Part 3
Wilbur had been watching Manberg for weeks. He had been watching how Schlatt ran the place, and soon enough Schlatt had reverted back to his old, drunken self; hurting Quackity and all the other inhabitants. He had been visiting Quackity more frequently and they'd soend more time together, doing things together, and Wilbur loved it. Then, one day it changed.
Quackity was getting ready to head out when Schlatt called his name. "Hey, Quackity?" "Hm?" "I found a cigarette in the pocket of your jacket." Quackity froze. "I thought you hated smoking." he questioned. "Erm- it's just a habit I picked up recently." "Hm. That's interesting. This is Wilbur's favorite brand of cigarettes. And this is the fifth time I found one of these in your jacket this week." Schlatt narrowed his eyes. Quackity buttoned up his shirt, despite how shaky his hands were. He snatched the jacket from Schlatt and walked out, trying to get as far away as he could.
He went to the outskirts of the town, where Wilbur lived. Instead of knocking, he burst through. Wilbur was on the couch, smoking. "Oh, hello, Quacky." "Why the hell was there a cigarette in my jacket?" "Oh, I must've left it there last night. How busy that night was," he chuckled, recalling last night's 'activities.' "Well, Schlatt found it and I think he's onto me." "Oh. Well, that's not good." "Not shit, dumbass!" "Can you stop being so angry for once?" he tossed a cigarette at him. Quackity took it and lit it. "Wilbur, what if he finds out? I'll be dead, you'll be dead, and the server'll be doomed." "Then you need to be more discreet." "Oh, you're one to talk. Seems to me like you're trying to get me caught." "I'm trying to keep you out of that relationship, Quackity." "Yeah, like ours is any better?" "Have I ever manipulated you? Have I ever once plucked your feathers for doing anything wrong? That relationship you have with Schlatt is TOXIC!" "I know!" "Then why are you in it? I can't stand seeing him hurt you the way he does!" "Because I don't want him to ruin L'Manberg! I din't want to hurt anyone else! That's why I let him do this to me, and you're the only thing that keeps me sane in this shit server!" Quackity didn't notice the tears forming in his eyes. Wilbur blew out his cigarette and wrapped Quackity in a hug. "Calm down, dear. I know how much their safety means to you, but yours is top priority, understand?" Quackity nodded, wiping his face. Wilbur looked down at Quackity, smiling. "What?" Quackity asked. "You're just so cute." "I am not-!" his face turned pink. Wilbur chuckled. "Yes, yes you are." he played with Quackity's hair. Quackity grumbled, leaning into him. "Stupid brit,," "Hm? What was that?" "I called you stupid." "Ah. Would a 'stupid Brit' do this?" Wilbur smirked as he pinned Quackity to the couch, inches away from his face. A small squeal of surprise escaped Quackity's lips. "W-Wilb-" he cut him off by kissing him. Quackity jumped, but kissed him back. Wilbur's hand slipped down his chest to his waist. Quackity shivered under his cold hands. They pulled away, taking breaths. "Okay, maybe you're not stupid anymore." Wilbur smiled. "Stop smiling and kiss me."
!!Just here to say that there might be some really bad smut(by that I mean I suck at writing smut)so, if you don't like smut you can skip:)!!
Wilbur pulled him close and kissed him. Quackity slipped his tongue in, earning a small gasp from Wilbur. He smiled into the kiss, grabbing Wilbur's hips and pulling him into his lap. Wilbur pulled away for air. "Who decided you could try and top me?" he smiled. "I did." "I that so?" Wilbur's hand trailed down to Quackity's pants as he began to pull them down. Quackity gasped, but didn't make him stop. Wilbur threw his pants to the side before picking him up and taking him to his room. He dumped him on the bed and crawled on top of him. Quackity began pulling Wilbur's pants down as they kissed. Wilbur pulled off their shirts, then their boxers. He looked down at Quackity for permission, like he always did. Quackity nods. Wilbur lines his tip up with his hole, then inserted it. A moan escapes Quackity's lips as he grabs at Wilbur's hair. Wilbur goes slowly, then harder and faster, with permission of course. Quackity moans, grabbing Wilbur's shoulder. Wilbur leans down, biting at Quackity's neck, leaving big hickeys. "More~" Quackity moans. Wilbur obeys and continues going on hard until Quackity cums. Wilbur pulls out and kisses Quackity all over his body, leaving hickeys, mainly on his neck and torso. Quackity wraps his arms around Wilbur and looks away, which is what he did when he was ready to stop. Wilbur obeys and lays next to him, stroking his hair. Quackity curls up against him, catching his breath. "I love you, Wil,," "I love you too, darling," Wilbur plants a kiss on his forehead. Suddenly, the door slams open. "Quackity!?" I voice yells. Quackity screams, covering his mouth. he covers himself with the blanket. Wilbur jumps up, hurriedly pulling his pants on. Schlatt grabbed him and pinned him to the wall. "Ooh, kinky~" Wilbur smirked. "Don't fucking 'ooh kinky' me, fucker!" Schlatt punched him int he mouth. Wilbur spat blood onto the floor. Quackity struggled to get his shirt on. "Schlatt stop, I made him-" Wilbur shoved Quackity away. I'll deal with you when we get home. As for YOU, Soot!" Schlatt punched him again and kicked him in the ball. Wilbur grunted, falling to his knees. Wilbur tried to help him, but Schlatt pulled him and yanked him back to the white house.
Once they were back inside, he threw Quackity against the wall. Quackity grunted. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" "You're what's wrong with me! All you do is hurt me and fuck me-" Schlatt punched him. "And you let him fuck you?!" "He waits for permission! He stops when I tell him to! He-" "I have given you too fucking much for you to go off with that traitorous snake!" Schlatt grabbed him and began plucking the feathers off of his wings. "Wait wait, Schlatt st-" he cried out in pain, trying to get away. "Schlatt, please I'm sorry!!" "I'm sick of you lying behind my-" Quackity punched him and pulled away, clutching his bleeding wings. Tears stained his bleeding face. Schlatt growled and slammed him against the wall. Quackity grunted in pain, falling to his knees. Schlatt grabbed his sword. "W-wait, Schlatt-" Quackity tried to crawl away, but Schlatt stomped on his wing. Quackity screamed as a loud crack filled the air. "Schlatt, PLEASE!!" "Say you love me!!" "I DON'T!! I DON'T LOVE YOU!!" Quackity sobbed, tugging at his wing. Schlatt then slain him. Quackity respawned in the corner. He ran out the door and raced down the streets of Manberg, looking for a safe house. He ran into Eret. "Oh my, Quackity, what's-" Quackity sobbed into his shirt. Eret hugged him, waiting it out. "I-I need Wilbur,," at that moment, Wilbur appeared. "I'll take him." "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened." Wilbur nods and walks home. He sits on the couch with Quackity in his lap. He sobs into Wilbur's shirt as Wilbur cleans him up. "Alex, what happened?" "He-he,, my wings,, he killed me,," he started hyperventilating. Wilbur stroked his hair, knowing this help. Quackity leaned into his touch. Suddenly, a blaring voice rang out across the server. "THE COUNTRY OF MANBERG IS WAGING WAR ACROSS THE SERVER!!" "This is my fault!" Quackity sobbed. "Shh,, sh,," "I'm sorry, I-" Wilbur shushed him. "Just cry, Alex. Just cry."
And that's when it happened. Explosions rang throughout Manberg, followed by screaming and begging. It had begun.
That's it for today :) it's a long chapter, i know-
~13341 words
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