleanor, "My ability to do wandless magic was severely handicapped as an individual. I could barely lift a pencil, let alone do anything useful. But with Francis, I found myself able to do magic beyond my wildest imagination."
The duo started as friends and co-workers, when they discovered in a way that has not been yet recorded that when they touched, their abilities in wandless magic escalated to an extreme level. Although uncontrollable at the start, the two practiced together, and soon found themselves able to manipulate things much better than if they had done it individually or by wand.
Soon after this, Eleanor and Francis started dating, and continued to branch these powers to help them in their joint careers as Healers in the same division, Auror Treatment and Healing. They found themselves able to heal and detect injuries that regular screenings could not, and much quicker than other methods.
A year later, Eleanor and Francis were married. They described their wedding as a "magical event", in more ways than one. Supposedly, upon the kiss that would seal their marriage, they could feel the other's magic. The two no longer needed to touch to have the abilities that their bond would give them. In the words of Francis Gonzalez, "It was as if we were the same person. There was no 'I', no 'her'. It was us, and would always be us. We could feel the other's emotions, sense their power, manipulate it. Our magic was joined. There was no division line."
Although the two had to stay in close proximity to have the full powers of their bond, it still is truly an extraordinary phenomenon that they were able to complete these feats.
Eleanor caught dragon pox in 1874 at the age of thirty-six. Despite being a Healer, she could not save herself from the death it brought her. Her death destroyed the bond between her and Francis, and he died as a result. They had one child, Miriam Gonzalez, who was only seven when they died.
Harry sits back in his chair. "Eleanor and Francis Gonzalez," he murmurs. "God damn."
"Don't you get it?" Malfoy looks terrified and excited at the same time. "They practiced their powers together. They bonded through marriage, and they became powerful enough to do anything."
"I know, but Malfoy, you realize that would involve us getting married, right?" Harry asks.
"We would be risking our lives. If one of us died, the other would too. And God only knows what would happen if we divorced," Malfoy added, nodding.
"We would have to keep the real reason a secret, too. We can't give everyone false hope, just to rip it away again," Harry continues.
"We don't even know if it will work," Malfoy whispers.
"I don't know if we have a choice."
"We do. We just have a choice between what destroys our lives, and what destroys the lives of the world."
They both know their answer.
"Draco Malfoy, will you marry me?"
The answer comes with the dread they both feel, the unease and the pain and the fear.
"I will."
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